remove weapon draw delay from grapple gun

  • this game is 80% pve. so from a pve perspective the weapon draw delay makes the grapple lose a lot of its potential utility. geyser shoot you up in the air while digging treasure? if the grapple was in the game back in the day you would be able to instantly pull it out grapple back down to safety. 0 fall damage. get knocked off a ledge by a ghost lunge or strong hold keg explosion? instant grapple back to the action. skeleton lord knock back? grapple. if you arent going to give us a 3rd weapon slot AND arent going to give us quick swap loadouts in the weapon chest so we have to sift through pages and pages of cosmetics we foolisly bought before realizing how out of control things would get.... then adding more utility to a tool that does 0 damage to over compensate for nerfing yourself so much in combat scenarios.

    granted i understand you probably cant actually make this change for 1 specific item but this just goes back to my smarted weapon update of lowering all damage increasing all ammo counts so combat lasts long and 2 shot quick kills are impossible then weapon draw delay becomes a mute point

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  • What I got from this.

    You want to instantly pop the grapple gun, making it a quick weapon to use. :/
    Sorta how Batman’s grapple works.

  • @burnbacon said in remove weapon draw delay from grapple gun:

    What I got from this.

    You want to instantly pop the grapple gun, making it a quick weapon to use. :/
    Sorta how Batman’s grapple works.

    Ok, then remove the grapple's damage to compensate ?

  • @sairdontis4317

    Huh? I was just asking. You want the grapple to act like how Batman’s grapple works. Click and zip instantly
    Damage is very lacking.

  • @burnbacon I thought you was concerned about quick/instant damage/reload. I am surprised the devs didn't design the grapple to be instant firing.

  • @keylessword4029 THIS. It's so painfully long that I'm finding out it's pretty useless in a lot of use cases that I thought would be cool. Saving yourself from fall damage is at the top of my list.

    Also I feel you, with what you said about having a third weapon. I'd love to have a third UTILITY weapon, which could be limited to allowing you to equip certain things (grapple, throwing knife, blowpipe? Maybe? Or like, maybe you should always be able to have a sword, and the other two weapon options can be ranged. Just... something because there are so many cool new weapons, but with the current state of the game and the players, there are only a few safe load outs you can run and not get absolutely wrecked.

    I don't know. I don't know how to make it work without it being too OP. But all I know is, my favorite weapon is the throwing knives. I'm deadly with them. But I'm painfully aware of their limited number before having to "reload" so I usually need a secondary weapon in combat. Depending on what I'm doing, that's either a sword or a gun. I'm really struggling now, because I'm having so much fun with the grapple gun and want it equipped always, but having it with the throwing knives is NOT working for me. Even just on quests - imagine on a tall island with multiple cliff levels. You run around with the grapple and your exploration is SO much more satisfying and controlled, rather than getting frustrated looking for a ramp up you've walked past six times. But then you get a group of skellies spawning on you. That's at least three of your five knives / bullets, if you don't miss at all. And what if you then have more spawn? Or night time comes and phantoms spawn? Or another pirate ambushes you? You have two bullets, and a grapple gun that's REALLY fun to use for exploration, but cripples you by removing either the limitless hit potential of having a sword equipped, or at the very least 5 additional bullets to do damage with. It's just impossible to run with a grapple full time the way I want to, because I'm having so much fun when I do have it equipped. I'd love for someone to come up with a solution to that.

    And don't even get me started on trying to run grapple/blowpipe. It's impossible. But I really want to run this loadout so I can a) work on commendations b) play with the new toys Rare gave us and c) I really like the utility that the blowpipe provides, but it's ALSO super slow since it's such a strong weapon. That's a fair balance. But if I get ganged up on by four or five enemies, one slow blowpipe and a slow grapple gun is really painful. I need a real weapon with me. So I have to sacrifice one of the cool shiny toys that I'm quickly falling in love with that are genuinely changing the way I play the game in really satisfying ways, so I can carry a boring weapon and not die over and over again. No thanks.

    And also, Rare, PLEASE let us 'favorite' our weapons in a new first page of the armory so that we don't have to scroll for ages to select our most used weapons in our favorite skins. That's also really frustrating.

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