Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution)

  • Perhaps the voyage and treasure system should be changed.
    How about completing the voyages, solving the riddles, killing the captains, and finding the treasure gives you the rep, and turning in the treasures gives you the gold?At least you'd have something already if a crew steals all your stuff, and would stop the soul crushing defeat of playing for hours to come up empty handed when a crew hunts you down or out pvps you.

    Separate the two. Right now treasure turn in gives you everything and when players see a ship they are like GO GO GO! GET GET GET! But what most players I've played with want is that juicy rep right now for unlocks. PVPers would think 'is the battle worth it just for some gold they may or may not have'?

    I think it might also slow down the skeleforts being the best thing in the game right now and the toxic battles around them. Yea sure they could reward a lot of gold but nothing else.

    The flip side of this is it would MAKE players actually do the voyages for rep, and some don't want to do those because they are boring or time consuming. What makes you a pirate legend? Farming skeleforts all day and server hopping, or doing all the voyages?

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  • @philpsey I am sorry you are frustrated. the game does have commendations that give rewards for "DOING STUFF". I would not mind seeing that system updated and expanded.

    I am not sure about "toxic" PVP surrounding skull forts though. Just because you dont want to do it, does not make it toxic. Now I am aware there may be some spawning issues (I have not personally experienced them, but I understand what is occuring and its potential of happening).

    But I kind of like the reward system as is, it increases the tension and urgency I feel when going to turn stuff in. I mean scouring the sea line and outpost for offenders provides a level of excitement I havent found in a lot of other games and I like it. If all the rewards had already been achieved it wouldnt even matter. I would just turn in, and if someone took it meh, ive already been rewarded so why even fight for it.

    With no desire to survive and keep your loot, this becomes a game about farming chickens and sailing.

    But thats just my opinion, it is in no way meant as an attempt to invalidate yours.

    Good Day.

  • @goblobsters
    I'm not frustrated, I sail with a competent crew most of the time, and we get 1-2 skele forts a day. As soon as one pops up we head there.

    The toxic part I'm referring is mainly the voice chat of when something goes wrong with the enemy team and they keep coming back to their death, but not before we get an earful of hate and anger. Or them spawning 1 island away and doing nothing but harass while we clear the fort.

    I'm just saying there isn't much point to do anything else besides skele forts, its guaranteed everything, with a risk of PVP. While voyages are rng and don't seem to give that much of anything. The higher the level the more rng. All with the same possibility of PVP.

    And you'd be fighting for the gold. All I'm saying is divide the gold and rep. You don't want people to steal from you because you still need to gold to buy stuff.

  • @philpsey said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):

    I'm not frustrated, I sail with a competent crew most of the time, and we get 1-2 skele forts a day. As soon as one pops up we head there.

    The toxic part I'm referring is mainly the voice chat of when something goes wrong with the enemy team and they keep coming back to their death, but not before we get an earful of hate and anger. Or them spawning 1 island away and doing nothing but harass while we clear the fort.

    I'm just saying there isn't much point to do anything else besides skele forts, its guaranteed everything, with a risk of PVP. While voyages are rng and don't seem to give that much of anything. The higher the level the more rng. All with the same possibility of PVP.

    Go to the settings menu under crew, and mute all other crews. Also that is a violation of XBOX live TOS, so if it really bothers you then report them, XBOX is slow about it, but they will eventually ban them.

    Also, I wasnt implying that you or your crew were somehow not competent. I have no reason to be mean to you. I hope your experience improves.

    Good Day.

  • @goblobsters
    Muting all other crews takes away from any communication you may have with anyone then. It would not help in the long run. This is a very much communication based game.

    I'm trying to show sympathy for the PVE vs PVP people in the forums.
    Maybe there should be a divide on how loot and voyages work.

  • @goblobsters

    They ain't slow about it when they want to be, my mates think it's hilarious to bait me into swearing at them via xbox, i have been banned evertime they reported me, this took from 5 minutes to within 12 hours. this meant i could not use any xbox chat features, but I was still able to voice chat vis an in game chat feature.

    So I'm not sure if reporting them would actually work in SoT, it's worth atry though for sure, there some real salty dogs out there.

    On topic, I see here you are coming from, but also feel that the risk being lowered would personally reduce the edge i feel coming back on a heavily laden sloop with masts closing in.

  • @enzym3 said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):


    They ain't slow about it when they want to be, my mates think it's hilarious to bait me into swearing at them via xbox, i have been banned evertime they reported me, this took from 5 minutes to within 12 hours. this meant i could not use any xbox chat features, but I was still able to voice chat vis an in game chat feature.

    So I'm not sure if reporting them would actually work in SoT, it's worth atry though for sure, there some real salty dogs out there.

