
  • @luke-pawlowski Stealing your stuff isn't being rude it's being fortuitous. If you get chased and sunk it's all part of the game. If you can't defend it, It was never truly yours.

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  • Do an outpost drive by. As you cruise past an outpost one of you take your best item in and sell it. Then catch a mermaid back. If you're good at positioning your ship, you can pull this off in solo. Yes someone may see you and jump off after you, but more times than not you should be able to make that run if you know where to jump off at. Was able to sell off 10 items the other night solo while being chased by a 2 man sloop. Oddly enough after I sold my loot I was able raise my sails, turn my ship, and bring down hell fire upon them. Sunk their ship and made off with their castaways chest

  • @USNavyRef Please avoid swearing on the forums, as it is a violation of our Forum rules. We've edited a couple of your posts accordingly.

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  • Have to say I sympathize with the OP here.

    Entering into fights like this usually suck because you risk your treasure if you lose but are likely to get nothing if you win whereas the other ship risks nothing if they lose but get a reward if they win, it's kind of lame.

    I'd like to see them add stuff to make these super long chase sequences go away, if someone is close enough sure, but the ones where you can barely see aren't that fun.

    As far as counters to it go, boarding and anchor drop is a good one but a decent team will be able to counter, it's too easy to spot players via mermaids & gamertags.

    Use the environment is good suggestions, try to break line of sight going behind rocks or islands then reverse.

    If you aren't solo you can also steer into a storm, visibility gets really bad with the rain and the high waves plus it's difficult to steer, you can usually lose people in those.

    Since Rare is always saying that they want people to play their own way, it would be nice if they added more stuff that would allow people that aren't interested in a fight/chase to avoid those, (not talking about when someone catches you off guard, more these long chases where there's no real way for them to catch you but no real way to get away)

  • @reluctantdragon said in Frustrated:

    Sometimes it's difficult for newer players to get the experience needed to repel even other new crews. This may be down to lack of game time or just sometimes some players genuinely can't get as good as others. There Is no area where you can cut your teeth, before dipping your toe in the water with experienced gamers or ships with larger crews than your own. I think this seriously needs addressing asap, as these posts are getting more and more prevalent.

    This is an excellent point. Many of the players that are most inclined to be aggressive typically have significantly more time put into the game than some of their prey (of course all bets are off if the newbies are aggressive or poking their noses into a contested fort or space you are working).

    The general lack of tutorial or teaching appears intentional and one can "get" what Rare is after not putting a traditional one in but it's also sometimes just needlessly obtuse.

    When I first logged on after launch (I had no beta/preview experience) I had no earthly idea how to even start a voyage after getting one. I went online out of the game and it said to "use the table" so there I was trying to figure out how to put a mission down on the MAP table in the sloop for quite a while, utterly perplexed (and it's not like this is my first game). It took a bit to realize there was another, less obvious table....over there.

    It's just basic stuff like that that the game could do a little better job with and I'd certainly put the basics for combat in that category.
    "Learning" against the top and most aggressive players actually might dis-incent more people from embracing PVP in the long run I'd suspect.

  • @Luke-Pawlowski Please avoid swearing on our forums, as it is a violation of our Forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

  • @luke-pawlowski
    You are missing the other core of the game which evolves around the pvp aspect. The game is working fine. You just wanna play half of it

  • @nwo-azcrack Maybe you're right. That's why I have zero desire to play the game anymore. PvP ruins what I see as the fun part of the game, but Voyages don't do that for PvP. Seems like a unbalanced core.

  • @luke-pawlowski
    The core is fine. Its just that the game is barebones and ppl are getting bored. But if you think you will get a way to avoid pvp, your gonna be dissapointed. Even if they decided to add pve servers its gonna be a long wait. And they have no intention atm. Might as well get good at defending that treasure and get a good crew.

  • @nwo-azcrack I don't think that. I think that Rare did a bad job at balancing the experience. I think that this game is not for me or my group of friends. I think that the "git gud" crowd doesn't understand that a healthy casual community is important for a game's long term health. I think that this game is already doomed to become a niche title.

  • @luke-pawlowski

    If you can or are willing - try to get on some Galleon crews. People tend to mess with you less often and if they you do you just stand a better chance of surviving or at least having fun with the situation because it's less likely to feel so one sided, no matter how it turns out.

  • @luke-pawlowski
    Well those are your opinions mate. This game isnt supposed to be a relaxing experience. It can be, but only if you make it.

  • @merlin-mav-k I exclusively play on Galleons if I'm not playing solo. It's when this game shines most, no doubt.

