Another crossplay discussion

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    if it it means just one less pc ship in adventure id take it. Of course 0 is the goal.

    Your goal is 0 PC players on any server? So that pretty much confirms, your motivation is to destroy this game for the PC playerbase, not improve it for xbox. Thanks for making that clear. It's good for any of the Dev team following this discussion to understand why people are asking for the things they do. Understanding that your main motivation is to undermine crossplay in any form will make it much easier to decide whether you're the sort of person they should listen to.

  • @boxcar-squidy

    Not really tho, because if her expectation is 0 pc players as she plays on her Xbox with her Controller then all she really wants is what Rare already announced to us all they were going to give her, and haven't ever said otherwise, for adventure.

    Maybe you're just really playing the victim card a bit too hard.

  • @oakenkhan90088 not playing any cards. I support there being a choice. So long as it is fair for us too.

    If it were that simple Rare would have done it. A hard split would leave PC players in regions and outside of peak times facing serious issues actually playing the game. Could wreck things for streamers and would alienate the entire PC community. Have you got a solution that won't harm the game in the long run?

  • @boxcar-squidy Yes I do. The one Rare proposed, because they have the numbers, they run the servers, and they've already debunked those "concerns".

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @boxcar-squidy Yes I do. The one Rare proposed, because they have the numbers, they run the servers, and they've already debunked those "concerns".


  • @princessasuna96 yeh that didn't happen, also a game is dying because it has a larger player base with 2 platforms instead of one? what? ok...

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @boxcar-squidy Yes I do. The one Rare proposed, because they have the numbers, they run the servers, and they've already debunked those "concerns".

    Is that why it isn't still here nearly a year on then?

  • @withmyapologies
    Ohhh, so force Xbox to play disadvantaged for 3 years because a new Xbox will eventually release? Sounds pretty balanced to me...

    Rare has not stated how opt out will affect Scarlett. Nor have they stated what upgrades they will or will not apply to SoT Scarlett. You are grasping at an unknown scenario as your argument.

    If rare force me and my Scarlett into pc servers, without offering 'opt out og Xbox mode', I'll just plug the old Xbox in, and opt out.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Ohhh, so force Xbox to play disadvantaged for 3 years because a new Xbox will eventually release? Sounds pretty balanced to me...

    Rare has not stated how opt out will affect Scarlett. Nor have they stated what upgrades they will or will not apply to SoT Scarlett. You are grasping at an unknown scenario as your argument.

    If rare force me and my Scarlett into pc servers, without offering 'opt out og Xbox mode', I'll just plug the old Xbox in, and opt out.

    It likely won't work like that.

    I mean the SSD in scarlett is a given at this point which microsoft did announce, as well as work for complete xbox one compatibility day one, which means the xbox one build WILL be playable on scarlett, which will address a lot, no announcement from rare even required there period.

    Did it not occur to you though that developers are under embargo/nda with regards to announcements that may give away unannounced information for other factors though with regards to the scarlett hardware?

    I thought not.

  • Trash players will be trash players. They blame it on PC but the moment they are in XBOX only servers they will blame it on hacks and lag. Just get better and quit with the tears.

  • @satanicnemesis

    Thankfully, you couldn't be further from the truth.

    Xbox only servers in The Arena are largely a very pleasant place to play in, and win or lose, afterwards in the tavern it is almost always a very friendly place with none of those claims you claim taking place. Players that have choosen to opt out understand what the crossplay experiment has been like for them, and know in the xbox only servers they were beaten fairly.. I don't expect you to understand this, as you probably think you are great at this game and it has nothing to do with the inequality that crossplay has forced onto xbox players.

  • @needsmokes I love your little anecdote. But I play on XBOX and PC depending on where I am. So I have witnessed the tears of trash players on both systems. But please, continue to presume, it makes you appear especially smart.

  • @needsmokes said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Thankfully, you couldn't be further from the truth.

    Xbox only servers in The Arena are largely a very pleasant place to play in, and win or lose, afterwards in the tavern it is almost always a very friendly place with none of those claims you claim taking place. Players that have choosen to opt out understand what the crossplay experiment has been like for them, and know in the xbox only servers they were beaten fairly.. I don't expect you to understand this, as you probably think you are great at this game and it has nothing to do with the inequality that crossplay has forced onto xbox players.

    Negatives to both points of view there.

    Whilst the user you responded to was being a bit hyperbolic.

    The response you gave was a bit on the corbynated chicken utopian side.

    I'm not discrediting your personal experiences or suggesting they haven't happened, but equally I've seen a share moronic sore losers myself in these xbox lobbies, and would instead suggest the reality lies somewhere in between both statements.

    To be clear I play on both platforms.

  • @troubled-cells

    I play only on XBox and can confirm; PC, XBox, Playstation, Ouya, Stadia, whatever.

    We are all wallowing trash babies and any illusion of superiority, moral or otherwise, is pure self delusion.

  • the game is so much more than just aim

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Trash players will be trash players. They blame it on PC but the moment they are in XBOX only servers they will blame it on hacks and lag. Just get better and quit with the tears.

    Very elegantly put..........🤣

    Obviously it's beyond the realms of possiblity that some of the concerns players have with crossplay are genuine.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Trash players will be trash players. They blame it on PC but the moment they are in XBOX only servers they will blame it on hacks and lag. Just get better and quit with the tears.

