Tartan Snake? giant snake? Cursed chest summoning monster attacks? (just questions)

  • alt text Lately I am seeing all these super large creature being worshipped and finding a statue of this giant snake...im not sure if there is going to be a giant snake or they simply just worship snakes...but ive always seen drawings on the wall of large boars, a Kraken which was massive..but each one of these things had something similar they are either being worship or attacked

    Also another thought passed through my head...there seems to be cursed chest..is it safe to assume the only time these creatures will appear are through cursed chest (I hope not)

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  • @chosen-predator Aye you found the Easter Egg for our very own @Tartansnake-8!

  • G'day @chosen-predator, everyone should worship the Snake God and attack all the others!

    An interesting idea for a quest would be to take offerings to the statue, say; 5 Chickens, 2 Pigs & 1 chest. If you do this you'll gain a reward. However if you offer the wrong items, so; 4 chickens, 1 pig & 2 chest. Then a monster is sumoned and you have to defeat it.

  • @tartansnake-8 @DHG-IXxRMACxXI that's awesome!
    and that is a good Idea to have a fake decoy chest that is always different looking but has the image of the most valuable chest, this is something you let other players steal and in a few minutes a giant sea snake attack their ship lol

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