  • @nwo-azcrack Can't make it. Other people can come and ruin it.

  • @luke-pawlowski
    Because you let them. Its an open world pvppve game. If you only play half of that, then this game isnt for u mate. Not tryin to be mean or anything, but its pretty obvious you dont wanna pvp in an open world pvp enabled game

  • @luke-pawlowski

    Well good luck to you. I've def. felt the same as you do before but I've been able to carve out enough good experiences with a friend in duos and some random Galleon runs to outweigh the bad ones - but I have walked away for short bits and my son and I unfortunately only were able to have have fun in the game 1-2 sessions before he became frustrated enough to walk away and went to back to games where he can better dictate or defend against PVP situations in a way that he enjoys more.

  • Half me wonders if the grind wasn't that bad or the loot values weren't so ridiculous at times and the pricing of everything so high.... most of these pvp complaints wouldn't even exist. The other half of me would feel like the game would be way too easy if the this wasn't true.

  • @merlin-mav-k My complaining is not becasue I am bad at the game. I think that it's funny that so many people jump to that conclusion when I say that I don't like PvP. I don't like PvP becasue it's a long, boring, drawn-out, experience, and because I don't ever want to engage in it. The people that pursue me usually don't have any treasure, and there is no negative to it for them. I can't tell you the amount of times that I've been forced to fight the same crew over and over. Sinking them over and over, only for them to come back. That is not fun. I just want to find buried treasure with my friends

  • @luke-pawlowski

    Hope you didn't think I was implying you were bad at the game. I'm more than certain you and most everyone else here has me beat in that regard....

    Good luck.

  • @luke-pawlowski said in Frustrated:

    @merlin-mav-k My complaining is not becasue I am bad at the game. I think that it's funny that so many people jump to that conclusion when I say that I don't like PvP. I don't like PvP becasue it's a long, boring, drawn-out, experience, and because I don't ever want to engage in it. The people that pursue me usually don't have any treasure, and there is no negative to it for them. I can't tell you the amount of times that I've been forced to fight the same crew over and over. Sinking them over and over, only for them to come back. That is not fun. I just want to find buried treasure with my friends

    I do wish that If your ship is sunk you and your crew would migrate to a new server. I mean how many times do I have to sink someone before they get the point?

  • @rdizz according to most people, "That's the game."

  • @luke-pawlowski said in Frustrated:

    @rdizz according to most people, "That's the game."

    And they are correct, and its clearly working as intended. Doesnt stop me from hating the decision.

    Sink someone they come back, sink them again they come back... it's only a matter of time before your resources are exhausted and this whole spawn further away thing? This is either only at skull forts or its being manipulated with scuttle. But I'm with ya to an extent. I'm all for the open world no holds barred pvp but at what end? It's so dumb to me the same person can continually come back over and over and over. It really sucks the fun right out of pvp. IMO

  • @rdizz If they can figure out a fix, then I'm all in. I'm just not as optimistic as you are. I think that there is a fundamental flaw that can't be fixed with a change to spawns. I don't know how they do it. Maybe completely overhaul combat, AND migrate host for someone when they lose? If all of a crew are dead at the same time the ship should automatically scuttle. I think that that is a fairly easy change that could have long reaching effects. How would that work for solo players that die fighting skeletons though? Maybe your ship only auto scuttles if you were killed by other players? I don't know.

  • @luke-pawlowski said in Frustrated:

    @rdizz If they can figure out a fix, then I'm all in. I'm just not as optimistic as you are. I think that there is a fundamental flaw that can't be fixed with a change to spawns. I don't know how they do it. Maybe completely overhaul combat, AND migrate host for someone when they lose? If all of a crew are dead at the same time the ship should automatically scuttle. I think that that is a fairly easy change that could have long reaching effects. How would that work for solo players that die fighting skeletons though? Maybe your ship only auto scuttles if you were killed by other players? I don't know.

    The game is too unique and one of a kind to sweep under a rug. I will hold high hopes through about 2 or 3 "major" content updates.

  • You didnt have to run for an hour, that was your choice. It was sloop vs sloop l, that's an even fight why run? They saw you going to an outpost so they know you had loot, obviously there not gonna stop at a shipwreck for a few items when you have a voyage worth of stuff.

    PvP is part of the game. If you're going to get so upset at being engaged by other players this probably isn't the game for you. You don't need to go chasing every ship you see, but some people will chase you. You need to learn how to defend yourself. You don't even need to sink them, just boarding their ship, dropping their anchor would buy you enough time to get to an outpost.

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