Content suggestion: Spectral rifts

  • The idea comes with a neat lore reason too! :D

    Since Flameheart is opening rifts to his own realm into the SoThieves from which he summons his Fleets, the dimensional barriers in the SoThieves became a little more unstable!

    This could result in two opportunitys for new content.

    • 1.) You have a rift opening every 10 minutes somewhere in every zone of the game, like 'Ancient Isles, Shores of Plenty, The Wilds or Devils Roar' and the rifts simply connect to a random other zone on the same server.
      Rifts consist for 2 minutes and there are about 5 places in each zone where they can appear.
      ° They could be a nice getaway from a chasing Crew, or
      ° they could be used as a possible alternative to cut a journey shorter

    • 2.) Sailing in one such rift does not teleport you at all, instead if allows you to enter a phasing/alternate layer of reality closer to the Afterlife of the SoThieves.
      ° It could be a quicktime event where you confront a Spectral Skeleton ship the same seize as your own ( Brigantines fight 2 Sloops as long as no Skeleton Sloop is in the game? ) Upon defeating them, you automatically earn about 4.000/6.000/10.000 Gold ( Shipsize related ) and Doublons as well 50/75/125 Doublons.
      That or
      ° The alternate dimension is simply an eerie version of the Sea of Thieves in which nothing living or even Undead exists. While sailing these astral layer between the material SoThieves and it's Afterlife, your ships slowest speed is increased about four times. You will remain there until you sail out in one of the rifts in the other parts of the map, or sunk by another player-vessel that has also entered these fleeting plane between the realms. *As long as you do not sail back into a rift to the material realm, you will be stuck there infinitely. Your ship also does not exist in the material realm which enables you to sneak up on locations nearby a rift fairly easily.

    This idea fights about two things in the SoThieves which bore me to death.
    One being overly long journeys, preferably accompanied by having to sail into the wind over about half the map.
    And second I desire new epic experiences and possibilitys to either engage or try to escape from another hostile playercrew.

    Sea of Action!

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  • This seems to weird for the sea of thieves. Doesn't really fit the feel of the game.

  • @Odyssee-mit-Tee Please refrain from making derogatory posts toward other users. It is a violation of our forum rules, and your post has been removed as a result.

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