Idea - Add A SoT Community Workshop

  • So I've been playing SoT since Day 1, and I still enjoy the game to this day.

    I do feel that there's a bit of community expansion that could be added. One of my most disliked SoT parts is the Plunder Plass and the Cosmetics.

    To explain better:
    The Plunder Pass is way too easy to max out within 24-48 Hours upon the New Seasons. This to me makes me think that players are going to rush the Plunder Pass and then not play as often as others. Now I have nothing against the people who are Speedrunners and try to accomplish tasks in the fastest time. That's awesome and they are all great players! Cosmetics, on the other hand, could use a lot of TLC with how they're designed. There are lots of Ship Parts that are just Re-Skinned Textures and we can all see specific ship sets out there where it's the same cannons but 1 set is Gold and the other is Brown. The Cannons are just 1 of many examples.

    If I was a player and looking for some more enjoyment within the game. I would love to see things attached via Creator Crew and the addition of a Community Workshop to SoT.

    Q. Why a Community Workshop?
    A. I myself came from playing games like Counter-Strike and with CS:GO (Now CS2). There is a massive community out there with Workshop Creations. I also try Quality Of Life Mods/Resource Packs within games like Minecraft. These Community Designs bring so much more enjoyment to their respective games.

    If SoT were to add in the addition of a Community Workshop. We could see a huge spike in keeping the game afloat (Pun Intended). There are so many amazing artists out there who do 3D Modelling/Fan Art/Design Concepts. Open up the Game Files and allow the community to get to work by taking the 3D Models of Ships/Pirate Models/NPC Models/Structures and allow the growth through Community Submissions. When you look at the Community for games like Counter-Strike. You see their Workshop Guidelines: They supply the creators with all the Weapon Models in a file that can be downloaded and then Weapon Skins can be designed and submitted on the Community Workshop for Community Voting. Eventually, pending the Community Voting. These Weapon Skins may get placed into Weapon Cases as In-Game Content and used within the game.

    I myself can already see multiple Ideas of this community Workshop being successful in things like:

    • New Pirate Emporium Content
    • New Plunder Pass Reward Content
    • New In-Game Event Content
      This list can go on forever.

    But just imagine having a new batch of new custom ship sets that have been submitted via Community Workshop. The Community can do the same such as Counter-strike does with their Workshop. The Lucky Submissions that make it through. They could be included in the list of content ideas listed above.

    Could you imagine if someone decided to take the Structures like a Fort and for Seasonal Events like Halloween/Christmas/etc...? The place could be decorated for the Holiday. Imagine for Easter? You could do a massive Easter Egg Hunt with specific Loot for a Community Day and players need to search the Seas like an Easter Egg Hunt. This is where the Creators can have some fun as an add-on to the landscape of the islands for some minor additions and enjoyment. It's much like how Minecraft will replace the Textures of Chests with Christmas Presents for that time of the year.

    Another feature of a Community Workshop is I could see players using the 3D Models and remaking their Pirates as well as some other items like a ship and then using those for some fun video content where they could Animate their Priate to talk with their voice. You could almost even bring SoT VTubers to Life if they have a 3D Model of their Pirate. Now they can do even more fun content with their Pirate On Stream/Video Content.

fan artcommunityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
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