Another crossplay discussion

  • Yes make it optional.

    Aiming with a mouse is easy mode compared to using a controller. Like special olympics, except most PC players are not disabled.

    Make it optional.

  • @snowfire So what about the fact that Xbox player could cheat the same way?

    From what you have said you haven't even encountered this firsthand, and instead are using it as an excuse to slander all PC players.
    Just read back through what you have said, you watched a video of a guy cheating and think that everyone you lose to is cheating.

    Also I might point out the fact you have no idea if Rare/Microsoft have banned his account

    Therefore I'm with @SatanicNemesis when he says you are only here to troll, you haven't brought anything to the conversation

    Also I should point out that you were the only one that got nasty and had to insult to get your point across

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @satanicnemesis ok, it was like trying to have a debate with a snail shell.

  • @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @snowfire So what about the fact that Xbox player could cheat the same way?

    From what you have said you haven't even encountered this firsthand, and instead are using it as an excuse to slander all PC players.
    Just read back through what you have said, you watched a video of a guy cheating and think that everyone you lose to is cheating.

    Also I might point out the fact you have no idea if Rare/Microsoft have banned his account

    Therefore I'm with @SatanicNemesis when he says you are only here to troll, you haven't brought anything to the conversation

    Also I should point out that you were the only one that got nasty and had to insult to get your point across

    @snowfire said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @satanicnemesis ok, it was like trying to have a debate with a snail shell.

    First off I'm not slandering all pc players.
    And I don't know if I have experienced cheating first hand, but I know it's there.

    I'm not here to troll, just my opionions and what I've seen.

  • I just want servers only for xbox players for several reasons.

    1. Aiming with a mouse is easy mode compared to using a controller.

    2. Macroing and other modding of gameplay much easier on PC.

    3. It would be optional for xbox players to join the xbox only servers and crossplay would still be an option for people who want it.

    Crossplay should be disabled by default on xbox to make things easier on new people.

  • I cringed reading through this whole thread. And yes, I read every single post.

    This has just been two months of people chasing their own tails the whole time. Hoo Hah, the world has gone on while you've all been in your bubble. Crossplay opt out is still hiding in the shroud, and I, an xbox w/ controller player (I know I should be quiet, since you're all supposed to be speaking FOR us- but I couldn't help myself!), am proud to say that not once have I had to resort to blaming a death or failure on "oh I was going up against PC."
    I need a coffee and a good soak. This salt mine has make me lose half my faith in this community.

  • @heavyreaper102


    Cracks me up with all the excuses we see over and over.

    I play on Xbox and PC. (Oh and on PC with a controller at times also). Know what? I handle the business pretty much the same in every instance. So if one person in the world of SoT can do it so can you.

    But, there are some differences between the systems and for that I do agree at times can make things easier for one over the others. This isn't that game changing however and why these threads really need to stop.

    Want more FPS? Wait till 2020 new Xbox. Get a PC! So many solutions to this. If not, stop bickering on it, since its your choice.

    Use a M/K or Controller. Some of the best players are on Xbox/PC using M/K or Keyboard and at times Both.

    This whole beauty to this game is the crossplay. Xbox and PC friends can play together. AMAZING. A big reason why it is so successful. So just adapt your play style to be the most effective within your play time.

    You think that just having platform specific options is going to save you? Guess again. Then what excuses will we come up with then?

    Adapt your play style and for lack of better words, learn and get better over time.

  • @joe-gallows said in Another crossplay discussion:

    1. Aiming with a mouse is easy mode compared to using a controller.

    Easy mode for some, others not really. Amazing what you can do with ease on a controller if you are good enough.

    1. Macroing and other modding of gameplay much easier on PC.

    This is against TOS. Null argument. If you suspect someone is cheating, record and get proof and report. They get found out soon enough.

    Majority of the community is fine with the CP function and how it is. This all just seems a waste of time for Devs to work on when there is plenty of other issues and content needs ahead.

  • @savagexxxone

    People aren't asking for crossplay to go away, just for it to be an optional choice. Optional being the key word here.

  • @needsmokes

    I rather (and yes this is personal) Devs focus on QoL items like Hit Reg, Fort issues, Items problems and content over this Optional development from a game that has stated from the start will be CP. Everyone has known from the beginning what SoT was about.

