They are just that good huh?

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  • Lol, xbox with controllers only. Still doesn't solve the problem but minimizes chances.

  • Did they design them to make people sea sick for the immersion of it all?

    1997 aerial dogfighting cockpits in videogames gave me less of a headache than those videos.

    People that download free cheats get easy bans on top of their info mined. Would not recommend anyone fall for it, or think that Rare can't easily handle public cheats.

  • I've seen these videos as well. The sad part is the comments under the videos. Most of the responses are positive and people talking about using them without being detected. There are a lot of people using low key cheats out there. We need an anti-cheat in this game.

  • Interesting, I watched Phuzzy on Twitch yesterday and caught him getting spawn camped by a toxic crew who kept bailing to keep his crew up. He said he didn’t think they were cheating but they were shooting through the brig grill, had insane aim, and were switching guns very quickly by sprint cancelling. Seems pretty rare this happens and hard to distinguish cheaters and the sweat lords. Not sure there’s a huge amount Rare can do, there are unfortunately these kind of people in all walks of life. Just report and move on as he did.

  • @surefire9585 said in They are just that good huh?:

    Interesting, I watched Phuzzy on Twitch yesterday and caught him getting spawn camped by a toxic crew who kept bailing to keep his crew up. He said he didn’t think they were cheating but they were shooting through the brig grill, had insane aim, and were switching guns very quickly by sprint cancelling. Seems pretty rare this happens and hard to distinguish cheaters and the sweat lords. Not sure there’s a huge amount Rare can do, there are unfortunately these kind of people in all walks of life. Just report and move on as he did.

    Nobody that chases streamers around is using public cheats.

    Anyone that downloads this poorly designed free stuff in the videos is going to be one of the "I never did anything wrong why I am I banned" people and probably will have to change their passwords.

    People never seem to notice that the skilled and legit players in this game are significantly higher performers than the people showing off the cheats in these ad videos.

  • Sad thing is the people using these are probably some of the worse trash talkers too. I wonder if people using these are what happens when you get that crazy rubber banding on servers sometimes. Also the fact a lot of these probably have trojans embedded in them is doubly great. So while this persons cheating at the game someones grabbing all his password.

    Also the guys posting the videos not hiding crewmates names another win.

  • Back in the day I used to play on mixed servers and encountered a lot of sus players. Since I switched to xbox only servers with controllers I haven't encountered anything sus, just well built skill.

  • Whats even worse is people will say stuff like we shouldn't be able to buy levels or it's not supposed to be easy to lvl up in the system yet Rare doesn't seem to do anything about this stuff. Like not trying to downplay the number of people who do use these but even if its hundreds of people or even thousands when you have like 1.5-2 million active users that's still a relatively small %

  • @r3troraccoon even with cheats, those guys are pretty bad.

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