    On topic, I see here you are coming from, but also feel that the risk being lowered would personally reduce the edge i feel coming back on a heavily laden sloop with masts closing in.

    SOT is an XBOX LIVE game regardless of the platform you play it on, you yeah it applies to SoT even for the PC folks.

    Good Day.

  • @goblobsters said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):

    @enzym3 said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):


    They ain't slow about it when they want to be, my mates think it's hilarious to bait me into swearing at them via xbox, i have been banned evertime they reported me, this took from 5 minutes to within 12 hours. this meant i could not use any xbox chat features, but I was still able to voice chat vis an in game chat feature.

    So I'm not sure if reporting them would actually work in SoT, it's worth atry though for sure, there some real salty dogs out there.

    On topic, I see here you are coming from, but also feel that the risk being lowered would personally reduce the edge i feel coming back on a heavily laden sloop with masts closing in.

    SOT is an XBOX LIVE game regardless of the platform you play it on, you yeah it applies to SoT even for the PC folks.

    Good Day.

    You seem to know how this works Mr Good Day, ESO runs on xbox live? but a comms ban from xbox does not block you from comms in game, why is it different?

  • I'm not fond of completely separating them, it limits gameplay options a bit too much. I could see a half and half option working though. You get half the rep for acquisition and half for turning in along with the gold, of course. Takes away a little of the sting of a long voyage that goes south, but still maintains incentive for people to play the game the way they choose.

  • @enzym3 said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):

    @goblobsters said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):

    @enzym3 said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):


    They ain't slow about it when they want to be, my mates think it's hilarious to bait me into swearing at them via xbox, i have been banned evertime they reported me, this took from 5 minutes to within 12 hours. this meant i could not use any xbox chat features, but I was still able to voice chat vis an in game chat feature.

    So I'm not sure if reporting them would actually work in SoT, it's worth atry though for sure, there some real salty dogs out there.

    On topic, I see here you are coming from, but also feel that the risk being lowered would personally reduce the edge i feel coming back on a heavily laden sloop with masts closing in.

    SOT is an XBOX LIVE game regardless of the platform you play it on, you yeah it applies to SoT even for the PC folks.

    Good Day.

    You seem to know how this works Mr Good Day, ESO runs on xbox live? but a comms ban from xbox does not block you from comms in game, why is it different?

    Nice. Being rude solves nothing. Also repeated comms ban on XBOX live leads to account ban FYI. But keep it up, im sure everyone will see your point and be enlightened.

    Good Day
    (but thats MR Good Day to you)

  • I like how it is now honestly, and that's mainly due to one factor. Merchant trading co sucks.

    If I had to actually do their voyages to gain rep, I still wouldn't bother. I much rather prefer just collecting barrels and cages while im doing the other voyages.

  • @goblobsters said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):

    @enzym3 said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):

    @goblobsters said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):

    @enzym3 said in Changing the rewards system possibly? (PVE vs PVP possible solution):


    They ain't slow about it when they want to be, my mates think it's hilarious to bait me into swearing at them via xbox, i have been banned evertime they reported me, this took from 5 minutes to within 12 hours. this meant i could not use any xbox chat features, but I was still able to voice chat vis an in game chat feature.

    So I'm not sure if reporting them would actually work in SoT, it's worth atry though for sure, there some real salty dogs out there.

    On topic, I see here you are coming from, but also feel that the risk being lowered would personally reduce the edge i feel coming back on a heavily laden sloop with masts closing in.

    SOT is an XBOX LIVE game regardless of the platform you play it on, you yeah it applies to SoT even for the PC folks.

    Good Day.

    You seem to know how this works Mr Good Day, ESO runs on xbox live? but a comms ban from xbox does not block you from comms in game, why is it different?

    Nice. Being rude solves nothing. Also repeated comms ban on XBOX live leads to account ban FYI. But keep it up, im sure everyone will see your point and be enlightened.

    Good Day
    (but thats MR Good Day to you)

    edit: misquoted
    What on earth are you on about? I've asked you why it's different ? i pointed out cheekily of your use of ''good day'' and now i'm being rude?

    So again, how is being banned temporarily on xb1 chat sevices going to stop in game chat features?

    I ask because of my personal experience with another game that does allow you continue using their in game whilst being banned on xbox.

    It's quite on topic, and I'm trying to help the OP just like you apparently are.

  • @hot-juicy-pie
    I think most people share this sentiment. They are quite boring. The most exciting part is catching snakes. You can't even start a second voyage until this is turned in, even if you capture the animals quickly and have time to spare.
    This is the major flaw I see in my argument, having players forced into playing or grinding ALL the parts of the game if they want to reach that pirate legend.

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