Using your Xbox and Pc at same time?

  • Is it possible to use one copy and play your Xbox and have a friend on your pc in the same ship?

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  • Yes, with a digital copy of the game you can play on Xbox and PC at the same time. There are a few things you will need to do since an account cant be playing the same game on PC at the same time as Xbox. With the account that owns the game set the home Xbox to the Xbox you would like to use. Then login with a different xbox live account on that box to play on that Xbox. From there you can use the account owning the game on the PC at the same time.

  • @theeniac will this work under my live account with a family member added? Does that member also need to have a seperate live account?

  • @enjoy-the-shaw yes is possible, i do it with my son. The game must be digital. I bought the game with my account (pc), from the xbox (witch is signed in with my son account) i have set my account as the home xbox. From windows i have added my son account into the family account. Hope this help.

  • yepo in fact you can have multiple pcs and 2 xboxes with a singe digital copy of the game :)

  • @mrryanmonroe said in Using your Xbox and Pc at same time?:

    @theeniac will this work under my live account with a family member added? Does that member also need to have a seperate live account?

    They need there own live account but on the pc you will need to log into the store with the account that bought the game, this is not the same as the live account used to log into the pc and thus used to play the game.

  • @cr0n0d Thanks

  • @theeniac said in Using your Xbox and Pc at same time?:

    Yes, the Xbox will need to be set to the home Xbox from the account owning the game.Then a different live account on that box can play while a PC version is playing off of the account owning the game.

    Not strictly true you only need to be signed into the store with the account on pc. You can play with any account.

  • To clarify:

    Home xbox setting shares your account's games and gold status.
    If you have xbox live gold, any xbox account that logs in can play SoT on that xbox.

    A 2nd xbox you can log into and have access to your games and you have gold.
    So you can play 2 xboxes with one gold, one game.

    You can in leu of the 2nd xbox, play on PC. You cannot have 2 xboxes and 1 pc, as you must be signed into the non home one, and then when another account logs in and attempts to play, it errors. It used to allow this in beta, but since is now closed off as soon as your account is logged into the game elsewhere, they cannot.

  • @mubhcaeb78 said in Using your Xbox and Pc at same time?:

    To clarify:

    Home xbox setting shares your account's games and gold status.
    If you have xbox live gold, any xbox account that logs in can play SoT on that xbox.

    A 2nd xbox you can log into and have access to your games and you have gold.
    So you can play 2 xboxes with one gold, one game.

    You can in leu of the 2nd xbox, play on PC. You cannot have 2 xboxes and 1 pc, as you must be signed into the non home one, and then when another account logs in and attempts to play, it errors. It used to allow this in beta, but since is now closed off as soon as your account is logged into the game elsewhere, they cannot.

    So so not true at all!!!!! yo uONLY need to be signed into the STORE with the account that has the game you can play on PC with any account. You can play with 2 xboxes and up to 84 pcs (i think this was the limit for pcs you can sign a single account into not 100% though hits something like this)

  • I tested this the other night, before the latest update:
    xbox downstairs set as home on my account: running SoT
    xbox upstairs, my user logged in, giving 2nd user access, running SoT
    me logged in as a LOCAL USER to the PC, opening microsoft store logged in as me, launch game, as soon as press button to "log in", upstairs xbox errors and kicks them out.

    I will test again to confirm tonight.

    If you are saying that you can "microsoft family share" SoT on the PC, so that your actual account isn't logged in, then it could work.
    If your account shared the SoT purchase with another "family" account, and you are not logged in at all on the PC, they log in and play it, then yes all 3 can work.

    But the single account cannot allow 3 instances.

  • @mubhcaeb78 does the main account need to completely logged off the xbox or can it just be switched to another account? I just switched to my sons account, while he was playing i tried to use my pc, logged in only as me, and it wouldn't let me in.

  • @lumpaywk far as i know the game share feature work just with 2 different accounts

  • @enjoy-the-shaw

    My kids play this way.

    One on the PC and the other on the Xbox. One game.

  • @mrryanmonroe
    If you own SoT and have gold on your account, you can go to anyone's xbox, sign in, and then anyone else signed in also gets your games/gold. But that is the only place you can be signed in at.

    If you set the xbox to be the "home xbox" for that account, then your account doesn't need to be signed in there for other accounts to get your games and gold.

    Make sure you set that xbox as "set as my home xbox" in the system.
    After you do that, you can sign into another xbox, or PC and play both places.

  • @cr0n0d said in Using your Xbox and Pc at same time?:

    @lumpaywk far as i know the game share feature work just with 2 different accounts

    it works with all 4 of my kids accounts but it could be glitched

  • @lumpaywk but they can play all together at same time?

  • @cr0n0d said in Using your Xbox and Pc at same time?:

    @lumpaywk far as i know the game share feature work just with 2 different accounts

    That's a limitation of Xbox's, but not PC's.

  • Somewhere there are 4 grown men sitting around a table with 4 pc's, 4 monitors, lots of grog, and wives who are shaking their heads wondering why did we marry these men.

  • Confirmed this working last night. It seems you cannot just switch accounts on the xbox or pc. I was switching the xbox account to my sons, not logging out and this will kick me off the pc. once i logged out of the xbox and only had him logged into it, i logged in on the pc and we were able to play on the same ship.

  • I'm trying to get this working and can't quite get it.

    My xbox live and SoT (digital) purchasing account can play on xbox or PC, tested and working. I created a family account for my son, separate gamer tag and all. He can play any and all purchased games online or offline.

    If I initiate an invite to a two-person sloop from my PC, he is prompted on the xbox, and when he joins, the xbox says "play here" and only one can play at once, which closes the PC session.

    If I initiate the invite from his account, on the xbox, it times out on the PC side, even if I choose to join his game from the PC xbox app while he sits in lobby.

    I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. Xbox is set to home box, my account is signed out on the xbox (which holds xbox live sub and purchased SOT), I am signed into the MS store and xbox app on my PC - still no joy.

    Can someone please detail what needs to happen to make this work? All I want to do is lay down some bigger contracts for him to do...

  • @baconwrappedsac what you have described is exactly the setup my daughter and I use to play together without any issues.

    The fact you are getting a ‘play here’ message indicates it thinks your account is logged in on both devices at the same time

    Are you absolutely sure you have logged your account profile out on the Xbox when you log your son in?

    Simply logging your sons profile in on your Xbox will not log your profile out on the Xbox - you have to manually log your profile out

  • @eldariel Yessir, logged myself out on Xbox - will hard reboot and triple-check now.

  • Ah - found it, controller was auto-signing me in, removed all auto-sign in and controller sign in - worked a treat!

  • @baconwrappedsac 😀

  • Sorry to revive an old thread but thought it was better than starting a new one. Ive been having the same issue with my Xbox and Laptop when my wife had been trying to start SoT on the Xbox (have checked and nothing is logging me into the Xbox and it's set as my home console) and then when I've started the game on my laptop it's booted her out and said that the game is in use else where. I've checked and nothing is signing me in on the Xbox (instant sign in is turned off for the console in general and we have separate controllers which auto sign each of us in). Trying to work out what else it could be that's booting the wife out of the game.

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