    Other than, what seems to be players that either, don't have time to play a lot or are just not that good are valid arguments?

    You bought a CP game and complain about the CP.... come on..

    Again, I get where many are coming from. I also play on Xbox a good amount. My load times are fine (use SSD) FPS are ok (expected with Xbox) and I as many others work the seas based on the time I play. There's just lack of intensive to invest so much time into this option.

  • @savagexxxone said in Another crossplay discussion:



    Cracks me up with all the excuses we see over and over.

    It's just the dumbest thing to complain about to me.
    You wanna segregate the playerbase WHY?
    ...Cause your feelings are hurt? I see.
    This category could be used for people to provide actual feedback, things they wanna see in the game. But posts like this are allowed. I can't argue that. You're allowed to speak your mind on something, and people are allowed to either agree with or debate it.
    But when your post is the duplicate of the 30 other ones that came before it,
    when none of the information is new,
    all the same points are carelessly pasted on,
    and all you can do is not admit any faults, droning on and repeating "PC PLAYERS BAD. XBOX PLAYERS ARE VICTIMS", which ironically makes you more toxic than the people you're discriminating against "just cause they're on PC",
    then how much more are we supposed to give a hoot?

    alt text

    Just gonna leave this here to conclude.

  • @heavyreaper102

    You wanna segregate the playerbase WHY?

    Opt-out is not segregation.

    ...Cause your feelings are hurt? I see.

    Because of unbalanced gameplay.

    Just gonna leave this here to conclude.

    Epic meme bro. Did you make that yourself?

  • Everyone claiming that controllers can match a mouse in terms of accuracy in any way for two players of equal relative skill level are just full of it.

    Make crossplay optional. And yes cheating is an argument for me and a perfectly valid reason for not wanting to play with PC players. It matters **** all that it is against the TOS if people do it anyway.

    PC players arguing against Xbox players having the option to not play at a disadvantage is the real joke.

  • @joe-gallows said in Another crossplay discussion:

    PC players arguing against Xbox players having the option to not play at a disadvantage is the real joke.

    What about XBox players arguing against XBox players?

    What's the position on that?

    Just curious.

  • With the new additions the game brings in like firebombs controller players are going to continue to be at a disadvantage. PC players will argue against this until their red in the face with no validity to their points whatsoever. How can a controller player have Fruit, lantern, spyglass & firebombs key binded without losing out on chat wheel, emotes or something else also important? If they have to pull up a item wheel then press an additional button to page over & then select the firebomb all before throwing it & all ive got to do is hit a button & fire. Who do you think is getting roasted first? Be serious. A auto sprint option would at least give the xboxers one additional bind they could utilize.

    This game forced me into PC play. I now play with a logitech g502 (has almost as many buttons as a controller on my mouse) & a Azeron keypad the most beautifully crafted gaming accessory ive EVER purchased, serious quality of life changer. Ill never be a slow turn xbox potato again, because ive "Got Good" so i can say without a doubt xbox players are heavily disadvantaged in this game. Do Not Fight simply RUN for your lives.

    P.S remember to pay microsoft your annual subscription fees, so you can flee for your life. Like a scared Bot

  • -hombre said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @joe-gallows said in Another crossplay discussion:

    PC players arguing against Xbox players having the option to not play at a disadvantage is the real joke.

    What about XBox players arguing against XBox players?

    What's the position on that?

    Just curious.

    Either delusional or just lying about being on xbox. Controllers are at a severe disadvantage and has always been in games where aiming matters. If some xbox players really enjoy being at a disadvantage, it really doesn't change the facts.

  • @belyaevfox said in Another crossplay discussion:


    You wanna segregate the playerbase WHY?

    Opt-out is not segregation.

    Well, when it's implemented, and all the xbox players go hiding in their own servers, there's gonna be two distinct zones. The xbox servers and the PC servers.
    I mean, I'd call that segregation. Just cause you play the game on PC, you'll be limited from playing with the majority of the playerbase because they're all locked behind opt out?

    ...Cause your feelings are hurt? I see.

    Because of unbalanced gameplay.

    Again, xbox controller player here (and I'll keep singing that to the moon, especially now that you all suggest I'm lying about it... that's pretty funny in itself, not to mention a little sad), and not once have I had to RESORT to using that excuse. "Oh they were on PC so there was no chance of winning."
    I meet as many bad PC players as I do godly xbox players.

