A Solution to Dark Adventurer Sails

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  • Here we go again! They’re not pay to win nor do they give “a huge advantage” as if this was the case, Rare would have sorted it by now.

    See this thread for all the arguments for and against you can think of: https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/post/1791448

  • @netrovek I thought DA sails were a meme, just like the people who use them. Using sails you like is better.

  • @netrovek

    My friend that I play with has more than enough $$ to get these but sees little point in advertising his experience ahead of any encounter. For some people it's better to demonstrate it than show it.

    They do give a nice + tangible benefit though - hard to deny that.

  • @tesiccl I never said they give you a huge disadvantage. But you can't deny that they do make a noticible difference. Try sailing on a brig for a while with both types of sails. You will be shocked at the difference, even when you're not in combat. In fact, I feel like they are more of a hinderance in normal gameplay than they are in combat, since you don't usually have your sails all the way down during PVP encounters. And if you don't think they offer any kind of leg up, then why does such a huge percentage of players use these? Just because they're expensive? I highly doubt that. They don't even look that cool IMO.

    Just look at this image from Lormiun in that thread you linked to. This seems like a pretty obvious advantage to me. With normal sails, you can't see a single thing in front of you. Disregarding the existance of the DA sails, this just seems like a bad design to me.

    All I'm trying to do here is offer a simple solution that helps everyone.

  • @captain-coel I agree that using sails you like is better. That's the point I'm trying to make. I want to be able to use any sails that I own without feeling like I'm giving myself a handicap.

  • @netrovek said in A Solution to Dark Adventurer Sails:

    @captain-coel I agree that using sails you like is better. That's the point I'm trying to make. I want to be able to use any sails that I own without feeling like I'm giving myself a handicap.

    If you need to stay on the helm to steer your ship, you are already doing it wrong.

  • One of my biggest issues with the game over the past few years has been the huge advantage the DA sails give players

    No it isn’t. It’s the price people pay to appear they have an advantage and how ugly they look on your ship.

    Seriously you get the same effect by curling your sails a little using any sails.

  • Is this a real argument?

    The difference is marginal at best for speed. Just turn up one set of sails a little bit so you can see. The speed difference, if any, is not gonna be the difference in sinking or getting sunk. Even if there was a speed difference, you'll gain turning so it evens out.

    Calling these sails an issue or claiming they are an advantage is borderline nonsense.

  • Remove the cut and learn to sail lol

  • @b4njax I agree with the "Get Gud" mentality, however, if the speed isn't the difference between sinking and being sunk you're not utilizing the ship to its fullest capability.
    In prolonged chases the speed difference does matter

  • How many of these threads need to be made lol...

  • @netrovek

    I never said they give you a huge advantage

    One of my biggest issues with the game over the past few years has been the huge advantage the DA sails give players. I don't really have a problem with them being sort of pay-to-win.

    Yes. Yes you did.

    Since you’ve read the other thread, you’ll realise that your post bears no new argument against I won’t already point you back to the link to read. Sorry, I won’t be getting into it.

  • Barely see them, not pay to win, you cant buy progression at all or more than 10k coins at most every major update, nowhere near the 8M you need, go do a fort for the 20k and reputation.

    There are always people who go for the highest advantage, don't be mad at them for it. Plus 80m gold for them, players will use them.

    Not really an advantage, All i have to say is "git gud".

  • @valor-omega when these sails came out it was worse people where crying that they where ''pay to win'' wich is not treu the people who have them (me included) have metric ton of gold lying around and bought them just to have them and as for advantage i dont see the benefit either curl up the sails or move 1 step to the left or right and 2 steps forward so ya long story short some people like to hit a dead horse

  • @tesiccl Having items like Dark Adventurer Sails is something that I find enjoyable in the game.
    It is because it gives you a feeling of meaningfulness to go to the world and earn some money to get better.

    I'd like to see more items like that, like very expensive cannons, weapons, etc. that give you some tiny advantage if you have them as a long-time playing player.

    Dark Adventurer Sails is the item that gives to many players the real reason to actually play the game (once they reach PL).

  • alt text

    Just put a price tag on the cut already :D

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