Guide for New Pirates!

  • @piratecraggy 5 videos so far and the 6th will be up tomorrow, all organized on a separate playlist for ease of navigation, thank you again matey :)

  • I’m going to risk getting in trouble here as your not meant to bump threads but I’m noticing more new members to these fair shores today soooooo.....

    Bump Bump Bump

    Don’t judge me to harshly mods :P

  • My tip: If you wonder whether you should check the horizon to make sure no other ships are coming up on you, then you should have already done it at least a minute ago!

  • Solo tip: when visiting large islands park the ship near cannons on land. It's easy to know where they are as skeletons fire at you. This allows you to provide some protection to your ship from land and a quick launch and escape back to your ship.
    The upside, it is fun to watch the sailors swim back to their own ships or to the island in a panic as they are caught off guard. Giving you time to get back to your ship.

  • Cannon fire tip: never aim at the same location to fire your next cannonball. Hit the ships at different locations to create more holes.
    Cannon fire tip 2: Always start low and then go high especially when firing at a galleon.

  • Just added a link Community Idea's Master List Updated 12/13 by @ENF0RCER and crew!

    A great place to find some of the popular ideas and suggestions on the forums so far!

  • Not sure how everyone feels about this, but get to know the map. Concentrate on the larger islands. Whenever you sail around, try and guess where you are on the map, and then check to see if you are right.

    One thing I did was a lot of the animal merchant quests solo. I even tried doing them without using the map to force me to get to know the map. Now, most of the time, I don't need the map to find my way.

    This came in very handy last night. We had just finished an ashen athena, had a fair amount of loot including two green gems from mermaids my first mate needed to finish that commendation. We were sailing along and the red (queen) meg popped up. So, not seeing anyone else around, we dropped anchor and killed off the queen. However, we killed her just as she was chomping down on our boat.

    Somehow, her invisible carcass was blocking us from getting below deck to repair. In fact, we were floating in the air above the carcass until I managed to grab the ladder on the mast and force my way past it. Without a way to get below, we sunk. Thankfully, we had our rowboat. We were able to load all of that loot into the rowboat. I looked around and saw we were closest to Krakens Falls. Had I not known the map or the islands, or even where I was on the map when we started with the meg, we would have been in worse trouble.

    Our rowboat had a very nice glow to it, so we would be seen by anyone near us. So after helping my first mate load the rowboat, and giving her directions to head towards krakens falls, I took the mermaid to our new shiny boat. Once there, (barnacle cay) I knew exactly which direction to go and get back to my first mate and our rowboat with all that valuable loot. Having wind in my sails, I set forth and got to the rowboat before she could get to the island. Docked the rowboat to our brig and set sail, just in time, as there was another player boat heading from galleons grave to the roar. They would have for sure spotted the rowboat and I am sure did there best to help(themselves). So, in the end, knowing where you are on the ocean and knowing the islands not only saves you time on voyages, but could save your bacon if things go awry.

  • Also to add to this thread - If anyone new would like some help, Old Salts P.T.A are here to help:

    Fair winds

    The Old Salts

  • @j4dio Fixed now ;)

  • Added a very comprehensive guide to Bilge Rat Adventures and events which can be found here -

  • Noticing a lot of new pirates over the last couple of days, so I’m sure the mods won’t mind if I judge this back up to the top for a little while.

    Welcome aboard to all the new members! :)

  • @knifelife said in Guide for New Pirates!:

    Noticing a lot of new pirates over the last couple of days, so I’m sure the mods won’t mind if I judge this back up to the top for a little while.

    Welcome aboard to all the new members! :)

    Yip.. lots of useful info contained within this thread.
    If you are new to the game & the forum feel free to pop questions up.....

    Want to Ask a question
    ( Just an addition to information already present )

    • Create a new thread on topic under the correct Category Title.
      Remember to do a quick search from the "Community" tab at the top of the screen.

    It's fairly common for questions to have been already answered
    But if not.. also the info may be out of date... work away!

    Hot Topics

    Please note we have a lot of "Hot" topics occasionally around the game
    ie. Cross-Play, Fishing, M&K support for XBOX etc...
    If you have a query in regards to any "Hot" topic rather than create multiple threads do a little search, & join that conversation.
    There is always at least one recent "Current" discussion thread on these subjects. If not a MEGA thread.

    One final point... if you find a topic you wish to reply to on your searches.
    Please note its "Age" & date of "Last" reply... as Resurrection of old threads often gets them locked. ( They are often out of date )

    Enjoy! and always remember the Pirate Code

  • @piratecraggy As an extension to Craggy:

    Remember if you see any bugs to report them to support so they can be squashed :D

  • Added - by @Nayfe-Pacewell

  • @katttruewalker
    Wow thank you for the mention!
    Sea of Dummies, IS currently out of date but still being written.

    There will be a sizable item added in the near future that's covers the game in it's near whole!

    Stay tuned for that :D

  • @katttruewalker
    I have also written up this item on the Kraken,


    (I'm sure you have plenty on the kraken already tho)

  • @knifelife in new

  • @katttruewalker nice

  • @nofears-fun hello to all my pirate friends arghh.
    I want to tell you about this and for you to embark with me to work that only this tool can make you know and leave the port of Spain it will be as if you were a pirate embark now with us.

  • For the avid kraken hunters out there, this one took a while to figure out, but the kraken only spawns when their are no other events( such as markers in the skye like a skull or shadow of a ship in the skye). Ever wonder why the kraken always spawns after a hard time of finishing a skeleton fort at the worst possible moment? Thats why! Just be careful out there and have a good time !

  • Do you completely start over when you launch the insider version?

  • @rebel-terrer said in Guide for New Pirates!:

    Do you completely start over when you launch the insider version?

    We talk about Insider program only on the specific forum category.

    If you have questions please don't necro old posts!

  • I am vary much new to this place but i am happy to be here and meet more of the community!

  • As per forum rules and in regards to thread necro, we will go ahead and drop anchor on this one here. Thank you.

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