Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves

  • @wilbymagicbear XD i dont care if it is like RL what i mean is there shouldnt have gold coming out of nowhere so people can abuse the system

    1. Fix the number of ships per server. It's supposed to be 6, but it's not. It should be 8, what with the Roar, but if there were always 6 ships that would still be good enough. Right now it takes about 45 minutes of searching to find anyone, which is way too long.

    This is what is necessary

  • @nwo-azcrack poor gaming...

  • I enjoy the whole game. Sometimes I do close to nothing. Sometimes I run voyages, or work on Hunter's Call, or do an Athena voyage, or just go looking for trouble. Whatever I do, it's always a great time. I think if you find the game boring without PvP, then you're missing the whole point of the game. PvP is just one element of the game, but there's so much more. The sense of freedom and adventure is always present. It's a wide-open world. Sometimes you'll find lots of action without even trying. Sometimes it seems like you have the seas to yourself. This is not a "problem" as some folks seem to feel. It's the beauty of this immersive world. It was never intended to be non-stop PvP action. That's what Arena is for. I understand people find Arena repetitive and monotonous. That's why I don't especially fancy it. But it seems like some people want to bring that constant PvP to Adventure, and that just wouldn't work. It would destroy the very thing that makes Adventure so captivating.

    Because Adventure is so diverse, it can't cater to only one play style. It has to find a balance to satisfy many types of gamers. The point of a sandbox style game is to give people the tools they need to play how they want to play, then leave them to it. Aside from the Pirate Code, there are no rules in Adventure. There are no mechanics that force you to play a particular way. Don't want to engage in PvP? You have a spyglass to spot enemies. You have a ship and the wind to get away. You have rowboats and gunpowder barrels and cursed cannonballs to use to your advantage. There are just so many ways to play creatively, we don't need new rules or mechanics to support one particular play style (be it PvP or PvE). We just need to keep things fair and balanced, and for the most part they are.

    This is a beautiful game, and I think it's a shame when people say they find it boring or mundane unless they get to play a certain way. It's like seeing a gorgeous sunset on the beach but saying it's rubbish because you prefer mountains. I mean really. Accept the game for what it is and stop trying to make it into something different.

  • @genuine-heather
    Well said

  • @wilbymagicbear this is even worse, mate.

  • @Genuine Heather so true, as so often when you are writing. Kudos, mylady!

  • @Genuine-Heather
    Exactly this!!!
    Well said.

    It's 6 Ships for a reason, i remember when they tested this and find the right numbers.
    It need to stay exactly the way it is.
    People who complain to get sunk everytime sseem to habe bad luck or exagerate and people who cannot find mir victims to sink need to learn about sandbox PvP and that its not instant gratifification and it can also mean you sail for hours to find nothing worth to plunder.
    That's exactly the balance we want and need for this style of game.
    If you like PvE or PvP only and want to change the game, you are wrong imho.
    Additions that fit into it are welcome, changes that destroy this PvPvE balance aren't.

    It need exactly be this way and therefore it's diverse and about the uncertainty about other players.

  • @wilbymagicbear sagte in Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves:

    @rk1-turbulence I used to be like all of you. Solo slooping, doing my fetch quests, running from fights. Then I got bored and started piracy. Now, I just sail around for hours, wishing there was someone to rob.

    If this game doesn't fix itself, you'll either end up like me and quit because there's nothing left, or quit beforehand because there's no losing.

    well, you are complaining because you dont like the game how it is setup. I do Forts and Athena's although i dont need to. I do them because its fun. you sound as if Arena would be the perfect mode for you, but then you wrote...

    @wilbymagicbear sagte in Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves:

    I don't like Arena too much it's too repetive.
    so what do you want exactly?

    Sail upon others all the time and fight them?
    See this wont happen, this is not what Adventure moed is made for. You can do it this way, but then you need to learn and understand that its sandbox PvP with absolute no guarantee for a challenging fight or loot.

    @nwo-azcrack sagte in Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves:

    Ya i know its my own fault for being only a pvper. But someone has to make the seas dangerous. The quests are beyond boring and the enemy ai is laughable at best.

    Same here with all respect.
    But you say by yourself it's your own fault.

