Share your best Ship Names! - I already have a ship name but want to hear yours! - **Tutorial how to make a SHIP name**

  • We all want our own Black Pearl, Queen Anne's Revenge and Flying Dutchman!
    But what is your legendary ship going to be called? This is a post for you to share your ship names and maybe help others find cool ship names for themselves!

    Heres a Tutorial of how to make a Ship Name!

    The Prefix is the first word of your ship name, such as Black in Black Pearl or Queen in Queen Anne's Revenge, good prefixes are unique so I would stay away from colours personally as it makes the ship sound boring, but can work if you have a good follow up word to fill the gap.

    **Examples of Prefixes:
    Try using Determiners, Adjectives and Colours for your prefix. This will give you the ability to add meaning to your ship and crew, and also try relating it to your goal for example if you are a crew that wants to focus on the magic and dark side of the world then use words such as Dark and Creepy to add motives to your ship name!

    • Indigo
    • White
    • Sweet
    • Dark
    • Mouldy
    • Oaken
    • Ye Old
    • The
    • Ancient

    You can use a suffix to end your prefix and add 2 words to your ship. Suffixes are made up of nouns. Try using Nouns, Animals, Mythical Creatures and Items for this.

    • Dagger
    • Basilisk
    • Lion
    • Crown
    • Frenchman
    • Sinker
    • Candy

    One Word Names
    One Word Names are really hard to come up with that can satisfy you or your crew, but can hold a lot of impact. If the one word annoys you, you can add a determiner such as My, The, Thy or a pronoun such as Ye, Her, His to turn the word into a 2 word name.

    One Word Example

    • Ogre
    • Destroyer
    • Explorer
    • Lioness

    2 Word Example

    • The Ogre
    • Thy Destroyer
    • Ye Explorer
    • His Lioness

    Max words for a Ship?
    I would say 3 - 4 words, anymore and you will have a sentence instead of a name.
    For 4 word names I would suggest it being something like The Queen Anne's Revenge Instead of Queen Anne's Bloody Revenge. The first word of a four word name should be a determiner!

    If you have a hard time coming up with names I would suggest looking at images of animals and weapons to help you name your ship and using that as a base and then adding words around it to see if it suits or adds a motive to your name.

    [Sanctuary Of The Damned] Our Alliance's Discord -

  • 304
  • The Dark Crown

  • The Black Dagger

  • Sweet Candy ;)

  • @ghost101mm said in Share your best Ship Names! - I already have a ship name but want to hear yours! - **Tutorial how to make a SHIP name**:

    Sweet Candy ;)


  • Here's one I thought of but isn't going to be my ship name

    Oaken Heart

  • The Good Ship Venus

  • B.Y.O.B
    Bring your own boat

  • @jamiethe1egend what about The Ancient Basilisk?

  • @kompanyofone
    Guess your boat will be filled with hardcore tunes!

  • The Puqe Bucket

  • @lord-boblet
    I like that, I had
    Blue Basilisk
    in my head while making this post

  • @skardil2018 said in Share your best Ship Names! - I already have a ship name but want to hear yours! - **Tutorial how to make a SHIP name**:

    The Puqe Bucket


  • Wasserbrig ®

    As a tribute to Wasserburg.

  • @jamiethe1egend said in Share your best Ship Names! - I already have a ship name but want to hear yours! - **Tutorial how to make a SHIP name**:

    I would stay away from colours personally
    Try using Determiners, Adjectives and Colours for your prefix.

    Uhm... which is it? xD

  • The Bleeding Dagger

  • @jamiethe1egend you got it! Haha

  • @xcalypt0x woops

  • Poseidon's Fist (galleon)
    The Salty Splinter (sloop)
    Wicked We-nch of the West
    Kraken's Demise

  • @xcalypt0x
    I said
    I would stay away from colours personally as it makes the ship sound boring, but can work if you have a good follow up word to fill the gap.
    I guess what I am trying to say is that colours tend to be overused and it can be good if you don't mind but instead of using white, you could use light instead etc

  • The Black Phoenix (Galleon)

    -Captain Zartooth

  • guess i better remove it for it may offend killjoys lol

  • Lady Vengeance (Divinity 2 reference)

  • The Flying Çorumlu

  • @ragemonsteruk said in Share your best Ship Names! - I already have a ship name but want to hear yours! - **Tutorial how to make a SHIP name**:

    hope it doesnt get me a row on here lol but my friend wants to call his boat

    dirty little ore, lol


  • Reef Raider for the sloop. Crimson Wealth for the galleon.

  • The Holy Sheet ;)

  • Bayrider

  • @logansdadtoo said in Share your best Ship Names! - I already have a ship name but want to hear yours! - **Tutorial how to make a SHIP name**:

    The Holy Sheets ;)


  • I'm going to call mine the Thunderchild, in honor of the HMS Thunderchild from War of the Worlds

  • The Cutthroat King

  • @jamiethe1egend I'm just poking fun :)

  • @xcalypt0x 0_1519310953337_02c0d676-2f71-4145-a548-d94d2f8f5d81-image.png

  • The Black Plague

  • The red flag flown by naval vessels in wartime meant a fight to the finish. Among pirates, flying a red flag signalling "no quarter" to any ship’s crew that resisted, but guaranteed the safety of all aboard if the ship surrendered without a fight. Some pirates in the 18th century have flown red variations of the traditional pirate flag, the Jolly Roger.

    In politics, a red flag is predominantly a symbol of socialism, communism, Marxism, and left-wing politics.

    Pirate ship name: Socialism

    Be afraid oh you better be afraid it's coming, and if we catch you, be ready to conform.

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