
  • Any tips as a single player who flys aliance flag all the time to survive on your own when 99 percent of people you come across n this game kill u on sight and spawn [Mod edited] you untill u gave to scuttle your boat getting really fed up with it!

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  • @lagerlout1981 in b4 deleted

  • @lagerlout1981

    Serioulsy, don't do quests and go wherever there's no ships, collect loots from islands, shipwrecks, never be far from an unoccupied outpost and always get ready to flee or learn to fight, but solo, until thousands of hours, it will be hard.

  • @jetorchidee97. Thanks your. Rite .i know its sea of theives for a reason but it leaves you frustrated lol

  • @lagerlout1981 a dit dans Survival :

    @jetorchidee97. Thanks your. Rite .i know its sea of theives for a reason but it leaves you frustrated lol

    That's true, it's a steep mountain to climb, if you're patient enough, with time, you'll find there's more than bloodthirsty pirates on those seas. Be a good sport, fight for your rights, don't be ashamaed for fleeing or not being good at PvP. One must do what it needs to survive.

    And sailing a sloop solo, the most important tip is whenever you're being chased, sail directly against the wind wherever it goes (hoping it's not the shroud/red sea) and put your sails square (as if the wind comes from behind), you'll go faster than your opponents, be patient and they might be bored after a while.

    There's also plenty of videos, tutotials on youtube where you might find some great advices for you.

    Good luck!

  • @jetorchidee97 thank you so much

  • @lagerlout1981 Please refrain from use of inappropriate language on the forums, as it is against our forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Keep it appropriate.
    Avoid swearing in unfamiliar company where possible. Don’t post anything containing NSFW material – this has no place in Sea of Thieves or its community spaces. And while we all have opinions of the world around us, people aren’t necessarily playing Sea of Thieves to talk about politics or contentious real-world issues. Switch off, escape and enjoy the freedom of the seas instead.

  • Pfft. Fly what you want. Someone will say your flag is why they attacked you no matter what. Raise sails instead of dropping anchor. Also harpoon stopping is a godsend. Aim your harpoon as far back as you can, hold X instead of hitting LT. Release when you've killed your momentum. Turn off your lights, makes it harder to figure out which direction you're pointed in. Turn in frequently, yes, you'll take more time, but ppl looking for loot will eventually leave you alone cause they know it's not worth the time. Scuttle. If you have no loot, scuttle. Take a few shots/let them land a few to waste their time and resources. Or, Make them chase you to the red, repair & bail like crazy and you and any loot you have will despawn, they don't get a kill or loot and might sink themselves if they try too hard.

    Be a counter troll. It's what I do cause I don't like combat (anxieties and I'm bad at pvp lol)

  • Just be aware of your surroundings. It is really easy to do if you get into the habit. Make sure you go up-to the crows next every few mins for a look around.

    Other ships will rarely trouble you unless your paths intersect to some degree. Their are hardly any ships out their looking to sail across just to sink you.

  • "If you can't beat them join them." That's what i learned. Just do the same and you'll get some people. And I don't mean activley looking for a fight but defending yourself before they shoot at you. I met 3 crews so far who been nice enough to not kill me when they had all the chances to do so and every other crew either immedeately opened fire or didn't get the chance to because I din't whant to risk it. That's the game because that's what people want and if there were too many friendly pirates they'd call it sea of friends which most people seem unhappy with provided it's a pirate game.

  • @lagerlout1981

    Personally, I’d take the alliance flag down and be greedy. Playing solo is dangerous enough, playing solo and being generous, in SoT, is begging for trouble lol. I only lift the ally flag when I’m with someone else.

    Of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone, and I’m not suggesting the seas are not bursting with friendly players, but that’s just what I do, from experience.

  • @lagerlout1981 im sry for u, but as a PVP-Player i have to say that this a pirate game and the for me its the best to kill people und steal there loot..

    I know it can be depressing when u r killed by every ship nearby, but than play saver, dont rust anyone and learn to fight. As an good PVP-Player u can destroy an some low tier brigs or galions single hand or u can leave the fight when u are smart enough.

