Please add the Ukrainian language

  • I ask you to add the Ukrainian language to the game and add it to the site sea of ​​thieves. There are many Ukrainian-speaking people who play Sea of ​​Thieves. These people, including myself, can help translate the game into Ukrainian

  • 135
    feedbackgeneralquestioncommunitywindows 10
  • Relevant idea, I think this issue is worth considering!

  • cool idea, I hope Rare will pay attention to this

  • Ukraine is biggest country in Europe, Ukrainian language must be in this game

  • @Kozak1608 Підтримую!

  • Adding the Ukrainian language to the game is very important!

  • Yes, yes, yes

  • It's time

  • Jak dla mnie naprawdę warto dodać język ukraiński

  • Good idea

  • Я розумію складність введення української мови, але сподіваюся, що на цю пропозицію відреагують та введуть українську мову, щоб українці та українки могли краще проводити свій час граючи у гру на своїй рідній мові, а не на мові окупанта або на англійській.

    I understand the difficulty of introducing the Ukrainian language, but I hope that you will react on this offer to add Ukrainian language, so that Ukrainians can spend their time playing the game in their native language, not in the language of the occupier or in English.

  • Slava Ukraine! This is a great idea!

  • I like this.

  • accessibility through language serves players of the game and increases quality of life within the game for some so I think it would benefit the game to offer it

  • Hey
    I live in Ukraine and genuinely love playing Sea of ​​Thieves. Many of my acquaintances do not understand Russian well because it was a colonial compulsion, and now there is no value in teaching it in schools. But they were forced to play in Sea of ​​Thieves with the Russian localization text because they have bad English. I understand English very well, and for me, there is no problem explaining to them what they need to do in quest texts when they don't understand Russian sentences. But they can't enjoy playing without me. And I want to offer you some help to increase the involvement of Ukrainian-speaking players in Sea of ​​Thieves. I have worked with the localization of the game World of Tanks and Project Zomboid and previously helped with Crystals of Time, Star Wars Starfighter, and The I of the Dragon Localization. It may be difficult for you to maintain the entire infrastructure around the game for Ukrainian localization, given that Xbox does not support Ukrainian still. Therefore, I want to assist you in creating a modification that can replace the Cyrillic texts of the game with Ukrainian ones for the PC version.

  • Yes to this, and to everyone, before deckhands get involved, try and not mention the current Ukrainian situation. This is the Sea of Thieves forums, not The Telegraph

  • @naxar7 said in Please add the Ukrainian language to the game:

    Ukraine is biggest country in Europe, Ukrainian language must be in this game

    I thought Russia was the biggest country in Europe. It's what I learned in school.

    I Googled "which country is the largest in Europe?" and it told me Ukraine, but then when I Googled "which country is the 2nd largest country in Europe?" It also told me Ukraine, with Russia taking the #1 spot as the largest.
    How can Ukraine be both the biggest and 2nd biggest country in Europe?

    Google Map of Ukraine

    Google Map of Russia

    It's clearly Russia, according to the maps, so why am I getting 2 different answers?

    You mean that Google is lying to me, and can't always be trusted!? 😱

    Finally, you're not specific to what you're referring to - land, population, etc.? It helps to be clear so I know what it is that I'm searching for. 😅

  • @max-kalem said in Please add the Ukrainian language to the game:

    I live in Ukraine and genuinely love playing Sea of ​​Thieves. Many of my acquaintances do not understand Russian well because it was a colonial compulsion, and now there is no value in teaching it in schools. But they were forced to play in Sea of ​​Thieves with the Russian localization text because they have bad English. I understand English very well, and for me, there is no problem explaining to them what they need to do in quest texts when they don't understand Russian sentences. But they can't enjoy playing without me. And I want to offer you some help to increase the involvement of Ukrainian-speaking players in Sea of ​​Thieves. I have worked with the localization of the game World of Tanks and Project Zomboid and previously helped with Crystals of Time, Star Wars Starfighter, and The I of the Dragon Localization. It may be difficult for you to maintain the entire infrastructure around the game for Ukrainian localization, given that Xbox does not support Ukrainian still. Therefore, I want to assist you in creating a modification that can replace the Cyrillic texts of the game with Ukrainian ones for the PC version.


  • @galactic-geek
    I think that Russia is in Europe, but not entirely in Europe, and therefore is not a "European country". Even still, the section of Russia in Europe is larger than Ukraine.
    So, yes, Russia is the largest country in Europe. But it is not the largest European country.
    This is all speaking in terms of physical size of artificial boundaries though.

    Also yes add more languages, the size of the country isn't all that relevant here.

  • Of course I think adding languages is a good idea, but I'm always reluctant to care about posts that use spoof accounts/dogpiling of friends to artificially create a lot of support for a topic.

    No matter the topic, it makes me dislike the post.

  • @grumpyw01f Fair enough 😂 but tbh does sound like a Russki complaint to me

    Also Viva Ukraine!

  • Yes, that's a great idea. Now all Ukrainians are going through terrible times and we would be very grateful for such support

  • @kozak1608 yes please

  • Please add a Ukrainian language

  • I wanna see ukrainian language on the game

  • That would be great!

  • It is a great idea to add Ukrainian language to Sea of Thieves! I am playing in English and it is hard to understand some definitions. My local language helps me to understand game mechanics and lore better.

  • Very good idea!
    Appreciate it :)

  • I like this.
    Glory to Ukraine!

  • yea pls why not

  • I'm fully supporting you. Ukrainian language must be in the game!

  • @galactic-geek There are many discussions about affiliation of Russia to Europe or Asia. The biggest part russian territory is located in Asia (77%). The culture of russian people is more similar to Asian countries than to Europe. It is logical to belong Russia to Asia.

    But the capital of Russia is located in Europe part. Majority part of population are also living in Europe. And European part of Russia is also bigger than Ukraine. You can also say that Russia is the biggest country of Europe.

  • Support!

  • YES! we need ukranian language

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16 de 135