    The problem is not the Game, nor for the PvErs who want peace mode nor for the PvP'ers what want more action.
    Its a mixed mode of PvPvE, if you only like PvE, well you sstill miss that mode for doing so.
    If you only like PvP, well Arena is a more competetive PvPvE mode.
    You both want pirvate Session to find people doing what you like and then setup the server as you like.

    and the player who like PvPvE exactly for what and how it is, play Adventure mode like it is created and intended to play.

    PvE, do this do that and be ready to PvP , sometimes efensive sometimes offensive. but not strictly only this or only that.

    Some tell people if you dont like jumping dont play Mario.
    If you dont like Shooting, dont play Halo... etc...
    So if you dont like PvPvE and all its elements to the same degree, don't play it or deal with it its not the perfect mode for you.

  • @wilbymagicbear sagte in Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves:

    @goedecke-michel I'm more often with no target than one. I certainly am not given a choice on the regular, so I go after whoever I can. If I only attacked worthwhile ships, I would end most of my sessions without firing a shot. As for your advice on chasing, I'd like to point out that I'm normally on a sloop. Most other ships are also sloops. Wind direction is irrelevant. As for sneaking up, at some point you have to go loud. That's when they drop sails and haul keel. Then, you slowly catch up over the course of an hour by being a tiny bit faster than they are, and then you finally have your 5 minute tussle over a hateful skull.

    Did I mention I suppose this to be even worse, mate. Wind direction is irrelevant when a sloop attacks a sloop? Holy krab, it isn't at all. You should deceive, have the wind optimal for you, suboptimal for the direction in which the opposing ship stands. Often you have to circumnavigate one or two islands, attack with the sun behind you and good wind in the sails, in the sunset, at dawn. So that the opponent can see you late, he loses time because he has to sail freely from inferior position.
    The worst idea is to target the opponent on the horizon and spend hours dawdling behind him.

  • @bugaboo-bill
    You are absolutely right, which is why i admittited it was my fault for the way i play.
    I used to log in and drop quests and pvp only when needed or if someone got to close. I was 45-35-25 in the factions before i became a pure pvper.
    Now im only 50-50-40 because pvp is not profitable for gold or rep.
    The grind from quests became tedious. And alliances has just came out and everyone was friendly no one attacked me anymore.
    And i refused to collect chickens like some merchant! I am a pirate, not some animal collector.
    So i decided to stop caring about loot and become a terror on the seas. I wanted to be the reason ppl had to check the horizon.
    I know its only playing half the game. And i know its why some nights are boring. But i chose my role in this game, and i will never blame the game or ask for more pvp stuff to unbalance the game.

  • @nwo-azcrack sagte in Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves:

    You are absolutely right, which is why i admittited it was my fault for the way i play.
    I used to log in and drop quests and pvp only when needed or if someone got to close. I was 45-35-25 in the factions before i became a pure pvper.
    Now im only 50-50-40 because pvp is not profitable for gold or rep.
    The grind from quests became tedious. And alliances has just came out and everyone was friendly no one attacked me anymore.
    And i refused to collect chickens like some merchant! I am a pirate, not some animal collector.
    So i decided to stop caring about loot and become a terror on the seas. I wanted to be the reason ppl had to check the horizon.
    I know its only playing half the game. And i know its why some nights are boring. But i chose my role in this game, and i will never blame the game or ask for more pvp stuff to unbalance the game.

    And thats completely fine and can be a very tense style to play.
    You can for sure go full PK and plan ambushes, camp Outposts etc, but everybody who do so, need to understand it's sandbox, only 6 Ships per server, no guarantee to find booty at all etc.
    I do this sometimes by myself solo.
    Immersing, lurking, spotting....
    Beware of the desperate Pirate in a rowboat who is after you :D
    To go full PK is, as long as you are still a polite player being the nasty Pirate an interesting option to play.
    I know that very well :-)
    And about the levels.
    Pfff who cares comes by the way, and i think the one or the other day you accidently like to do a mission.
    I also disliked merchant missions.
    Suddenly i loved to have chickens on board and Rum.
    While sailing around, spotting you sometimes come across lost cargo or a message in a bottle Map, i like to do them, although it's nothing worth to me. But it leads to somewhat else and helps immersing.

    Good Wind and have fun :-)

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