Frequent Crashes After 2.5.3 June 22nd

  • Since the update last week (2.5.3 - 06/22/22), some friends and myself have been experiencing very persistent and aggravating game crashes. All of us affected are on console, myself specifically on a Series X. They've had their share of glitches where they've had to restart their game when shop icons and radial menu icons weren't loading in, among others. I've had absolutely no issues myself until this week. The crashes are becoming unbearable. I was finishing some commendations for the final Pirate's Life Tall Tale and my game crashed 2 times during the ghost ship fleet battle at the beginning. The game let's me load back into my session when I relaunch, but everything in my inventory is gone, and the world is still moving. If I have a hole, I have to load in quick to patch it because it's taking in water the whole time I'm gone. If I was turning, I have to hop on wheel immediately to make sure I don't hit something. This has even happened in the midst of pvp. I've searched for the issue throughout the week to see if anyone is talking about it or if the devs are aware and working on a fix, but I still have seen nothing. I'm going to scroll a bit more after this post to quadruple check, but it's not just me being plagued by this, so something is clearly up. Does anyone have any info?

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  • 3 more crashes this session since posting -_-

  • @secret-vveapon To report game issues:

  • @secret-vveapon been having the same problem. No noise or anything just everything goes still and then game crash back to the dashboard

  • I crashed multiple times last night while playing on Xbox. This happened 3 times. I wish Rare would let us keep what was in our pockets if we crash and rejoin the same session.

  • Same issue here. Multiple crashes per session for both myself and everyone that I play with. All on Xbox.
    Getting fed up to the back teeth with this, as it's making the game practically unplayable, and has been going on for weeks now.
    Just lost the final 3 Bright Pondies I needed, and 2 bits of Treacherous Plunder to boot (one was a boot).
    Sort this out Rare!!!

  • I have an X-Box Series S and have the same issues. It started just after the last update. My game has crashed in every session that I have played since the last update, and in some cases, 3 times within 30 minutes. Very frustrating. I found restarting the console does help, but that is only temporary. Like putting a band-aid on a gun-shot wound.

  • I’ve been dealing with the exact same thing for a few weeks now, it was intermittent but now it happens every single time I play without fail, always about 20/30 minutes in. Super frustrating, I’ve given up on Sea of Thieves until they find the issue and patch it (which is sad because I just made Pirate Legend and was looking forward to trying my newly unlocked Athena voyages).

  • @secret-vveapon Exactly the same issue. It's completely random; sometimes it happens when inside a shrine, sometimes when I'm walking on an island doing nothing, sometimes in the middle of combat. It seemed to have increased greatly on Series X (about one or two crashes a day), luckily that console is so fast the re-connection is done within a minute, but indeed my inventory is gone. It did happen on Xbox One (original) as well, just once. Right before I got my SX.

    I'll be keeping tabs on the exact circumstances and post those here, in the hopes that there is a pattern to it after all.

  • I am very thankful that I am not the only one experiencing this. It is frequent on an Xbox one as well. Has anyone heard or seen anything addressing this issue?

  • @dankykong134949 I’ve yet to see anything from Rare personally (I may have missed it) but am watching intently. Would love to get back on the seas but this is too frustrating for me personally so I’ll probably stay off until they find a fix.

  • I've logged a support case, but all I got back was a generic copy/pasted Windows crash troubleshooting paper telling me to update my graphics drivers, etc. Looks like they didn't even read my telling them I am on Xbox, or it was a bot replying.. I hope a human being at Rare did read it when I commented on my case and reopened it (it got closed again), and they -know- something's up with their Xbox version. It's tricky to troubleshoot something like this, but I'm worried I haven't heard an acknowledgement from Rare about this.

  • Hey so quick update, I put in a support ticket through the “bugs” menu, and they said they’re going to see with their development team about it. So they have been made aware.

  • Got an update for everyone as well: after a lot of copy and pasted "have you tried restarting your console" nonsense, I tried to as politely as possible explain that I felt like I wasn't being heard and it felt like everything I said was being ignored. I've played video games excessively for 23 years now. I know when my console needs a hard reboot and this is not that kind of problem. This is not something we can fix. It's something on Rare's end. So when I explained myself and how I appreciate all the links but they dodge the problem, I was finally told the problem has been forwarded to the dev team. And if you guys have submitted support tickets as well, they might finally realize it's a bigger problem than a few consoles crashing the game. It's not a matter of rebooting or reinstalling the game. This is affecting loads of people since a specific update. I've learned it's affecting even more than I realized while chatting with the community of one of SoT's Twitch Partners. Be polite. Be respectful. This team is working so hard to give us a great experience. But let them know we're having issues that are urgent. If the game is crashing consistently by season 7, a lot of new players and old returning veterans are not going to stick around. This game is all about the community. Thanks everyone.

  • I'm raging, XBox One here. Crashes nearly everytime I play now since the last patch. Joke lost so many hours, loot and sanity. It never used to crash previously!
    The load times are horrendous, so by the time I get back in my ship is destroyed! Fish etc that I have on me gone. If this isn't fixed on the next update I'll not be playing anymore!!!!

  • @zaefoe I feel for you. My only saving grace is having a Series X, so my load times are super quick. Even though I lose my inventory, I can get back in quick enough to save the ship. My buddy on the other hand is in the same boat as you (no pun intended). We crashed mid Athena voyage docked in devils roar while a volcano was erupting. Ship definitely would have sunk without me because it takes him almost 2 more minutes to get into the game than me.