    Epic meme bro. Did you make that yourself?

    I did actually, I'm glad you like it so much :)

    You're losing your touch, Bfox.

  • @joe-gallows said in Another crossplay discussion:

    Either delusional or just lying about being on xbox.

    Well, I'm not lying, so I must be delusional. Though Fortescue, the educated platypus that lives on top of my bookshelves, keeps telling me I'm not.

    And he does have a PhD, so......

  • @racmop

    With regards to MW, which pool would you guess has the majority of the player base ?

    I would wager the cross play pool.


    Because its input based and works.

    If rare did this with SOT instead of by platform, it would be a much better and fairer move.

  • @heavyreaper102

    Well, when it's implemented, and all the xbox players go hiding in their own servers, there's gonna be two distinct zones. The xbox servers and the PC servers.

    That's not segregation. Giving people a choice is not force.

    I mean, I'd call that segregation. Just cause you play the game on PC, you'll be limited from playing with the majority of the playerbase because they're all locked behind opt out?

    That's still not segregation.

    You operate under the assumption that all or atleast a large majority of players want to take part in this "segregation". If that's the case maybe there is something to the game being unbalanced don't you think?

    Again, xbox controller player here (and I'll keep singing that to the moon, especially now that you all suggest I'm lying about it... that's pretty funny in itself, not to mention a little sad), and not once have I had to RESORT to using that excuse. "Oh they were on PC so there was no chance of winning."

    I play on both platforms and I am sorry to say that PC has huge advantages over Xbox.

    You're losing your touch, Bfox.

    I'm losing sanity over reading your posts to be honest.

  • @belyaevfox the dude has a point.

    You're arguement is essentially "choice", which does fall a bit flat when the whole premise here is division, the "optional" part depends on your perspective but is still a weak one at best when one group doesn't actually have the same premise of choice.

  • @racmop
    Looks like you have the same 'recent players' list as me, majority pc players, with a very light sprinkle of Xbox players...exactly what pc players were concerned about when opt out was announced. Looks like those concerns are becoming reality. Only difference is that the Xbox players arent in another server still supporting the game, they are just gone. Good work separating the playerbase, rare!

  • This community is like a family.

    We bicker, we fight, we disagree, but at the end of the day, we love and respect one another.

    On this very forum there's a heartfelt post from a guy who recently lost his wife and and outpouring of love and support for him and his family in this difficult time.

    THATS what SoT is about.

    This shameless and relentless attack by a small minority of Xbox users on the integrity of this community is a disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Pull your heads out of your rear passages and look at the damage you have done and continue to do to the fabric of this family.

    Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame.

  • @belyaevfox said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Well, when it's implemented, and all the xbox players go hiding in their own servers, there's gonna be two distinct zones. The xbox servers and the PC servers.

    That's not segregation. Giving people a choice is not force.

    I mean, I'd call that segregation. Just cause you play the game on PC, you'll be limited from playing with the majority of the playerbase because they're all locked behind opt out?

    That's still not segregation.

    Segregation by choice is still segregation. The simple fact that xbox players are the only people given the option for a controller only input option is not allowing me to join even if I would want to choose to, as I don't use Xbox but Windows and therefore segregation based on platform.

    Xbox players are given the choice PC players are not, how is that not exclusion or denial of access? It is flat out discrimination based on material choices, elitist mentality from the xbox community stating they should be given an controller option while denying the PC players the same option.

    You operate under the assumption that all or atleast a large majority of players want to take part in this "segregation". If that's the case maybe there is something to the game being unbalanced don't you think?

    Maybe it is because of the fear mongering, PC boogieman stories and excuses that the only reason for losing is based on the equipment someone uses.

    Maybe it is that they want a controller option and if it is linked to xbox it doesn't hurt them so they are ok with that? What about the PC players on a controller? Or is it fair for them?

    Again, xbox controller player here (and I'll keep singing that to the moon, especially now that you all suggest I'm lying about it... that's pretty funny in itself, not to mention a little sad), and not once have I had to RESORT to using that excuse. "Oh they were on PC so there was no chance of winning."

