Bloody Hand Sails?!?!?!?

  • Has any one else seen these sails? I can't remember what color they were but there was a hand print on them. How do I get them!!!!!!

  • 17
  • Its the Deckhands
    Swimming a lot lately it would seem, somebody else mentioned it recently.

  • @ro0or sounds like a bad dream

  • @ajm123 it's in Zylbrads newest YouTube video.

  • @wilderness03 beckhands, interesting. Do we have to stay in the water to kill meg?? Orrrrrrr what! I want them!!

  • @ro0or
    No haha.. You can't get them unless you ARE a deckhand....
    They are like communicators for rare.

  • @ro0or It sounds like you ran into one of the Deckhands :)

  • @ant-heuser-kush I've seen 3... But I do play with one and a half :P

  • @musicmee now i'm curious. who's the half?

  • @ro0or Aye.. they're Deckhand sails... no immunity from the kraken sadly...

  • @ant-heuser-kush There's a few I have played with thinking about it that's why I said half... but nowhere as committed as my trusty captain @lizalaroo ! Played with 5 in total since launch but they are just like you and me :P But with fancy sails...

    Although none I know have legendary sails ;) :P

  • @ant-heuser-kush Yeah similar here too! I have stopped bumping into Founders and seeing more Sailors sad but always happy to talk to new people :P

  • @katttruewalker are they members if the rare team?? Or associates. Either way I love it and I want them!!!

  • @ro0or
    They are the moderators of the forum m8, & katt is one ;)
    Not members of the Rare team, but have been invited to assist Rare in maintaining some form of sanity here in the forums.

  • @ro0or

    And to add to @LogansDadToo post... they are not Rare employees and moderate this place out of the love of the game and community.

  • @logansdadtoo that's awesome. Good on them

  • According to some salty sea dog on reddit, these sails are from the foresaken shores content drop and given to a few people before the content drops. Got a good laugh out of that, as I can't imagine them giving away sails like that to the rest of us, but I suppose anything is possible. thoughts? i mean it IS a giant hand, after all. makes sense it would forever stay deckhand exclusive.

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