  • If it helps anyone at all, even the devs, I'm beginning to wonder if it's an issue with certain servers. I played a 5 hour session not crashing a single time yesterday. I parted ways with my crewmate to join another friend and crashed in the first 5 minutes. Then he crashed 10 minutes or so after that. Sometime we crash a lot. Sometimes we're lucky. Possibly an issue with certain servers? Just throwing ideas out at this point out of desperation. This is probably the most annoying bug.

  • Crashed once yesterday and once today. Luckily I play on Series S and somehow my ship took no damage from a rock when loading back in. Crashed for me last week too while doing the adventure. Modded Skyrim on console seems more stable lol.

  • Not only crashes, stutterings and screen freezes as well for me for like 2 secs if not more. These problems can influence the fights very much especially the close combat. I think I experienced stutters more if I was on an enemy ship.

    Another offtopic bugs which can cause my death is the ADS bug(I have to press right click 3-4 times sometimes till it reacts) and the shooting bug, or I could say "NOT shooting" bug.. happens very often that I board a ship and i'm about to shoot at someone but my gun just doesn't do anything like I wouldn't have any ammo. Rare please fix these as these are the most basic parts of the game and it causes a lot of frustrations for the players.

  • Crashed another 3 times in the space of an hour whilst trying to do The Sunken Pearl, resetting most of the progress each time.
    Ridiculous state of affairs Rare. Sort this out!!!

  • ...and another twice in 20 minutes! Unplayable at the moment.
    Some acknowledgement from Rare would be a start!!! :@

  • Hey everyone. Rare just announced a hot fix coming for the July 11th update. They didn't mention the nature of the hot fix, but after the attention we have all brought to the constant crashing, we're hoping that's the target. Thanks for coming together to get this solved, pirates.

  • 4-5 hr playsession ,everyday one crash (xbox series x).btw when its crashed that often did u checked your back n top from your xsx , maybe the console is overheating ? i hate the mesh with the big holes on the xsx. my fan is is really dusty but i dont wanna open my xsx

  • I cant portal hop anymore crashes every time I go in there and I lose everything and just end up in a new server. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game same issue. I cant even do them anymore either if I wanted to re-save a spawn point. This has been going on for a couple weeks now.

  • Well everyone, I was excited for today's update, but upon reading through the patch notes, it doesn't seem like our crashing issue has been addressed yet. More discouraging, it wasn't mentioned as an issue being worked on either. I really hope they get this under control before it causes Season 7 to collapse. Keep talking about this. Eventually they'll hear us and we'll get some kind of response.

  • +1 here

    Had 3 crashes at different places in the map since the last update. (update that fixed Adventure 5).

    Are there any logs we can look at and maybe use to open a ticket with Rare?

  • @kpeey The third post in this thread has the link to the support site where we can put in tickets. That's the best I personally have unless someone else has some other advice. If you put in a ticket, they will send you a bunch of copy and paste nonsense about restarting your console. Just be patient and politely tell them you're one of the many people experiencing these problems that are happening on Rare's end, not ours. We can't fix it by reinstalling or restarting our console. It's something they need to fix. Eventually they'll tell you your ticket was forwarded to the devs. Thanks for speaking up with us. Let's get this fixed.

  • Same problem here (Xbox). It was working fine up until the last update. This is straight up pathetic. I spent an hour or even more getting some loot and on the way to sell it it froze and crashed. I'm also kinda glad I'm not the only one having this problem but Rare seriously needs to figure something out!!!

  • Had to start leaving my rowboat attached to my sloop now if it's loaded with loot. Crashed on Smugglers Bay while doing a vault voyage and when I rejoined my session my rowboat spawned halfway to another island. Makes selling loot annoying as I normally just rowboat my loot close to where I want to sell it but I crashed twice within half an hour on Sunday. I messaged a random player asking them if their game was crashing. First they said no then a few minutes later said it crashed their Series X💀
    Only reason I continue to play is because of rejoin session and I'm playing on a Series S which loads much faster than my retired Fatbox One.

  • Wondering if I should just link this thread to the support ticket at this point.

  • Glad I found this post cuz I can put my two cents in I have a Xbox series s and my game crashes on any of the pirate's life tall tales and the pirate's life Telltale the first one the game crashes immediately as soon as Jack and the crab crawler on the front of the ship start fighting I've done it six times and it crashes everytime in that point Tall Tale 2 it crashes just about every time I reached the Black Pearl by swimming downwards I've done that about four times to have a crash each time at that point in the third tall tale it crashes every point I start using the lighthouse Beacon to light up the things just before you fight Black Dogbair on the 4th tall tale it crashes everytime right after I enter the coral Fortress for the dark brother and on the 5th tall tale the game crashes every time the siren statue spawned

  • The game is currently a glorified fishing simulator, as the only 'safe' activity is fishing from a seaport and handing the fish in immediately; and even then you waste hours acquiring bait again when it crashes.
    If Rare won't listen to, or acknowledge, us, then maybe they'll listen to Disney, who's IP is currently being damaged.

  • I cannot play for more than 30 minutes without a game crash, each time it happens I'm doing something different and cannot think of a particular reason for the crashes. The most recent was during a fight, we had probably 40 chests on bboard and just sunk two ships when a brig showed up, the fight was fairly close but we were winning when the game crashed yet again. I rejoined session in the water while the enemy was looting the pile. The other two left.

  • I'm OK on PC, but my wife on Xbox Series X has had this issue - Mid game, magic, gone back to dashboard. Very frustrating!

  • Same issue... on PC... game crashes every 30min or so. Game is unplayable in this state... lose all your items you were carrying and ship crashes... gg

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