IRL - Chest of Gold!

  • So I was complaining to my Wive that someone stole all my chest from one of my voyages last play session... (I knew you are and I am coming to get you back!)

    But yesterday she comes home with my own little chest of gold.
    Thanks, you're the best!

    And yes those are chocolate coins!

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  • @rgbknights Ye be Canadian?

  • Looks like you hit the jackpot, Matey! Chocolate coins are the best!

  • @ZeLemon37 yes I hail from the great white north...

  • @randomwh1tedude

    Yes, I did and the chocolates were good too!

  • @rgbknights

    Ye be a soft pirate!!

  • @rgbknights I was thinking this guy must be Canadian hahaha

  • “Your wife is a gem!...does she happen to know a cute pug she could fix me up with?”

  • @rgbknights As do I!

  • The wife must have found the end of the rainbow, where the little people live.

  • Marry that one...

    Oh you did, smart man.

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