[Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles

  • @mrmcdoll
    Hah, my boat is more of a daysailer. If I'd put a cannon on that it would probably sink from the weight, and firing would split it in half. Maybe I can build some small water cannons tho.. :D

    I think the general length of events could easily be doubled. Would give the players more time to experience them and the devs more time to react, and more time to come up with new events.
    If Hungering Deep, Thrones and the Exploding Skelly event would have lasted twice as long, we might've never gotten that awful mermaid event for example, because they might've had more time to come up with something better..

    I honestly don't understand why they rush it like this. Cursed Sails could easily go on for 6-10 weeks imo.

  • @handsh0t said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @quixoticrocket I love the way you have made your conclusions while you didn't even try the DLC. I'm in a discord where someone said: "The DLC is bad. I haven't tried it yet". I mean come on...

    I've made no conclusions about the quality of the dlc at all. But I can easily tell you that if I need to log on during certain times in the day to complete the event then I am not going to invest my time in the event.

    I don't need to actually log into the game to review the timetables you're expected to adhere to, and I don't need to log into the game to look at those timetables and decide I'm not able to do this.

    Do you expect me to sink as much time as I can into doing this before making the judgement call that I won't be able to complete the event and so I'm not going to take part in it? I can already make that call. I won't be able to complete the event.

    The piece I will be able to complete is the bit that rewards the sails. That bit I might do.

    I also did do the previous DLC and I attempted to do some of the Bilge Rat adventures so it's not like I'm making my conclusions from absolutely nothing here.

    So thanks for your comment but it's completely baseless. I can and will judge this DLC's time requirements before deciding whether it's worth investing into it. And at the moment it is not.

    And for future events I'd like to add my voice to the people saying "stop making content that we won't get to play. Some of us have jobs and kids and can't play the game to your schedule. Please allow us to play it when we want to play it". Or can I only say that after completing this event?

  • This thread is blatantly dodging around the fact that all the complaints are targeted at timed events in general not just the Cursed Sails ship battles. Pleas fix the topic.

  • @nebenkuh
    I would rather have a lull in the 'to-do' lists if it meant a lengthier more engaging and flushed out event. While each one has had it's moments I find I dislike this constant, rushed feeling rotation of things.

    They are capable of good work...they should showcase it not rush it past our eyes for the next thing. Quality of quantity and all that.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    This thread is blatantly dodging around the fact that all the complaints are targeted at timed events in general not just the Cursed Sails ship battles. Pleas fix the topic.

    A lot of the thread is about fiddling the event so that it can be completed withing the event window without having to log in at certain times.

    But ONE of the possible solutions to this is to stop making events time limited. It's not like these are two unrelated subjects so it's likely that the topic is going to come up again and get discussed again.

  • @john-hatter
    It feels like the "no content" complaints after release really got to them, and now they're trying too hard to push out new content too fast. °_°

    Rare, you have amazing artists and ideas. Please take your time!

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  • @aarghmaargho From my experience the ships do not despawn but the next wave won't spawn after the deadline.

  • @isaac-occam said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @aarghmaargho From my experience the ships do not despawn but the next wave won't spawn after the deadline.

    Correct. This is how we missed battle 2 on Tuesday and we're forced to just take on battle 3 (can't remember the names as I have only been on twice this event)

  • @blackelite-id16 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    This thread is blatantly dodging around the fact that all the complaints are targeted at timed events in general not just the Cursed Sails ship battles. Pleas fix the topic.

    No it's not. This thread is a result of people not liking a part of an event had that they can't or barely can do due to reallife time restrictions.

    It has nothing to do with time limited events. Even if this event would be endless, people would still have the same complaints, because they would still have to work or sleep add a spawn time of a ship.

    Hmm, didn't know that. Makes my suggestion a bit harder to use.

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  • @BlackElite-ID16 your post has been deleted for being off-topic. This thread is to discuss the Real World Timings of Cursed Sails Battles, we welcome constructive feedback in the Feedback + Suggestion category!


