Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8

  • I'm playing on pc with xbox 360 controller, since the beginning I have a weird glitch which is only present in SoF - if I click L3 to run, sometimes my character run normally, but most of the time he suddenly stops after 1-few meters and I have to push the button again to rerun again.
    There is something wrong with a run cancellation by a stick movement, Devs, could you check it please and patch it if it's global. Thx in advance!

    BTW new patches seems great, game running smoothly and I don't see any visible glitches except some ugly distant lods!

  • We need more content, and more mechanincs, i wish new free "DLC" help this, because at the moment, the game is boring around 30-100 hours, anyways good game and good patch notes.

  • @treefittymonsta We'd definitely recommend also sending a report via Support about this so it can be logged and Rare are made aware of the extent of the issue.. thanks!

  • @katttruewalker thanks katt. I hope they fix it before I get off work tonight. Would love to play it.

  • Ever since the patch ping has been through the roof.
    Ah well.
    One step forward, a bunch backwards.

  • Issues so far since update:

    1. Loading screen is way too long waiting to spawn back in. In some cases 4-6 min.
    2. Amount of sharks now is insane and totally off balance. Was at a shipwreck when five to six sharks appeared out of no where. Needs to be addressed.
    3. Ping is out of hand with random instances of rubber banding and lag. Experienced this yesterday with two different server sessions.
    4. Visual rendering with objects specifically galleons from a medium distance shows only the lower half of the galleon then renders in extremely slow as ship sails away. With half of the sails rendering in slowly quarter at a time.
    5. Chest values and skulls are all over again,i.e. captains chest was selling for 1,000 gold now sells for 733. Villainous skulls sold for 1,239-1,289(in some cases) now sell for 633 gold.
    6. When storing any supplies there is bad lag between the storing of the object and reflecting in your inventory.
    7. Skellies shoot through rocks constantly. Also skellies on island cannons constantly hit first three cannon shots in the same hull location at different islands.
    8. Still issue with switching to items on wheel (on xbox not sure about pc) i.e. trying to switch from your weapon to a banana fails resulting in a sword lung and lock up of character.

    That's it so far may not be the same for others but these were the most standout issues yesterday.

  • @iceman-0007 From what I hear the sharks are in a frenzy due to something moving about in the Hungering Deep!

    i.e it's deliberate

  • @wipe-nd-clean understandable but if HD isn't out until the 29th why have that feature or behavior enabled. Makes it almost impossible to get resources off a shipwreck without dying. Another thing i left out was swimming to your ship trying to get on the ladder is impossible. If sharks were chasing your crew mate and they do the insane half way out of the water thing to try and bite them it prevents you from getting anywhere near the ladder at all end result shark bait!

  • @murkrage before this recent patch they moved the voyage table over to the right a little bit since people were getting loot stuck there... Now they reverted the table back to its normal position and a lot of people are not happy with it, including me.

  • Great job guys! Keep up the good work

  • @solidsnakemig oh my bad I missed that. haha yeah thats the one I was referring to

  • @dusty-orbas Not really i mean its caused more problems then good for a lot of people. Infinite loading screens, they reverted back to and older build moving the voyage table back to the left so no loot can be put there... i mean its pretty broken update.

  • New update for those experiencing the infinite black screen on loading from the Ferry or a merfolk:

  • @k0nr4d31337 Ikr It's so annoying. Guns should at least knock them back a bit to give you enough time to hit 'em with a sword.

  • @stellarsacia I was refunded the 70,000 a few hours after we posted in this thread. You?

  • These all sound great! Thank you and cannot wait for Hungering Deep!

  • I wish the spyglass could have a sensitivity slider, any word on that?

  • @fedore said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.8:

    I wish the spyglass could have a sensitivity slider, any word on that?

    Didn't even think of this one! I'd like to see that too :)

  • I'm happily impressed by having multiple sensitivity settings for each weapon on both controller and keyboard. I was expecting to only get generic 'aim sensitivity'. Adding two more sliders for telescope seems unnecessary to me personally

  • @danny-darth-tk
    Not sure they moved the table.....I thought they moved the shelf which gives the illusion of more space next to the table

  • Nice work!!!! Everything is going on weels, or wood!!!!

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    Name calling and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @nic727 probably so you can mute pirate chat phrases or something not sure haven't tested ?? A dits Dan what is that supposed to mean ?

  • My game won’t even start with the new update for May the 25th.

  • @dwarflord101 where does it crash out if at all? Last resort would be a reinstall i suppose. You wont lose anything either at least. Ive had a friend reinstall before and it fixed issues for him :)

  • @brlks there is no issue fo rare the game is soled as crossplay game so they dont remove it, they have sad this many times and you know gamepass so microsoft dont let it happen.

  • @gerinako86 I'm not even Colour Blind and I'll be using this feature! Great work Devs :)

  • @iceman-0007 I think it was a really cool idea (If not Deadly) But it does give the impression that something BIG is coming!

    I imagine the level of sharks will go down again once the timed campaign is over.

  • I don't see any mention of "shark spawn rate increase", "shark damage increase", or "improved shark AI" in the patch notes regardless of the obvious changes. I assume that change is a precursor to the "Hungering Deep" update since the trailer mentions having to make a sacrifice to get the sharks to leave us alone, but it'd be nice if you mentioned that in the patch notes seeing as how that changes the gameplay completely (at least until May 29th).

  • @khaleesibot Great! Now you just have to make the treasure maps relevant to the grid on the actual world map on the ship.

  • @khaleesibot
    Great job rare love your communication and transparency keep up the love for your amazing game can’t wait til the 29th

  • @quarbani Before the update i was able to actually go into the corner but now you cant even go into it let alone put loot there.

  • @danny-darth-tk thats called bugfix

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