  • Tips

    Turn loot in often...keep more expensive loot separate and usually hidden under a garbage chest.

    Choose easier quests. Ignore riddle quests and problematic Gold Skellies on a huge island out of ship sight.

    Dont fly alliance paints a target on you. If you want to alliance approach people who are flying it instead. Not flying it...just stay away.

    Always keep one eye looking for ships...youd be surprised how quick a ship can move if it has the wind.

  • @lagerlout1981 people who fly the alliance flag all the time are the most untrustful crews I've seen

  • @lagerlout1981

    Some good tips already, another one is park your ship so it is harder to spot if possible.
    So on the side of an island that is not opposed to the next Outpost or island etc.
    The islands at the edges are the easier ones to hide as not many will look at it from the Shroud/edges.
    Also make sure that skeletons dont shoot cannonballs at you it is hearable from the next island sometimes and says there is someone.

    Another tip is dont do OoS it maybe takes long to kill them, you get hurt or get killed and you will maybe be attacked by skeletons and players.

    Do whatever can be done quick,
    For example i recently read in another post thst he was nearly 45 - 60 minutes searching a chest on an island. With more experience this maybe only takes 5 minutes and you are right back on your ship watching for potential threats.
    Hand in as often as you want, but as often as possible if you dont want loose it.

    With plenty of seamiles sailed it will all become more used to you and a habit what to do, how, where to park etc...
    The players experience really gets better with more experience.
    And this will only come if you stick to play and stand up one more time you felt down.
    Or to say that in pirate language.
    Set sail one more time you got sunk :-D

    Good winds to you

    The ultimate tip btw is get friends and a crew.
    It's a MP sandbox open PvP game.
    You put yourself always in a disadvantage regarding PvP.
    Playerskill aside or lets say similar strong a crew of 4 will always have an advantage.
    You can sink Galleons solo or win PvP when others have advantages, but you then need to be very much better of course.
    The game was in early state not done for SP, it was added late, even the sloop constraint needed a team of 2.
    I like also to solo sometimes, but it's for sure the biggest disadvantage for PvP.
    PvE is fine, maybe even too easy now.
    But i am fine how it is.

  • Best tip I could give is take your lumps till your able to give lumps back to those who are out to sink you and if you have clearly lost and their camping your ship and spawn killing you over and over scuttle you can do it from the Ferry of the Damned it’s next to the door on the right or you can do it from your menu it sucks to lose over and over I know but no one is ever just good at a game when their new and there’s always someone who’s better and someone who’s worse just keep your eye on the horizon at all times and trust no one and everyone

  • @lagerlout1981

    @theunionjames said in Survival:

    My tip is don’t fly the alliance flag. It lets me know that you are easy pickings!

    ^ This, I no longer trust ships with alliance flags because they've been used just to get close enough to either barrel or broadside my ship. we now give one warning to leave before we sink any ship.

  • I know I am reiterating what others have said, but with a small spin on a few points.

    .01) You are a solo sloop. Your main tactic will be to run. Get used to it. Someone who can run away successfully is just as awesome as someone who can sink every ship they come across.

    @PithyRumble had some good points that I might expand on a bit.

    1. Turn your lights off. Even under the deck. This won't keep you from being attacked, but as you combine it with other things, you will start to stand out as a harder target. People want an easy kill. If you look the part of someone who will pose a challenge, a good chunk of weekend pirates will move on.

    2. Stop putting up flags. It can give you away if you are behind an island. I've missed other ships in the past because they haven't had flags. Plus, putting up an alliance flag means you are more than likely willing to let a boat come close to you to join the alliance. It's a way in for someone who is cunning.

    3. Keep your anchor up unless you are in a fight with the kraken or parked in a storm. Always drop anchor (as long as no ones around) when fighting the kraken. This will make the tentacles line up to your cannons.

