Fiery Rowboat with a Keg on the Back

  • Has anyone else seen a firey-looking rowboat with a mega keg on the back of it? I just randomly found one at Mermaids Hideaway and can't find any info about it online. Looks like a fun way to get into some shenanigans.

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  • @bromego2263 Go and blow them up or go to the Reaper's hideout and find out what to do with them. Your adventure awaits.

  • @bromego2263 ahoy matey, that be the new adventure that launched this morning. It is all part of the Golden Sands and Flameheart story we are seeing unfold!
    Read about it here:

    See the trailer here:

  • @bromego2263 Take then to golden sands and destroy the outpost. This is your mission. You will chose to accept it or perish by the flame.

  • @cptnpotbeard that's a no from me boss.

  • @hijack-hayes Then I guess you'll be perishing in flames.

  • @cptnpotbeard All we have to do is stop Reapers at Cannon Cove. It will be fun sending them flying on a green explosion.

  • @metal-ravage Haha funny you think it will be that easy. All I have to do is blockade golden sands and you can't turn in your precious cargo.

  • @cptnpotbeard It will be easy alright, ships beat rowboats everytine.

  • can you choose Merrick first then choose reaper later?

  • @metal-ravage Hahaha not my rowboat. And that's funny you think you'll have a ship left after I send it to the bottom in flames.

  • @the-pheonix6886 said in Fiery Rowboat with a Keg on the Back:

    can you choose Merrick first then choose reaper later?

    Yes. And you can repeat either side to your hearts content to increase which side is winning. Side with Reapers though or I'll hunt you down and sink your ship lol

  • @cptnpotbeard it sounds more fun to blow it up rather than smuggle goods in. I also want the lantern...

  • @the-pheonix6886 said in Fiery Rowboat with a Keg on the Back:

    @cptnpotbeard it sounds more fun to blow it up rather than smuggle goods in. I also want the lantern...

    Glad to see you've made the right choice. Now go and burn down that pathetic outpost for the Flame!!!!

  • @cptnpotbeard PIRATES FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!🏴‍☠️😈

  • @the-pheonix6886 said in Fiery Rowboat with a Keg on the Back:

    @cptnpotbeard PIRATES FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!🏴‍☠️😈

    Well said Phoenix

  • @cptnpotbeard yes

  • @cptnpotbeard Ships can respawn, good luck getting another rowboat that doesn't fly!

  • @metal-ravage said in Fiery Rowboat with a Keg on the Back:

    @cptnpotbeard Ships can respawn, good luck getting another rowboat that doesn't fly!

    Yeah I've heard it's a laggy mess. I'm still at work so I have yet to experience it. But thankfully I'm a good pilot so me and my flying rowboat will reign death from above lol

  • @cptnpotbeard Hang on for dear life most like it. For a moment I thought they turned the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in a Rollercoaster without rails.

  • @metal-ravage Hahahah see I have experience with flying vessels. For back in year one when they first added the floating barrels and treasure washed up on beaches it caused all kinds of server issues and you'd find your gally randomly blasting off into space.

  • @cptnpotbeard I have been there, once when fighting a meg near Devil's Ridge my galleon took off, jumped the island and landed on the opposite side. Result: two men overboard, meg dead on last shot and me at the wheel evading rocks and shallows.

  • @metal-ravage No I don't mean jumped an island. I mean literally higher in the air than the top of sea dogs tavern rock. Legit flying lol

  • @cptnpotbeard Well good luck up there Howard Hughes 👍

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