The Quest for the Golden Bananas - Riddles, Puzzles and Clues

  • Puzzle #1

    More than Two Words of advice: What’s missing? What’s a Sema For?

    Umbra’s Clue #5

    Set your course to our Channel,
    Port of call at the Inn.
    Where Side Stories be told
    Watch for Lucky Thirteen

    Puzzle #5

    Lucky Thirteen

    J N M A S T N S S L
    A O O L O O C S L H
    H E L R E H M A L C
    O O R L O N B L U T
    Y A L O Y N S T G A
    P A N * O R A U A P
    G E T N O L O C E E
    R L N P O R T G S Y
    M A I N S A I L E E
    C T R E A S U R E R

    Cannonball - Jollyroger - Seagulls
    Cutlass - Mainsail - Treasure
    Eyepatch - Parrot - Port
    Galleon - Schooner - Mast

    Umbra’s Clue #6

    For on the third day of the chase, the
    Lookouts all when mad
    Identifying distant sails, we
    Chased old Jack the Cad, but
    Krakens smashed our mast to Splinters,
    Row, row hard, my lad!

    Umbra’s Clue #7

    An X will mark the spot
    Of a Box that we know
    And You unearth a Tube
    which the whole World can show

    When the Record is lost
    When Cannon flies its last
    Then get thee to the Ball
    Where the distance is passed

    Puzzle #7

    Beware ye the cyclone,
    Spawned from the Nor’west,
    It leads to a treasure,
    Yer mettle to test!

    4 . 4 6 - , 5 6 6 2 . 2 3 / 6 9 9
    0 7 0 6 4 . 6 2 / 2 1 4 . 0 8 - .
    . 9 , 8 . 5 2 / 6 6 1 3 . 0 8 , 4
    8 4 – 1 4 1 , 4 2 6 . 8 3 - - 9 4
    8 / 8 5 3 3 0 9 . 5 5 / 5 / , 6 1
    6 4 0 6 . 8 6 . 8 - , 4 1 0 5 5 .
    0 3 . , 2 . 1 0 - , 5 8 8 8 6 . 6
    , . 1 – 7 – 5 . / 5 6 2 2 1 1 7 4
    . - 1 6 8 2 3 7 2 1 0 0 1 . 0 . 2 8
    7 2 5 0 / . / 5 1 . 6 . 2 . 6 / .
    2 4 5 . 3 1 6 5 2 / 4 1 2 2 2 0 7
    . , / 3 7 . 5 5 3 5 , - 1 - / 1 3
    3 1 4 7 5 6 / 5 5 . 7 9 0 , 4 8 –
    4 2 9 . 2 6 , - 1 2 3 . 1 2 0 . /
    6 . 8 8 8 / 4 0 . 4 6 2 0 , - 3 2
    0 / 3 3 . 9 9 8 , - 1 1 8 0 4 8

    Umbra’s Clue #8

    The real world doth beckon to this place ye may go
    There be watery journeys, but to all we will show.
    Von der Brücke können Sie sehen, was der Haupttest sein wird
    Wie ein Templer finden Sie den nächsten Schritt zur Truhe.

    52o 30’ 6.77” N, 13o 26’ 44.45” E

    Umbra’s Clue #9

    It be time to go Face
    The great Book of parlay,
    To Officially look as the Candle burns ‘way.

    Puzzle # 9

    Roman may have ears to lend.
    But count on them, ye fail.
    So order and re-order things
    To find what fills yer sail.

    Sixpenny - Envy
    Brave - Privy
    Extensive - X-ray Intrusion
    Paxwax - Xerox Kiwifruit
    Expat Ibex - Paxwax Antiquities
    Extrovert Initiates - Extra Extravagant

    Umbra’s Clue #10

    The real world doth beckon
    To this place ye may go
    Buried near to the Kraken
    But to all we will show.

    33o 53’ 26.99” S, 151o 16’ 38.62” E

    Umbra’s Clue #11

    ‘Tis Influencers you hunt
    An Unboxing to see
    A grog recipe folded
    Will give you the key.

    Umbra’s Clue #12

    The real world doth beckon, to this place ye may go
    There be a skull and a falls, but to all we will show.
    Dans les caverns lugubres,
    Utilisez les oreilles et non pas les yeux,
    Puis suivez la musique pour réclamer vortre prix.

    48o 52’ 47.38” N, 2o 23’ 01.42” E

    Dites le mot de passe: Nid de corbeau

    Puzzle #12

    A minuit ça commence.

    Umbra’s Clue #13 (Part One)

    There be relics to be found
    In an E-lectronic Bay
    That of Chinless Cap’n Kevin
    Who might have somethin’ to say

    Umbra’s Clue #13 (Part Two)

    There’s no wind in our sails
    But the Bay is not far
    New coordinates locked
    It’s place at the bar


    Puzzle #13

    Ship’s manifest

    259 Linens - 114 Pomegranites
    166 Tobacco - 85 Cotton
    64 Silver - 249 Goods
    13 Tobacco - 153 Linens
    175 Eggs - 6 Rubber
    290 Legumes - 179 Rice
    42 Cotton - 90 Tea
    343 Whiskey - 7 Rice
    290 Cotton - 207 Tea
    168 Tobacco - 173 Tobacco
    148 Bananas - 0 Rice
    81 Legumes - 52 Whiskey
    348 Goods - 126 Legumes
    160 Rubber - 170 Rice
    83 Coal - 56 Tobacco
    354 Linens - 358 Cotton
    103 Poultry - 167 Cotton
    283 Rice - 79 Tea
    174 Teal - 77 Cotton
    82 Cotton - 37 Lead
    26 Tobacco - 8 Silver
    242 Silver - 176 Fron
    190 Cotton - 141 Silk
    71 Gold - 84 Legumes
    292 Rum - 26 Cotton
    251 Bananas - 344 Rum
    164 Whiskey - 105 Bananas

    Umbra’s Clue #14

    The real world doth beckon
    To this place ye may go
    There be pirate-y song
    But to all we will show.

    48o 25’ 33.31” N, 123o 22’ 11.07” W

    Request The Ballad of a Thousand Grogs.

    Umbra’s Clue #15

    An X marks the spot
    Of the Box where you’ll find
    The Insta-ntly spied
    Dia-Gram left behind.

    Riddle for Puzzle #15

    The real word did beckon,
    We had Great times as we
    Circle back, reminisce, for
    Location is key.

    Puzzle #15

    First Irish City
    Asian Capital City
    First Big Body of Water
    Greenland Bay to Starboard

    _ _ 5 _ _ 12
    3 _ 6 11 _ 1 _
    _ _ _ 8 4
    _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _
    7 _ _ _ _ 10 9 _ _


    These are the riddles, puzzles & clues released during the promotion ARG contest "The Quest for the Golden Bananas". It was an event took place during the launch of Sea of Thieves and lasted from March 19th, 2018 to March 21st, 2018. You would use the answers from these to a fill in the blank template called "The Passage".I have tried to document the riddles, puzzles and clues the best I can.

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