i had a bad day

  • I don't really know why i'm making this but i just needed to vent. Me and my friend loaded up the game today, ready to do some hourglass. It says "Less than 1 minute" so we're prepared to get some fast matchmaking. Nope. Hourglass refuses to get us into a match. So we go OK, lets get our faction stash up. We sail to an Ashen Winds event, complete it, get some loot from a shipwreck. We have grade 4 reaper and grade 4 faction stash by now. We sail to the Hideout.

    We lower HG and claim our allegience. As we are about to sell, I get struck by lightning, which one-shots me. I hear my friend go "Theres a guy boarding!"

    I get out of the loading screen to see a ship pounding us with cannonballs. One of them boards with a stronghold keg. He lights it. There is nothing I can do except jump off the boat. It explodes. My friend dies.

    Knowing its futile, I try my best to fight them. We fight our way into the tent, the Servant observing our duel. My enemy sword dashes, missing me. I slash him three times. He falls back for a moment, then throws a firebomb. I throw two blunderbombs at him, but no use- he throws one at me, and I die.

    I respawn on the beach of Marauder's Arch, a dense fog covering the island. We check the map. We see their guild flag marked... Almost as far as possible away from where we are. I watch, hope draining, as they head towards the outpost right next to them. A couple minutes later, their flag disappears from the map. They must have sold our loot and lowered it.

    We decide to leave and rejoin, then try hourglass again. This time, we load into a match, and proceed to get completely destroyed. Well, thats OK. We go into another match- This time the fight is a lot more balanced. Eventually, I've boarded their boat. As I watch the water on their Sloop reach their stairs, I smile and think: Finally, a win today. Suddenly, a banner pops up on my screen. "Sapphire Blade: Battle Lost." My friend has to go now. All I can do is sit their as I gain my pitiful loss allegiance.

    So... Yeah. I don't know, I'm sure we could have done something better, I'm sure that it was our fault and all that... But man, it just didn't feel good.

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  • @gameglarb Well man sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you. We all have days like this, just learn from your defeat and turn it into victory next time.

    Always keep an eye on the horizon and don't abandon ship before you make sure all is good.

  • @gameglarb said in i had a bad day:

    So... Yeah. I don't know, I'm sure we could have done something better, I'm sure that it was our fault and all that... But man, it just didn't feel good.

    I have a different way of looking at these things.

    I see it as you'll never be in that exact situation again, it'll always be slightly different even if comparable. It will require different decisions and different things will be out of your control. Nothing about that will ever be the exact same, so there is no blame, it just happened.

    It's gonna feel how it feels but it's a game and you aren't wrong or bad for outcome. Just like adventure.

    I don't see adventure as having wrong outcomes, I see it as having outcomes that lead to better outcomes. Life is tough and adventure is easy. No reason to let adventure pile on to life.

    You will find good adventure because of this outcome. That's where this leads, the next awesome encounter, the next rewarding experience.

  • @metal-ravage I guess I should have added that the Reaper’s Hideout was in a storm, so it was hard to see anything far away. I just wish I had checked the map more, since they had a guild flag…

    But honestly not as sad about the loot as I am about the experience. I play this game to have fun, and it doesn’t matter if I lose or not, if it was fun I will be happy. (Of course, I don’t mind getting a ton of loot 😁)

    But this was just… Not fun. We barely got to pvp at all before our ship sunk, and then it was me surviving as long as possible. And honestly? I was straight up mad when we spawned on the other side of the map. Absolutely no chance of going back and getting some fun revenge.

  • @gameglarb said in i had a bad day:
    "We barely got to pvp at all before our ship sunk, and then it was me surviving as long as possible. Absolutely no chance of going back and getting some fun revenge"

    Another revenge, doesn't mean another victory. There is no guarantee that by the way you got back you will be able to get your loot back or defeat the enemy.

    In these situations sometimes you have to take the loss, gather your chips and find another table for a while.

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