🐟Neptune's Grotto🐟 Family Friendly Guild 🍺Looking for Captains! 🏴‍☠️- [Lvl 140]

  • Hello everyone! We are going to free up a couple of spots some inactive members were holding. If you are looking for an active community to join, we would love to have you sail with us!

    We are a fairly casual guild. We have an active discord, sail together daily, but don't have specific requirements other than you are actively playing the game and plan to actively sail on guild ships when you play... even if that means you are solo slooping most of the time. As long as you are contributing to the guild then we welcome you to join us!

  • Hello everyone! We have freed up a couple of spots some inactive members were holding.

    We are a fairly casual guild. We do have an active discord and sail together daily! Even if you prefer to solo sloop, as long as you are active and spend time each week on a guild pledged ship contributing, we would love to have you join us!

  • Ahoy! I be interested!

    Xbox: Ca11MeGreen


    Discord: greengamuh

  • Hello, I'd love to join the guild!
    Discord: critikal_surge
    Xbox gamertag: Surge#1688

  • Hello, I am interested.
    My Xbox name: StarBajt

  • Got all you added! If anyone else is still looking to join let me know. making room for a couple more active players!

  • Am interested! xbox gamertag is kri kri1236

  • Hi there! Im interested in joining!
    Xbox name HetIsDeBers. Ill hit you up on disc

  • hi i am pve player little pvp platform PC tag N1ghtFlameBG with 300 hours

  • I'd be down to join if this post reaches you.

    Grinding out merchant guild for lvl 100

  • I’ll join. IGN is Pansellini thanks I’m in game now

  • Would love to join! 28 years old beta player here >

    Discord: madnessirl
    GamerTag: MadnessIRL

  • I am a pirate legend getting back into the game as i feel like joining a guild is the right way to go. My gamertag is PrimeCypress600 so when you get a chance and theirs spots open please let me know

  • Hey im interested in joining, ive been playing for a few years now and would love a new guild to contribute you. i added you on discord @t0esmalone or my xbox is @toesmalone

  • Hey Wolfe, Neptune's Grotto sounds just like my jam. I'm 36, sailor in real life and so I couldn't wait for Sea of Thieves to finally come to my PS5. I enjoy all aspects of the game, don't mind a bit of PVP in between but mostly just love sailing around :) Would be very happy to join, if you still have room. My xbox id is fjab4972.

  • @wolfe-larsen
    My name is Heartglow , i am a merchant captain of a gallion , i am newer to the game but am working hard to be useful and am seeking a party to play with.
    I guess you can find me under my username

  • @WolfLarsen Love the name! Id be happy to lend a helping hand if your crew ever needs some help. GT:Straw Hat Blake

  • Howdy I’ve been playing this for sometime now without people to really enjoy the game with. I’m terrible at pvp but enjoy the story related quest and fishing. If there’s any space I’d like to join your guild I do have a ship I can donate also if that helps. I play on the Xbox and my gamertag is AnnoyedHuman69

  • Hello all! We still have a few active members, and are trying to get some active members to get things going again. If you are looking for a guild to sail for, Neptune's Grotto is recruiting again! We are casual and don't expect you to meet a quota of play time, but we just ask that when you do sail you sometimes fly the guild flag to help gain reputation for the guild.

  • We have a few spots currently left in the guild. Very casual community. You are welcome to sail with other members or do your own thing. No weekly quota. Just a community to share in the fun when able and sail the guild flag when possible.

  • Hey I found this and was wanting to join your guild. I’m on PC, I love playing this game and have been solo for a while and am getting kind of tired of it and want some people to play with. My username is TheDTRAIN2013

  • Hi all! We still have a few spots open for active members. Again, we are a casual guild. We don't have a weekly quota, but we do want to see you every now and then. Only requirements are to join our discord and have fun! Also, if TheDTrain who recently responded is around, I tried to add you as a friend on XboX. see if you got the invite.

  • Interested! BlakeSherid on Xbox.

  • Family of four here interested in joining. I sent you a request on Discord.

  • Hello i am looking for your guild to join.

    18 years old
    Pirate legend

    Playing since the beta

  • @Wolfe-Larsen Xbox username- jj swag 2004

story & lorecommunitygeneraljust for fun
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