Body types balance

  • Hey there. As we know, there are a few body types in the game. But is there any balance between them? If your character is small and slim, you will be pretty hard to hit with a rifle, and if you playing giant fat pirate you will be such an easy target for a blunderbuss. I didn't get access to the beta and didn't check it by my self, so I'm wondering, is there any balance between different body types?

  • 13
  • @i-are-misha
    I’d like to see the bigger character models able to take a little more damage that the harder to hit, thinner characters. But perhaps the bigger models required more bananas to fully heal there health.

    Something like this would help with the balance I feel.

  • They said that the hitboxes will be normalized so slim characters won't have an advantage.

  • @i-are-misha They have said that the hitboxes for the characters are normalized, so the part that accepts damage is the same for everyone.

  • yes all the players have a standard hit box so regardless of their actual size it makes no difference in how easy they are to hit.

  • It is balanced... Hit boxes are the same... No matter the size of the toon...

  • @erikinthebakery Oh, thank you:) I still can't imagine how slim character could have the same hitbox as the big one though x)

  • @i-are-misha said in Body types balance:

    @erikinthebakery Oh, thank you:) I still can't imagine how slim character could have the same hitbox as the big one though x)

    It's kind of funny to think about, but in a video game the area the computer says is a "hit" and the place you see a character are not the same. Most games try to sync them up as much as possible, but they are two separate (even if related) calculations.

    Toons are not like us....

  • @erikinthebakery Yeah, I know that, but hard to imagine that big difference between hitbox and model for me anyway

  • @erikinthebakery
    Normalised hit boxes sounds good to me.

  • It would be swell if you could move far more faster when your a slim jim. lol
    Or if your super strong with the other body type.

  • @counthollow My beta character was super skinny. Made hiding behind the mast much easier.

  • @erikinthebakery Haha yeah its hard to see them slims from afar too.
    Way to easy too see a really fat pirate, no place to hide.

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