when will you think of making PVP mode playable?

  • when will you think of making PVP mode playable? Why should I swim for 2 hours after a player who stupidly sails away from me with full sails or stands on the edge of the map with raised sails. Is it difficult to add a simple timer ?

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  • @xtz6255 you’re playing a PvPvE game, the PvP is always playable. I suspect you’re talking about Hourglass. The hourglass map is a finite space, you can catch them if you focus on it. If the opposing ship wants to waste their time sitting at the edge of the map, then go after them and sink them, they clearly aren’t any good if they’re always running or sitting doing nothing. It doesn’t take 2 hours to sink someone if you’re properly navaling and forcing them into a corner (demast them).

  • They rarley revisit or rethink added features so I would not count on it.

    Yet I would like to see it added to HG.

  • @tesiccl I would like to see how you will sink the ship when you have run out of all the knuppels and your enemy is constantly sailing away from you.It's funny to see an excuse for the obvious shortcomings of the mode from the "PVP guru". If you run out of knuppels and a strong player is playing against you, who is simply swimming away from you, you will sink the hell out of him.

  • @xtz6255

    Easy. Predictable sailing patterns. Appear to sail somewhere else and either cannon over, swim or harpoon.
    If you have a rowboat makes it much easier. Cannon rowboat for extra fun. Players are focused on the ship not the tiny boat XD

  • @burnbacon maybe try to give "advices" when you at least be able to climb above 100 in eny given alligance, eh?

  • @xtz6255 if you run out of all supplies you lost and should surrender.

  • @xtz6255 if you’ve used all your supplies then you’ve lost, scuttle and try again. I’m no guru, but I know not to take it so seriously. Be smart, use your naval tactics to your advantage. Don’t play into the enemies strengths.

  • It appears some people here do not play solo hourglass or have limited experience with it but yet have very set opinions on it.

    There are people who will waste your time and are decent enough players to waste hours on end forcing you to make a decision to leave, specifically in solo hourglass

    Don't expect any changes. Hourglass has been untouched since it's introduction. I still see people park their ship in areas where you can't sink, such as Kraken's Fall and an easy fix such as adding a rock there hasn't been added. Nothing will be done even for the simplest of solutions.

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