Sea of Thieves X Minecraft: Plunder Outpost Build Showcase!

  • Ahoy!

    I just wanted to share a showcase video I put together, featuring my Plunder Outpost Minecraft build! I made this video in honor of Community Weekend, and just thought I'd share here!

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  • It is ridiculous how awesome this is.

    Jaw dropping, inspiring, just flat out incredible minecraftsmanship

  • @wolfmanbush Thank you so much, mate. That truly means the world to hear that! I know I'm not the first (and likely not the last) to make a PO build, but I really wanted to make one that was not only aesthetically pleasing and detailed on the exterior, but detailed on the interior as well!

    In a future update, I plan to make a redstone-powered secret staircase leading down to the legend hideout (accessed through a nether portal), and then build the full and complete hideout!

  • @valor-omega That would be so freaking cool. I used to love doing secret doors. I would always build them with trees up against mountains. Freaking invisible. Until someone needs wood.

  • @crowedhunter I love piston work, honestly! Doing secret doors was always kind of my specialty! I think my two favorites were either my secret fireplace door (which opened by a button press, and snuffed the fire, and when closed, it would use dispensers to reignite the fire) or my furnace-powered door that lead to my underground base! When you put wood into a furnace to smelt iron or cook, it would briefly open up a wall panel and allow me to climb down - completely seamless, and no levers!

  • @valor-omega That fireplace idea is sick! The furnace is even better. Do those somehow produce a power signal? How does that one work?

  • @crowedhunter For the fireplace: it was a two-part system; one set of pistons that would attach to netherack blocks, and pull/push them in/out of place, (pulling them out of place would cause any fire currently active to be extinguished) and two repeaters set to a delay (can't remember which tick) in order to shoot fire charges onto the netherack once back in place, to reignite!

    For the furnace door: I didn't know it until later, but yes! When a furnace is in the process of cooking/smelting (you see the fire light from within) it actually outputs power, which can then be wired up to just about anything that will receive a redstone signal. In my case, the furnace had a wood block on the other side of the wall that had a repeater, which then fed to a redstone line that ran to the 2x2 piston wall, which when activated by the furnace, retract into the wall and allow me to climb down into the entryway for my underground base!

  • @valor-omega That is awesome. It would be cool to make a duplicate item that looks like a campfire. But at that point you could just make a button block that copies a block that you select while holding the covert-button.

    I might have to get back into minecraft now.

  • @valor-omega do golden sands now that it’s gone. That would be super nostalgic

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