The Wall of SHAME (boosters and cheaters)

  • This is the place to post evidence of cheaters, we as a gaming community need to police up the boosters and cheaters up. To make this game a fare and fun gaming platform instead of boosters/hackers that do what ever they want. My goal is to eliminated these kinds of players from the game. Using in game flaws is part of the game it's up to the programmers to resolve those issues but if you see it reported so they know. I, guarantee we are all tired of joining server after server to find a booster idle on the fairy of the dam. I, do believe the developers need to have a place where if your idle for 20 mins or more you can place your player in a location where the player will not drop, but he will not receive any goal or XP maybe a hammock on the third deck just saying theirs times where I, have to steep away and take my dog for a walk but I'm still playing with my crew. Post those shameful players demand justice.!

    [mod edited]

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  • naming and shaming is against forum rules.

    also, theres nothing wrong with boosting

    delete this


  • @lowbei It is against the rules here. But he didn't name anyone here on these forums so why is he supposed to delete his post?

  • I saw [mod edited] boosting and cheating, make sure to put his name on the list.

  • @cpt-peach-beard said in The Wall of SHAME (boosters and cheaters):

    I saw [mod edited] boosting and cheating, make sure to put his name on the list.

    Can confirm, saw him on the fairy of the dam.

  • It's confirmed then, this new system is working perfectly and as intended.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in The Wall of SHAME (boosters and cheaters):

    @lowbei It is against the rules here. But he didn't name anyone here on these forums so why is he supposed to delete his post?

    name and shame threads are against forum rules.

    this isnt rocket science.

  • @lowbei Ok it states their will be no room for cheaters and to report any violations of a known cheater. I'm guessing here your one of the people I'm talking about. If you think it's fun to earn other players their XP and Goal then I'm confused on what kind of game this is I'm sure this is a team game.

  • @lt-robinson25 @cpt-peach-beard Naming and Shaming is not tolerated on the forums as per the Forum Rules and as such has been moderated from your post.

    Witch-hunting and Call-Outs
    Posting gamertags or screenshots of conversations in order to name and shame community members is not allowed on the Forums. If you believe a post or thread violates community standards, please flag it for moderation.

    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Customer Support.

    Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


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