    I would love xbox only servers, no more macro using bunny hopping players.

  • @snowfire You need a macro to jump? You know its just a matter of pressing a button.. right?

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire You need a macro to jump? You know its just a matter of pressing a button.. right?

    Not on about macro for jump, did you not see the pc player using a macro to infinitely hit with the sword during a live event?, some chap on reddit made a vid on how it was done, of course rare was quiet on the subject.

  • @snowfire then report it to Rare, it’s an exploit of the games systems. I’ve never met anyone doing that to me in game, ever. I’m sure it’s something they are aware of and will be fixing, like double gun.

    It’s against the rules to use macros, send a video of someone using that to rare. If you ever encounter a regular player doing it.

  • @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire You need a macro to jump? You know its just a matter of pressing a button.. right?

    Not on about macro for jump, did you not see the pc player using a macro to infinitely hit with the sword during a live event?, some chap on reddit made a vid on how it was done, of course rare was quiet on the subject.

    This macro ?

  • that’s the one, when did you last encounter a player doing that?

    Side note EL, do you know that no one can quote you because your username is a banned word?

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    that’s the one, when did you last encounter a player doing that?

    Side note, do you know that no one can quote you because your username is a banned word?

    Not me it was live streamed during a sea of thieves event, the poor chap on reddit made a vid on YouTube on how he done it, but was forced to take the vid down because it showed people how to use the macro. It was the battle for London.

    It even showed the how it affected the person being hit by it.
    So none of the pc players or rare will EVER convince me that is is alevel playing field.

  • @snowfire I have never met a player who does it in my crews, I’ve never caught a player who does it (played since launch and have over 400 arena matches behind me), no one has ever posted someone doing it to them in a game online, no one even knew it existed until that stream, yet you could do it from day one... yet this is a massive problem.

    Do you see my point yet?

    Also, you can do it on XBOX by mashing B... or using a keyboard with macro editors built in. This is a nothing burger, report the video to Rare and let them handle it.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire I have never met a player who does it in my crews, I’ve never caught a player who does it (played since launch and have over 400 arena matches behind me), no one has ever posted someone doing it to them in game online, no one even knew it existed until that stream, yet you could do it from day one... yet this is a massive problem.

    Do you see my point yet?

    Nope, it happend during a live advent, I don't care if you have never seen it, you're point is null and void, a simple YouTube search will show macros and hacks.
    Just because you choose not to accept it doesn't mean it's not happening, because it is.

  • @snowfire lol, I’m sure your gameplay is ruined by these small number of YouTube videos.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire lol, I’m sure your gameplay is ruined by these small number of YouTube videos.

    Again not me, I wasnt in the world wide battle for London advent.

  • @snowfire so then you are upset because of a game exploit Rare haven’t got round to fixing yet? Again, an exploit that can be done on an Xbox.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire so then you are upset because of a game exploit Rare haven’t got round to fixing yet? Again, an exploit that can be done on an Xbox.

    I'm upset that rare silenced the problem, and forced console players into this problem.

  • @snowfire are you ignoring the part where I said you can do it on an Xbox on purpose? Are you sure they are silent on it, because going by the tags under your name, you should maybe browse the forums a little more.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire are you ignoring the part where I said you can do it on an Xbox on purpose? Are you sure they are silent on it, because going by the tags under your name, you should maybe browse the forums a little more.

    I'm on the forums all the time, been with xbox live 15 years, supported rare since they started as well as sea of thieves, xbox users (even if its possible) couldn't use macros as m/k wasnt supported when it was released.

  • @snowfireare are you deliberately being obtuse? I’m starting to believe you are just trolling at this point.

    It’s 2019. XBOX users can do the macro exploits right now. Who cares about when it launched. Even without a macro, you can double tap B for a similar result. This isn’t a PC exclusive exploit.

    On top of that, if you are on the forums all the time, you would have seen what Rare thinks of the exploit. I’ll say no more on it, as THIS isn’t the section of the forum to discuss that stuff.

    Again, you seem salty about people abusing exploits and holes that Rare are plugging (sometimes successfully, most times not) which is fair enough. Although being outraged on behalf of the low low numbers of people who have witnessed this exploit first hand is ridiculous.

    Edit: worth noting, the person who lost to that exploit, was also on PC.

  • @satanicnemesis said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfireare are you deliberately being obtuse? I’m starting to believe you are just trolling at this point.

    It’s 2019. XBOX users can do the macro exploits right now. Who cares about when it launched. Even without a macro, you can double tap B for a similar result. This isn’t a PC exclusive exploit.

    On top of that, if you are on the forums all the time, you would have seen what Rare thinks of the exploit. I’ll say no more on it, as THIS isn’t the section of the forum to discuss that stuff.

    Again, you seem salty about people abusing exploits and holes that Rare are plugging (sometimes successfully, most times not). You being outraged on behalf of the low low numbers of people who have witnessed this exploit first hand is rediculous.

    Double tap b for what?. How dare I be salty for people using exploits in a game that I pay for each month! Are you kidding me?.
    Have you seen rare respond about the said exploit? And how they ste addressing it?.

  • @snowfire lol, I’m done with this guy your honor. Have a better one bud.

    alt text

  • @satanicnemesis ok, it was like trying to have a debate with a snail shell.

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