Why are the most Legends salty as f...ish?

  • In my opinion, the most Legends U meet in Sea of Thieves are very conceited. They always want to be leader and if U try to be diplomatic - and tell them they should be diplomatic 2, read the pirate code, they start to act like... salty as f...ish. This is just my Experience. What do U think? Have U made the same Experience with some other Legends?

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  • Im PL Athena 10, and I'm only salty towards people you meet on the sea that troll you.

    Eg - out gunning and out manning you 4 to 1, then calling you "trash" and a "S**t player" (normally after they've 4v1'd you in hand to hand combat because they can't sink a solo sloop with 4 cannons) then proceeding to hunt you down repetitively - attempting to sink you (knowing full well you don't have any loot) till you leave the server.

    These are the only players that make me salty. My whole crew and I are legends, and we have got time for every sailor on the seas, regardless of their levels. Especially if they have new and interesting ways to #BeMorePirate 😁

  • @sashsnake

    As with anything, you'll meet all sorts of pirates on the seas, some are salty, some are helpful, 'tis human nature, I don't think it has a lot to do with whether they're legends or not.

  • I regularly sail with Legends, most of my crewmates are now there or thereabouts and I shouldn't be too much longer.

    We have a range of folk in the crew, but I have to say all are diplomatic and will work together, listening to other people and their opnions, though there are a very few (one or two) who do seem to like to hog the helm or take control of things.

  • I am a Legend and only salty to trolls, like the pirate that boarded my Brig to murder my chickens

    Most of the time we try to be helpful. I have boarded ships to help repair them. Shot across to islands to say hi to a fellow pirate and give them a random chest we found. On one occasion we had a banana crate and some Athena 7 & 8's helped fill it. They joined our alliance and we gave them our Athena chest at the end. We were both Athena 10 so it meant more to them than it did to us.

    We are not all salty, I love this game and want to ensure everyone I meet has a positive experience of our crew. Of course that might not happen if you shoot first.

  • I'm never salty.

    If I get frustrated I go do something else.

    Allowing yourself to get angry just makes you more prone to getting angry in the future. You get angry quicker and stay angry longer. It's to do with neural conditioning and the neurotransmitters that the brain releases when we get angry, they're unpleasant, but addictive, so we end up training our brains to predictably react in certain ways to certain stimuli - trolls feed off this.

    The best thing to do is remove the source of frustration (i.e. log out), allow yourself to cool down (take a breath) and then redirect that energy into another activity to blow off steam (go for a walk).

    You don't end up feeding the trolls and your head will be a nicer place to live in.

  • Where do I find these players? Most of the time I take charge just because no one else wants to.

  • I cannot confirm that @SashSnake
    It's nothing that depends on Legend or not, imho this depends on how a player approaches a game in general.
    If they a barely playing, but working or seeking for meaning or treat it like competetive sports or smth. like that, they approach the game or gaming itself more serious and less calmly.
    Therefore these players tend to become salty if things run not like they expected.
    I don't see any correlation beeing legend as i know legends who are very calmly and don't take this too serious, but just play to have fun.

  • @SashSnake I’m a Pirate Legend and am about as salt free as one can get. The vast majority of folks I sail with are all Pirate Legend or close...yeah I’m looking at you @Sshteeve ;-)

    I only fire if fired upon and I’ll give Mentoring ‘and’ Athena’s away like candy to any vessel or vessels who approaches with a song or kind word instead of a cannonade. Just last week I ran an impromptu mentoring session for two full crews who just happened to roll in peacefully while we were about to log off. Ended up shepherding them thru an Athena and stood there while all three crews clapped as they turned in their first Legendary Chest.

    We’re out here...indeed :-)

  • 1/2 the people I meet are legends and like Katttruewalker said they are all Different. Its the noobies that I notice get all call of duty and swear fast and frequent. Most old school players even if not legends are pretty chatty and chill even if they want to sink ya, they are cool and fun about it.Legends do have goals like doing cargo runs or something before times up. So if you join a crew trying to do the weekly event and want to do the skull fort I could see the issue

  • @barnacle-blake yup, once that initial "pirates, shooty cannons, another ship yay!" bloodlust wears off, most folk want to sail in peace.

