Bucketing out the back of the sloop is broken

  • Often times when you bucket out the back of the sloop - the water just backsplashes into the boat. This usually happens when the boat is rocking and the sea level is above the back of the boat. One solution is to jump so your character is above the sea level, however this does not always work - especially when combined with jump registration. It seems as though the sea water is acting as a wall.

    Please fix.

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  • @bleu-solo I have sunk my own ship this way.
    I completely agree. Especially out the side window.

  • I'd really like to see some change in the game with all these game breaking bugs that seem to go unpatched for years - A shame they stick around this long.

    Many people will gaslight (or they just don't notice when it happens to them) and act like there aren't plenty of bugs which is just not true.

  • This usually happens when the boat is rocking and the sea level is above the back of the boat


    That why it always best to head above deck and toss. It quicker and easier. The back is just an illusion.

  • @burnbacon You mean to tell me that all this real estate is not sufficient to bucket? That is absurd. Call it what it is. A bug.

    Can't bucket out the back of ship

  • @burnbacon

    That why it always best to head above deck and toss. It quicker and easier. The back is just an illusion.

    Bucketing out the front is not faster. You're locked in your bucketing speed, and you can get to any of the bucketing points and back without needing to wait to hit the button. This bug can also affect the side window, which is even closer than the front.
    Going above deck also leaves you open to getting hit by cannon shots. Bucketing out the back of a sloop is safer and an intended mechanic of the game. It's a bug and I don't see the point in belittling the criticism of a bug affecting something we have been doing consistently for 6 years.

  • I knew the gaslighters would come out to say there is no problem.. when there definitely is.

  • It absolutely is an issue, but none of these really are issues in isolation. They're all linked to general server performance, lag, desync, the waves and ship being in a different position to what you're seeing your end when you try to throw the bucket etc

    The grate on a sloop is next to useless it's so inconsistent.

  • It's really the horrible center aim when bucketing. You have to aim way lower than you might think to get the correct angle of the grate and the window.

    For example, when I bucket out the window, I'm actually doing so right through the hull, below the window. If I aim to bucket through the window, it back splashes every time.

    The grate is no batter. You need to aim inside the boat for it to exit as needed.

    Once you get used to it, it's not so bad, but when you are first trying, it can seem every bucket toss is bugged.

    I've considered this a bug forever.

  • @rikjaxx The windows on sloop are pretty forgiving - You can bucket from a distance and it may look like it splashes however the water goes out.

    The back under canopy however will visually go out, but if the sea water level is too high the water will just splash back into your boat and is often a cause for sinking yourself when it should be safe.

  • Bucketing is not in the best shape in general right now. Sometimes when I bucket the water level doesn’t change. I guess bucket reg is a thing now. But I do agree, I get unnecessary back splashes quite often.

  • @bleu-solo That guy gas lights every post and has for quite some time. I wouldn’t take it seriously.

  • Yeah it’s still busted. Lost two clutch moments in HG matches to this bug. Gotta bucket out the stairs/window for now.

  • It's been broken for years.

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