Need Help: Tall Tale „Journey to Melee Island“ locked.

  • Hello everyone in the community, unfortunately I have a problem playing „The Legend of Monkey Island“ on Saver Seas mode. (Win11 / Steam)
    Once I start “The Legend of Monkey Island“ i cannot enter the first Tall Tale „Journey to Melee Island“. It‘s blocked.
    When I purchased SOT on Steam last december there was no problem starting the tale. I played it for about ten minutes without any progress to be automatically saved I think. When i opened SOT yesterday a long update was downloaded first via Steam. Afterwards the problem appeared to me. „The Journey to Melee Island“ is locked and I cannot enter the Tall tale. Do some of you experienced the same problem and anyone mqybe have any solution advices? I already contacted the Support Team but no Solution by now. Thanks in advance.

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  • @m-pazdzior did you try to start it from your voyage table?

  • @schwammlgott
    Thanks for replying. I started it from the Main Menu. First time i could enter, next time (a few weeks later) it was locked. I must admit i am very new to this Game and didnt have contact with the voyage table yet.

  • @m-pazdzior sagte in Need Help: Tall Tale „Journey to Melee Island“ locked.:

    Thanks for replying. I started it from the Main Menu. First time i could enter, next time (a few weeks later) it was locked. I must admit i am very new to this Game and didnt have contact with the voyage table yet.

    Forget that starting from the main menu...the only thing that changes there is your spawn location...regular start spawns you in the tavern and the tall tale start spawns you near the tall tale tents...completely useless this is
    Just start regular and walk to the tent to start it, or through the voyage table on your ship

  • Thank you very much…
    The book by the tents which starts the Tall Tale is locked… so maybe the voyage tabe is the solution. I‘ll try it tonight and get back to you… thanks :)

  • @schwammlgott
    Hello there, just started the game regularly, went over to the tent, tried to chose „Journey to Melee Island“ but unfortunately locked…same on the mission table on my ship. In fact the whole menu Tall Tale (Seemannsgarn in German ) is locked. Wished i could upload a screenshot but seems not possible here. This is really strange.

  • Send the screenshot to Support in a ticket. The whole menu being locked sounds like a bug.

  • I did so… they replied they cannot go much into depth right now, marking the ticket as solved but advising they will keep the report active on their internal System. Thats already a week ago…
    I had the Tall Tale started a few weeks ago… was already sailing to the shores of Melee Island… unfortunately had to quit the Game due to an appointment. Maybe that caused a Big??? Next time I started the Game the Tall Tale was locked. So annoying…

  • @m-pazdzior sagte in Need Help: Tall Tale „Journey to Melee Island“ locked.:

    Hello there, just started the game regularly, went over to the tent, tried to chose „Journey to Melee Island“ but unfortunately locked…same on the mission table on my ship. In fact the whole menu Tall Tale (Seemannsgarn in German ) is locked. Wished i could upload a screenshot but seems not possible here. This is really strange.

    Did you start it on safer seas? I don't know if that might cause the issue...never did that mode, but as the whole game got some weird bugs sometimes, I wouldn't be surprised if that's it...

    PS: du bist Deutscher? Kannst mich ja gerne adden, dann können wir ja mal zusammen spielen...bin nicht mehr so oft unterwegs in SoT, aber fast jeden Freitag Abend mit meiner Crew...ich bin Österreicher und der Rest meiner Crew sind Schweizer, sprachlich könnte das also schwierig nachdem wie gut du uns verstehst...

  • @schwammlgott
    Hi… danke für deine Rückmeldung. Ja, ich spiele im Safer Seas Mode…Habe ich vor einigen Wochen aber auch gemacht, da hat alles wunderbar funktioniert. scheint tatsächlich gerade etwas buggy zu sein. Der Support hat sich bis dato auch noch nicht dazu geäußert.
    Danke für den Vorschlag und für die Einladung, allerdings passt es Freitagabend leider nicht, da ich mit meiner Band probe. Sehr schade…

  • @m-pazdzior Ahoy there!
    Have you had any luck in the meantime? I have the same problem. Starting to wonder if they just shut down Monkey Island :/

  • I had the same problem. I went to my quest table in my ship and did one of the first Merchant quests, and that unlocked the Tall Tale quests.

  • I just had the same problem today. Books locked. I just selected another of the available quests, completed its tutorial and It unlocked the books and all other quests

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