    Though a ship glowing with treasure clearly heading for dock, or that contested Skull fort... oh boy they can call to you!

  • Why are most legends salty as fish ................ they don't like getting battered.

  • I think most people who've played this game for a while now are Legends. Lots of us don't show it tho.

    The people you meet who wear the legend outfit and the title are so proud of themselves and entitled. In their view they're awesome and unkillable, so if you kill them they get really upset for having their dreams crushed.

    Lots of other folks you might meet are going to be secret legends and they'll be more civil.

    Adverse I've seen pretty new players get really shouty at me for sinking them.

  • @boxcar-squidy I'm only salty when I get spawn killed it's so annoying

  • Its kinda hard to blame some legends for being frustrated after putting so much time in to become legend only to find out that all that is left to provide “new and interesting gameplay” is their inagination rather than any tangible game mechanics to interact with or activites to engage in... all thats left is repeating the same quests that we always have had except for cargo runs and all of the above are pretty boring and underwhelming reskinned fetch quests with slight twists to each.

    When the achievement of pirate legend means nothing, but we are told that the game is about making stories, and all thats left is to play the game like a pvp arena or the opposite of that which is pirate vr chat...

    Seems likely to me that this is the cause of a lot of the issue here..

    We all have seen players who genuinely troll or take the game to seriously but i think if pirate legends could do more than share athena voyages, which is another repeat of the same quests, this would be less of a problem and PL wouldnt be playing the game with a frustrated attitude in the first place, not that its any excuse for reportable behavior, but i see why a lot of PL might seem like trolls or that they are salty, but that comes partially from the game we have not just the people.

  • I believe OP is referring to the Legends that have started coming out in greater numbers with a number of complaints, all related to there being little in the way of Legend content besides the cosmetics.

    Personally, I like the idea of Pirate Legend having more prestige based on actions you've done in-game, as opposed to having access to loads of restricted content.

  • @blam320 i agree, but no content at all is the problem, there isnt any restricted content in the first place, and anything else added could still have the same idea of “legend activated, available to the whole server” as athena voyages.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Why are the most Legends salty as f...ish?:

    @a-cranky-eskimo said in Why are the most Legends salty as f...ish?:

    we are told that the game is about making stories

    That's exactly what the game is. By being in a sandbox setting, Rare takes a hands off approach and leaves it up to the player to decide what they want to do.

    Read these stories: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/category/64/tavern-tales

    This is the point of the game. This is why it was created and this is how you are supposed to be playing it.

    Not focusing on carrot and sticks and the grind.

    ????? So adding content to an empty game is “focusing on carrot and sticks and the grind”

    Im not legend yet and you guys trolling any negative post i make dosnt make the quests provide fun stories or make PL content exist.

    I thought it was a sandbox? Why are you trying to tell me “how to play”?

  • @sashsnake
    My dear Mr Sashsnake, please don't pull everybody over the same comb...i'm a pirate legend recently, pirate legend by the way of playing very much, and not because i have any exceptional skill. Pirate Legend are people ,pirates ,that played a long time to reach level 50 in every faction...If you have met arrogant Legends, wich i totally believe , then remind they would be arrogant without that title too...i feel no better and no being more after becoming Legend as before becoming a legend. allthough i find the Legend clothes very beautiful , i find them too beautiful to work on a boat and therefore i prefer to run around in my bilge rat rags and other poorlooking clothes. you will never find the Legend title above my head...Nor will i take command , i am and will always be Clumsy George , and i still know my place in this world. i am nothing more than a number in the factory , a shadow on the street , a no one , an expandable person...But once in my attic the real me comes to live and i still rather cooperate with people than bluntly kill them…

    i still find the concept that a level one ,new pirate , can kill a Legend, level 50, pirate one of the most beautiful things in this game...

    i'm pretty sure that there are arrogant Legends around but not every Legend is the same , nor is every person the same...And all those that think they are more , or have more value than another human player , will one day be confronted with a hard truth...we all get forced on our knees in life , by destiny, bad luck , disease or worse ...And then you realize that we are just bags of water and blood nomatter what yer title in real life is ….In the Casket Garden , we all rest in the same soil ...i ain't not one zip of spit better than a new pirate , on the contrary , we played yesterday with a person who played some 5 times but when i saw him fight on the Cursed sails ship i was amazed and was standing with open mouth in awe on how quickly this young guy moved and cut through the skeletons rank , and no , this "legend" could not do what he did...

