A little Sea of Thieves inspired drawing

  • Got inspired by the game, very excited!

  • 42
  • @Galghumor That is an epic picture. Great work!

  • @Galghumor Love it! The colour scheme fits really well! You've got some talent there.

  • @Galghumor Very nice! Great use of colour indeed! It's a little on the "gory" side (the axe in the head is a cute touch) but hey, piracy is not only about flowers and unicorns. Or.. well, not at all.

    Keep them coming!

  • @Galghumor very good!

  • great work!!!

  • @Galghumor wow that's really good

  • @TheTikiguy @THEDARKSOUL37 @Nesbitt-xD @KattTruewalker @IOnEI-Falcon @Kay-Wroshyr
    Thank all o' you kindly!

  • Excellent artwork! Love the color palette.

  • Love it!

  • Nice Job!
    Lets create the Artists Ship's Brigade! lol

  • Beautiful, congrats!

  • @SmelliestOak62 said in A little Sea of Thieves inspired drawing:

    Nice Job!
    Lets create the Artists Ship's Brigade! lol

    ever seen someone play passpartout`? it's this funky little painting game. imagine if you could buy an easel that worked like the easel in that game. i'm not saying it should be in the game, but imagine if it was.

  • @wydyadoit
    That's an amazing idea... It would be awesome.... Or maybe do the same thing to the sails or the pirate flag. I wold love that!

  • Thats awesome great job i could see that pinned to a tree in the game, could even be propaganda for the 'grog gang'


  • Thanks again all!
    @lockload "Grog gang" TRADEMARKED!

  • Great work, very nice

  • really amazing drawing what did you use to make it? The platform and app/editor.

  • @Clumsy-George You know, this style would look great illustrating @Caladrien's story that he posted some time ago :)

    Captained by vengeance - A Sea of Thieves story

  • @Clumsy-George Yanks you back out of the dictionary, I think 'strange' along with 'wonderful' and 'sometimes wacky' is an excellent description of what goes on here :D

  • After a hard day sailing and looting, there is nothing better than a good gulp of rum, I like your style!


  • @Death-Sword22 @Clumsy-George @KattTruewalker
    I'm Swedish (your point still stands though) and used my trusty digital drawing tablet and SAI, a paint tool program!
    So we got the story, now we just need the time.
    Time, the most elusive and coveted creature of the high seas!

  • @Galghumor Oh SAI I also used that but on my computer I got it since I was curious about it.

  • You've gotta make more. :D

  • This is great. Nice job!

  • @Clumsy-George
    Jupp, humor about or in sort of dark/serious circumstances. literal translation to english is gallows humor!

  • awesome, love it :D
    Thanks for sharing

  • @Galghumor oh plz can i use this pic as a thumbnail for my youtube video for when i do videos for the game best pic by far

  • @Galghumor looks great, it would looks greater with more colors in touch.
    But i like such drawings.

  • This pic is awesome, lol.

  • Wow!!!! That is some talent, looks terrific!

  • @Galghumor Don't mess with the Cap'n when he's been drinking. And you better find his hat if you know what's good fer ya!!

  • So cool!

  • Great work, looks amazing!!!!

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