Suggestion: Cape/cloak slot

  • There should be a slot for capes/cloaks we can equip. Would allow us to add some flair on top of some of the lighter, less heavy jackets. Could have trading company capes/cloaks as well.

  • 8
  • I think this would be a cool addition, as long as none of them change the gameplay unless by design. For example, a black cloak that makes tucking easier would be something that would have to be unlocked by in-game challenges to avoid a pay-to-win scenario arising.

  • no…this is a pirate game not a super hero game…it does not fit in at all

  • @madfrito99

    Actually pirates did wear capes and cloaks, even Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag has the option the wear them.

  • @king-grognak please show me where lol i dont believe assassins creed is factual

  • @madfrito99

    I think you can look it up for yourself, AC4 features them, pirates of the Caribbean features them. (Will turner to be exact)

    The Spanish had a lot of capes added to their outfits.

    Not everything is to do with Batman and superman.

  • I'm all for any and all added customization. Worst comes to worst, i just don't like any of the capes and don't use the slot. xD

  • @owlexanderxb not all pirates wear capes.

    This one would though!

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