  • @personalc0ffee said in Why are the most Legends salty as f...ish?:

    @a-cranky-eskimo No one is trolling your posts, bud. I'm far too busy for that.

    Doing what lol???

    No one ever said do not add content, tools, and mechanics to the game.

    No they just attack the posts of people who want more from this game, as if only the tools mechanics and content that rare thinks of is always good enough, and you tell people their opinion that it isnt, is wrong, because of the arbitrary definition of the word “sandbox”.

    What I"m saying is there doesn't need to be a thing a feature, mechanic, point, etc. to hand hold the player and take them through the game.

    No one ever said that either.

    People are demanding modes, zones, story modes, etc. from a sandbox style game that can not support these modes and is not built for these modes.

    Cop out excuse for lack of content. Everyone accepts that rare will change suggestions to fit in their game. People dont accept mediocre fetch quests and the expansive nothing that this game provides in its current state.

    This is an online multiplayer sandbox experience, not a single player RPG. Mechanics and features for those games, will not fit in SoT without great care into how they will interact with all aspects of the game and the players. There are multiple sides to SoT, not just PvE and PvP.

    No one said add single player content. Maybe they should start putting great care into the development, fetch quests and every cosmetic being priced the same surely arent great care.

    As for Legends acting in this manner, well we aren't all this way.

    If people are frustrated or bored, it's time to take a break and come back with fresh eyes. Never under estimate what a good break can do.

    I have been for a few months, and no the game is still pushing content out without sandbox or emergent value, without any real variables, tools or mechanics being added that arent meaningless side activities or one and done quests. And therefore still dosnt have true sandbox gameplay or a reason to return except to have fun playing as if the game was a pvp arena rather than a sandbox.

    These are all way more valid reasons for players who have put the time into the game to become legend to be reasonably bored and frustrated.

    You can stop trying to explain my own opinion to me, i understand the game just fine.

  • Ahoy mates,

    Just want to jump in here and suggest that ye be puttin' yer swords away, the op has created a discussion around their experience wi' pirate legends on the seas.

    We each have our opinions on why this might be but forum rules ask that we're respectful of those opinions whether or not we disagree.

  • @sashsnake I think you’re misinformed, it’s not pirate legends that are salty in general but moreso the people who are salty in every game they play. Just the other day my crew of legends went up against a crew with legends. We were laughing the entire time we fought them while they cussed us out and started screaming. Anecdotal sure but I’m pretty sure your argument is anecdotal too. Point being is that this post is just meant to antagonize pirate legends.

  • Back to the OP,
    Many players, not just legends, are easily upset because we join crews who don't raise/drop sails, go away from keyboard while steering the ship, drop anchor, dont help raise the anchor, dont stock the ship, don't try to complete their own voyage by fighting skeletons or finding chests. The list goes on. We try to interject to help those on the ship and get chirped at. It is frustrating.

    Sadly the best part of this game for me is still open crews. It is the only thing that guarantees each session will be different.

  • @sashsnake the only salty legends I met, were salty since the beginning of time.
    Eg. Me...

    You'd face a salty fresh sailor if you faced me Early in the game as if you'd face me now... I'd call every name to your beloved parrot... I'm a hot head PvP gamer, worst if I'm losing..
    That's way I try not to engage much, and when I do I'm the last man fighting.

    As I'm saying, that must not be related to legendary status, but to individuals.

    The difference is this game can create much more frustrated actions if we manage our things careless. Because nothing is ours, nothing is earned untill we sell them.

  • Only time I'm a little salty is when I'm solo slooping and being hunted down by a 3-4 player ship. Most of the time I'm just grinding Athena missions and will try to avoid fighting if possible.

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