Pirate Friends!

  • Ahoy! I’m Izzy!
    I’ve been playing this game on and off since the release but recently, I’ve been playing pretty much nonstop. I have been -TRYING- to grind Order of Souls missions to become a pirate legend. As of right now, I am a level 47. I am 50 in both Gold Hoarders and Merchant Alliance. I’ve completed all the Tall Tales as well.
    If you’re looking for a random person to join your crew and vanquish some skellies, I’m your girl!
    Since I have been playing this game for so long, I’ve picked up a few tricks and tips here and there. Plus, I pretty much know the map like the back of my hand which can be useful. If you’re an adult with at least some sense of humor, let’s sail the seas!
    PS. I’m not a very agro pirate. But I will always help my crew if we are attacking someone or being attacked.
    PPS. My brother and I are sometimes a packaged deal. Where I lack in the agro and PVP department, he does not.

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  • @thtvwgirl sounds cool. i'm always looking to add pirates to the friends list as solo sailing is much less fun so you and your brother should add me up. i sail most nites and a lot on tuesdays and weekends. im from nc east time zone.

  • @thtvwgirl Hey nice to meet you!
    You are more then welcome to join me and my crew on our random adventures add me if you wish and yeah its gonna be fun.

  • @revanjstone said in Pirate Friends!:

    @thtvwgirl sounds cool. i'm always looking to add pirates to the friends list as solo sailing is much less fun so you and your brother should add me up. i sail most nites and a lot on tuesdays and weekends. im from nc east time zone.

    I too am in EST. I’m from NYC :)

  • @faceyourdemon said in Pirate Friends!:

    @thtvwgirl Hey nice to meet you!
    You are more then welcome to join me and my crew on our random adventures add me if you wish and yeah its gonna be fun.

    I’m down! I’ll add you when I can!

  • @thtvwgirl awesome most of the pirates i click with seem to be from australia or england or something lol so will be nice to have someone from my timeframe for once.

  • @revanjstone same actually. I’ve only met one person on SoT that’s in this time zone. We’re really good friends now IRL too even though he’s in Michigan. He came here to visit like a year ago and my boyfriend and I roadtripped to see him back in September. SoT brings people together!

  • Don't forget to sell any gems to the Order of Souls for a very quick boost in Rep... you'll be a PL in no time :)

    UK based, looking for others to play with. Happy to grind the numbers, fish and just scavenge around :)

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