British Royal Navy Themed Sip Set

  • Add a British Navy themed Ship Set. It would be a nice addition to roleplay. Besides, we already have a Spanish Navy themed set (referring to the Spartan Ship set.) So it would be nice and also logical to have a British Navy themed ship set.

  • 6
  • We have it. And in III Variations! It's called "Admiral Set".

  • Cor blimey!

  • @selgewick

    The Admiral set does in no way look even close to a British Navy ship. British Navy hulls were black with yellow. The admiral hulls are either blue or red.
    I'm not saying it has to be identical, but at least somewhat look like it.

  • Its sea of thieves and not world of warships

  • @taco-oeight There is a Ledger Reward for Merchant Alliance Emissaries, which may suit ye.

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