    I play on both platforms and I am sorry to say that PC has huge advantages over Xbox.

    Is it the PC or input model?
    Do you use a controller on both?
    Are you on a PC at the same price range and age as your xbox?

    If it is hardware, what is going to happen next year when the scarlett hits the market? You going to complain or you going to upgrade and since you have the advantage it will be all fine?

    If it is about controller play? This is a choice for both platforms, why is one being discriminated against? If it warrants an opt out option... why the difference in treatment?

    I thought people would be in favor of fairness, equality and compassion. Yet the majority group loves to defend their elitist exclusive membership... even though SoT was supposed to bring us together.

  • @cotu42 well put my man, I'm glad you understand as well.

  • @staceyxsx I have to say it should be somewhat easy to relearn keybinds after a 2-6 hours of trying to figure it out. You already know how to play the game so it should be easier to figure out how to play. I will be rough tho at first but its an easier transition than you think. I know many controller players who are really good at a competitive level. However I can tell if they are sorta because they cannot do 180s and 360s but only like top 20 or less of sword users can do this

  • @pomalotacusmk3 Dude you are so wrong I watch players move around when I kill them and they turn smooth and slow like a controller that doesnt have high sense to fight. I feel like servers are dead in general.

  • @CotU42

    Your whole post is concerned with controllers. That's not even the biggest issue. The PC version of the game runs much more smoothly, has much shorter loading times (important for respawns), has less bugs and less noticable lag. Even on a 10 year old PC it runs with good performance when set to lower settings. Comparing that to the the Xbox version that runs below 30 FPS even on the Xbox One X.


    This community is like a family.

    We bicker, we fight, we disagree, but at the end of the day, we love and respect one another.


    On this very forum there's a heartfelt post from a guy who recently lost his wife and and outpouring of love and support for him and his family in this difficult time.

    THATS what SoT is about.

    What has that to do with the thread or SoT?

    This shameless and relentless attack by a small minority of Xbox users on the integrity of this community is a disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

    People are voicing their opinions. Can't you handle that?

    Pull your heads out of your rear passages and look at the damage you have done and continue to do to the fabric of this family.

    What damage?

    Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame.

    You're sound like a drunk aunt at a family gathering.

  • @belyaevfox said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Your whole post is concerned with controllers. That's not even the biggest issue. The PC version of the game runs much more smoothly, has much shorter loading times (important for respawns), has less bugs and less noticable lag. Even on a 10 year old PC it runs with good performance when set to lower settings. Comparing that to the the Xbox version that runs below 30 FPS even on the Xbox One X.


    This community is like a family.

    We bicker, we fight, we disagree, but at the end of the day, we love and respect one another.


    On this very forum there's a heartfelt post from a guy who recently lost his wife and and outpouring of love and support for him and his family in this difficult time.

    THATS what SoT is about.

    What has that to do with the thread or SoT?

    This shameless and relentless attack by a small minority of Xbox users on the integrity of this community is a disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

    People are voicing their opinions. Can't you handle that?

    Pull your heads out of your rear passages and look at the damage you have done and continue to do to the fabric of this family.

    What damage?

    Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame.

    You're sound like a drunk aunt at a family gathering.

    The fact that you can't see any damage kind of proves my point. What are you doing here on the "community" forum, if you don't have any sense of community?

    What did that post have to do with this issue? Everything. Dude and his wife had memorable experiences, meant a lot to him. If we listen to you, everyone is leaving because the game is unbalanced for xbox. Doesn't seem like the sort of experience that would facilitate the meaningful experiences that fella and his wife had. Surely PC players ruined everything for them too no?

    Why would anyone listen to you about what is good for this community, when you actively don't want to be part of one?

    I listen to the people that understand that this is a diverse group with one thing in common, we all like Sea of Thieves.

    You, I don't know anything about except - I've never once seen you write anything positive about SoT, you're a single issue complainer, point me in the direction of a single post of yours that isn't another anti-PC snoozefest and I'll revise that opinion.

    It kind of seems like you don't like the game dude. I've never seen you do anything but complain.

    So, you don't believe in the community, you don't seem to like the game, tell me, why should I listen to your opinion on anything?

  • Sometimes I wonder to myself if by ignoring stuff like PvP and quick progression, I'm losing out on part of the game.