    4. Keep a massive distance from other ships. If they are heading your way and they are way off, start sailing away. You want to maximize the time they take to reach you. They will probably get bored and find a better target if you keep moving away.

    5. Peel off from other ships. If the other guys are bearing down on you, cruise past another sloop/brig/gal and see if they attempt to take the other ship on rather than you.
      note: once they peel from you and start attacking the other ship, get the heck out of there. Put distance on them.

    6. Always stay stocked up. Minimum: 80 cannonballs, 50 planks, 50 fruit - preferably pineapples, mangoes, pomegranates, coconuts (personal preference)

    7. Always plan your getaway when you dock. Think of anything that could happen and make sure you are ready for all of it. You have no idea how many times I was able to escape a situation when, as i stepped on land, another ship rounded the corner and started attacking. The ONLY reason I was able to run was that I prepared for the worst.

    8. Keep explosive barrels off your ship. Period. If you keep them in the crows nest, one shot and your main sail drops, leaving you vulnerable with the most time-intensive repair to be done. If you absolutely need to haul explosives, keep them in front of the board barrel in your hull, directly in the center of the ship. Most cannonballs and shark/kraken attacks will not set it off there.

    9. Shut up. Don't say anything unless someone says they are friendly. ESPECIALLY if you are under the age of 13. I've seen other crews attack ships just because the individual's voice sounds young. Keep the mystery of who you are. Silence is golden.

    10. The more bling on your ship, the more people view you as having something worth while on your ship. My first instinct when seeing a un-altered (default) ship is that the most I will find on it will be a foul skull or castaways chest. Not worth my time. Now if that default ship starts hitting me with cannons from a large distance, I know whoever is on that ship knows what they are doing. I will leave them alone.

    11. Learn to fight. Both on the ship and off. Learn the far game. If you can hit them reliably at a large distance, they will (most likely) be discouraged from moving closer. I've killed entire 4 man crews in the water due to them not knowing how to fight efficiently. Know what weapon to use in what situation and be quick about changing your weapons on the fly.

    12. When in a battle, be erratic. Do not sail in a predictable route (ie permanent turning). If the other guys are in the water and are looking to board you, slightly altering your path can throw their plans all kinds of off. There is nothing harder than trying to fight crazy people.

    13. If you are going to jump off the ship to try and board the boat (to drop their anchor)... jump off the side of your ship the other ship cannot see. If they see you jump, they will expect you. Also, stay low in the water until they start to get close. Make sure you keep coming up for air. Nothing quite like getting the drop on the other ships ladder, only for your character to let out a massive breath, altering the crew to your presence.

    14. Know when to sell. If you are bad at fighting, sell more often. If you know the game like the back of your hand, keep it for a while. When you do dock, prioritize your loot. Sell the most expensive/need rep stuff first, then work your way back. You should be selling the useless stuff last.

    15. If you do get in a fight, let them use their resources from a distance. Make them use their cannonballs, they will run out. Take a shot every once in a while and make sure it hits them. Galleons suck in turning battles, so getting behind and hitting them a few times will keep their attention on attacking you. Just keep that distance and you will survive.

    16. Treat the game like you are a prairie dog. CONSTANTLY pop up, no matter what you are doing, and look at your surroundings. I usually try to pop out every 30 seconds or so on large islands. If you see something, drop EVERYTHING and head out.

    17. Treat every ship as aggressive. Don't let them come close unless you are ready to take them on. Don't trust anyone no matter what they say. The only trust I have earned is through actions, words don't mean anything.

    18. When a ship does come relatively close, stock up on full cannonballs, your best food, and boards. Preparation can been the difference between success and failure.

    19. Use your surroundings to your advantage. Get to know the range of ghost ships and run your adversaries into them. Run through rocks that other ships cannot. I've tricked a few ships by putting large rocks between myself and them, then 180 anchor turning, pulling anchor and sailing the opposite way. Just make sure you keep the wind in mind when pulling this off.

