Error code ashbeard on ps5

  • @croiboi420 this fixed it for me I tried the other methods with no luck just kept having me relink account to get ashbeard message again after re linking on ps5 just went to basic saved data like you said and relinked account again and it worked

  • @tgaumond024 didn't work for me. Tried multiple times. Maybe they'll fix whatever they messed up by tomorrow.

  • @islandboy7298 it worked for me and im on ps5

  • UPDATE: We good to go!! Just needed Xbox to fix their online issues. AHOY!!!

  • @mmandajade same here

  • It seems like the most consistent fix is: to change your Microsoft login from a passcode to a password.

    Can someone who has done this explain step-by-step how to do this like you're talking to your 8-yr old brother? And also when you make the change, how can you use it to login?

  • @noobhoonter dadash moskelet hal shod age are be manam komak kon

  • @aidoverse said in Error code ashbeard on ps5:

    I was able to fix the ashbeard error by changing my Microsoft login from a code to a password as a way to sign in. You have to change this setting in your Microsoft account in “additional security options”. Once I logged in using a password and not a code I was able to get into the game!! Hope it works for you all!!

    This worked for me!! Thank you so much!!

  • Você não conectou em sea of thieves faça lógin e tente novamente

  • I’ve never played sea of thieves and I have a Microsoft account but I just don’t know how to link the account to my ps5. I don’t even tell what to do or anything I just keep getting the ashbeard error

  • @fadeddragon5630 estou tendo o mesmo problema, pqp! Conseguiu alguma coisa?? Já tentei de tudo que tem nos fóruns e vídeos, nada funciona!!

  • Please fix this

  • Ashbeard

  • Ничего не работает, исправьте это пожалуйста!

  • @riicolaaaa the date is 8/14 and I am still dealing with this issue, nothing has resolved it for me and I’m stuck in ash beard with no option to link to my console with QR Code

  • It’s august 14th and I am dealing with this issue and none of these answers from 3 months ago work, it worries me no one else is posting about this issue now how can I fix this in season 13

  • @boatcookyes said in Error code ashbeard on ps5:

    It’s august 14th and I am dealing with this issue and none of these answers from 3 months ago work, it worries me no one else is posting about this issue now how can I fix this in season 13

    Hope this might be helpful.

    Sea of Thieves Link to support for Ashbeard Error PS5

  • @exactb THANKS!! It worked

  • @exactb thxxxx

  • Pour ma part j'ai supprimé la sauvegarde de sea of thieves et quand j'ai redémarré le jeux le message de connexion est apparu !

  • @bosswalnut4416 same issue for me I’ve played beta and I have nearly 20 hrs on the game but I re downloaded it and now it said I’m not signed in

  • @exactb You're a GOD!

  • @bosswalnut4416 how can I fix this definetely? Im playing (trying to) on ps5 and but simply cant because of this error, I tried literally I really mean LITERALLY EVERYTHING to fix this but I can’t play!! Are they never going to fix this???

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