Colossal Bird Temple encased in stone

  • So, a couple night back I went all over Wanderer's Refuge looking for the Colossal Bird Temple Encased in Stone. I went through all the caves, I went underneath the water fall where the huge bird cliff sculpture is, I went to the bird sculpture at the canyon, I went to the bird shrine near the top of the main mountain … and I couldn't find it.

    I'm stuck on this one. I cheated by trying to bling / Google for a quick easy answer, but it's like no one's come across this one.

    Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this quest?

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  • Hello Fantome, I believe that one is indeed in the caves. You're looking for a shrine with bird sculpture or painting if I remember correctly.

    In addition, you mentioned Wanderer's refuge, but I assume you meant Plunder Valley. Best of luck!

  • I know what you're talking about. In a cave there should be a large bird skull attached to the wall with drawings next to it. It should have a row of skulls along the bottom of it with some scattered around it as well.

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