    20. If they are amazing pirates that you cant shake and you know they will sink you in a matter of time (its rare, but happens), head into the red sea. Keep repairing as you head there. Start dumping your loot overboard and let the game port you back to some random island. I will never give up loot I acquired willingly. If I have to die, I will make it near-impossible for someone else to get their hands on it. It's what a pirate would do.

    21. I usually quest in one area. I learn that area very well and make sure my quest requirements line up with specific islands. If I'm running a legendary quest and it has me going to plunder valley to fight skellys, I immediately cancel that quest and get another one. You can be choosy when it comes to quests.

    22. Sometimes you will get sunk. I've had a Galleon chase me for hours. They were all very good and were able to negate almost everything I was able to throw at them. When it comes down to this situation, start looking for a way out that will be disappointing to them. I dumped my loot over a large sailing area, about 1 chest in the water every 2 map squares, and by the time they were able to get to me, I sailed in the corner of the map and let them sink me with their supplies. The only weapon I could use against them was time and resources. They spent more time trying to get to me, than taking other ships out. Disappointment and wasted time are weapons as well.

    23. The more you sail/fight, the better you will get. Try challenging yourself with stupid, off the wall challenges. Try going through those 2 rocks that are ridiculously close together. Try hitting a target at max range with your cannonballs over and over. Learn to be wicked with your shots and people will start to second guess their decision to take you on.

    Keep your head on a swivel and make sure you plan. Success will come faster than you expect.

  • @lagerlout1981 To add to the many helpful hints, be much more selective about alliances and don't just leave the flag up to fly. There are many people out there that look upon alliance flags as a cheap way to hunt down other players. I personally will never enter into an alliance unless I speak with the members offering it first, you can generally get a feel if that crew is fairly trustworthy by speaking with them for a short while - even then be cautious and ready to drop the alliance if things turn south on you (it generally happens pretty quick, if they have ill intent they typically make it known as soon as you join them). Always be cautions of those spamming the "WE'RE FRIENDLY" and "Lets form an alliance" over the chat channel since the majority of the time their intentions are not that they are relaying. And if you do end up needing to drop from an alliance after they turn on you, scuttle your ship right after that so you respawn in an unknown location as they would have your last known location from the map (if they were tracking you).

  • Other players will give you all the standard tips like "stay aware", "play safe", "run away a lot".

    Those are all good tips. But the best tip is this...

    Use a voice Microphone. Talk to people. Be funny and friendly or just say hello. Chat with other crews using your Speaking Horn.

    Once you attach a human voice to your Pirate people are less likely to see you as a threat/victim and more likely to see you as a person just goofing around trying to have fun. This isn't going to help with everyone of course. Some people will attack no matter what. But most of the time people will chat back and the situation will get less tense. You might even make some new friends? I've been invited to join another crew many times just by initiating a little friendly talk.

  • I am always very skeptical of Alliances since the first time I played and joined one. They didn't turn on me as far as trying to kill me, but they stayed in the Alliance only long enough to get some gold from me as I was turning in multiple times at Outposts. In the mean time, they did a few random things and did 2 skeleton forts. I waited about 2 hours for them to finish as I was keeping a loose eye on them on my map while I played lol. When they left their last skelly fort and were just about to arrive at the nearest Outpost to turn all their loot in, they abandoned the Alliance lol. They got lots of gold from me; I got nothing back. 😅👍

  • Do not trust anyone. Not even your own crew.

    Seriously though, "Care Bear"/Alliance flags these days are a trap most of the time, so don't rely on them to signal your intent or the intentions of others.

  • Take the alliance flag down. Every ship I see with an alliance flag tells me they are PVEing and most likely have loot on board and I will sink your ship.

  • As a single player pirate, the only tips I can give you, are:

    • Turn off your lights at night;
    • Always be close to a unoccupied outpost, as @JetOrchidee97 said;
    • Do quests that are easy, and give you a lot of money;
    • Level up to 50 in each alliance as fast as possible to unlock the THICC QUESTS.

    And also, try to find some fella pirates' to play with, it's funnier!

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