    Then I read crossplay threads with all their hand wringing over load times and frames per second and input options and cheating.....

    Then I smile to myself, kick back and say, "Nope. Life is pretty sweet."

  • @joe-gallows Crudely put but yes, I agree. As an Xbox user, it's sometimes unfair to go against PC kids who know what they're doing.
    Still, the option must be given to PC players. Allow them to opt in or out. Wouldn't be fair if console players got the only say in the matter!

    But the two main reasons I see players not want to see this implemented is because they either want the free kills or they are afraid of not being able to play (which is absurd because there's a hefty number of players for both PC and Xbox.)

  • @joe-gallows said in Another crossplay discussion:

    -hombre said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @joe-gallows said in Another crossplay discussion:

    PC players arguing against Xbox players having the option to not play at a disadvantage is the real joke.

    What about XBox players arguing against XBox players?

    What's the position on that?

    Just curious.

    Either delusional or just lying about being on xbox. Controllers are at a severe disadvantage and has always been in games where aiming matters. If some xbox players really enjoy being at a disadvantage, it really doesn't change the facts.

    All I get some this is basically you are not good on a controller and should invest into a PC...

    Your experience is your experience. You cannot speak for others. Especially when you can see streams and others all day using controllers and killing it. So your argument is for you and you only and does no speak for others than are effective with a controller.

    The average player can be very good with both, great players can be great with both, but typically you have more room for quicker movement and key bindings with M/K. This in SoT is NOT a major factor in this form. With right sensitivity and settings a Controller can do damn near as much work as a M/K and with less movement.

  • @grilledcheese10 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @joe-gallows Crudely put but yes, I agree. As an Xbox user, it's sometimes unfair to go against PC kids who know what they're doing.

    Key words here "who know what they're doing"

    So you then don't know what you are doing. How does anyone beat a PC player. OMG must never happen.....

    Come on man, you can't think people are going to take you seriously when you yourself called it. Know what you are doing.

    Still, the option must be given to PC players. Allow them to opt in or out. Wouldn't be fair if console players got the only say in the matter!

    Again, majority of players love the CP and how it brings them, buddies and others from many platfroms into one world. Only going to get BIGGER! Something people will have to face.

    But the two main reasons I see players not want to see this implemented is because they either want the free kills or they are afraid of not being able to play (which is absurd because there's a hefty number of players for both PC and Xbox.)

    Killing someone (outside arena) for most players isn't the drive in this game. Sure some get off on it, but most are in it for the loot and the thrill of getting there.

    None the less, where is your data on this? Because we are still as a massive opinion here that has little facts presented but calling for MAJOR game changes to a CP game.

  • @savagexxxone I do not have any statistics to give, I'm just staying the option would be nice for those who do not want crossplay. There's a lot of people who seem to think that everyone will immediately opt out of it if the option is given which isn't true. Some people liked to be challenged and given an opponent with an advantage over them. Some do not. Forcing crossplay could turn some people off the game who'd rather not face opponents using a more flexible control scheme. No one wants crossplay removed, just given the option to turn it off. People can still play with their buddies on PC and Xbox.

  • @grilledcheese10

    Well this is the loop around that will not really get solved. Anyone that bought this game should have known it was CP and that's what they bought. There is nothing more to it unless Rare takes the time to compile data and justify a need to make this game less CP. Cause it will make it less CP.

    Even in that event, I will just jump on my Xbox (as I do now) and destroy players and give them something else to complain about. Because honestly this is what it is, complaining. I am not trying to be rude, but we know players on Xbox/Controller that are more than enough proficient on the Seas.

    But to each their own. I rather see this game thrive and Rare focus on what matters.... Game performance, fixes and content (story over items). Now if there is data to support player loss based on CP, well then that is another discussion Rare will have to have. Even then, I bet there will be ways around this.

    Everyone have a solid day!

  • I did not buy this game because of CP, same with many of my friends.

    The discussion is the same as it has allways been on this forum regarding CP. If the devs dont want more sales and Xbox players keep CP as it is. Make it optional, let the players choose if they want it or not.

    Some of my friends got the game, stop playing because of CP and unfair advantage. I am still hoping that this optional feature will come in the future. Then ill buy this game.

    Hope everyone has a good Christmas and a happy 2020

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