  • Thank you rare for listening to all the feedback and attempting to come up with a solution. Making part of the event only doable at two times during the day makes it impossible for people in multiple time zones thought no fault of their own.

    Cheers to you instead of listening to the 1-2 people that think the majority are dirty casuals and need to git gud because they cant play at 2 in the morning when they are sleeping or 2 in the afternoon when they are at work.

    Many solutions have been mentioned already, i think anything i say would be a rehash of an idea.
    Random times on servers would be ok but people would just sever hop and cause strain looking for the one they needed.
    Taking away the time constraint and making the skeletons spawn in whatever area you went to is a solution, but may cause strain as well if there are three battles going at once.
    Speeding up the in game time would affect merchant missions greatly.
    They could rotate each battle in 24 hour shifts instead of 4 hour shifts, make the same crew spawn in each area no matter where you went.
    They could centralize it so they only spawn in one area on the map.
    They could rotate the crews that show up immediately so if you finish a crew and the next one starts up its now the next crew you need to fight?
    All in all this is a tough pickle they have put themselves in to find a solution for

  • I guess I'll just repeat my comments here, since I do think it's an important issue to address.

    I have a family and work full time, as I know many others do. I simply do not have any option to play outside a single Shores of Plenty rotation from 8-12 in the evening (EST). Weekends are no better.

    It's not about time investment, it's not about difficulty, it's about the reality that people play video games in their spare time, and it seems really unfair and unnecessary to force play during a certain time of day.

    If this is some attempt to force 'challenge' or something, it's really missed the mark. If it's an attempt to slow down the tryhard server hopper progression, there should be some other means that doesn't hurt others.

    I want to have fun playing a video game in my spare time and this system is contrary to that. That seems crazy to me.

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  • @sonicbobjr said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    With this in mind we are investigating improvements that we could still make to give more players the opportunity to earn the commendations and exclusive cosmetics for the next stages of the campaign.

    Just to clarify, what would be the potential "next stages"? after this three week event? After this first week?

    I don't even necessarily care about missing out on commendations and cosmetics. I just want to have to opportunity to play the whole game.

  • Makes sense to just change which battles happen at which time each day. Then people would stop checking online charts and go into the game and talk to the skelly hanging on the pike to see which ones were when that day. If they are going to change the pike skelly should also say the whole schedule for the next 3 battles.

  • @blackelite-id16 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    This thread is blatantly dodging around the fact that all the complaints are targeted at timed events in general not just the Cursed Sails ship battles. Pleas fix the topic.

    That's not the actual thread, though. It's about this even having specific requirements tied to a real time clock, so that if I can only play from 10pm to 1am, say, I will only ever see the Ancient Isles battle.

  • @uncivlengr said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    @sonicbobjr said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    With this in mind we are investigating improvements that we could still make to give more players the opportunity to earn the commendations and exclusive cosmetics for the next stages of the campaign.

    Just to clarify, what would be the potential "next stages"? after this three week event? After this first week?

    I don't even necessarily care about missing out on commendations and cosmetics. I just want to have to opportunity to play the whole game.

    As far as I can tell, the thing that changes from week to week is the names of the crews (and maybe some of their themes or difficulty settings?) that we fight. So all but 6 of the commendations are available all the time. There are 9 unique crews, but only three of them are 'fighting' each week.

  • Allright, in my opinion I see only two options realistic right now:

    • change the limit of 10 days per location to 5. It's not perfect, but it would give players more chances per day to fight against all crews.
    • randomising spawn time or the crew itself on each server requires server hopping, but could work.

    My thoughts about some proposals made in this thread:

    • enabling all 3 regions at the same time may result in performance issues
    • randomising time and date on each server will result in problems for Merchant Alliance Quests, when a Server is merged.
  • Please don't change it. I have a wife, a year old son, a job and a house of which needs bills paying and yet I've managed to work around getting all the so far currently available commendations....it's going to suck for some people, yes you may never get them all, but are you going to get 1000 banana crates handed in? I don't think it's about the schedules, there are 7 days in a week, the hours are fixed so you know when you need to make time, if you have to move house? That's unlucky, if you have kids? Ask your partner to take them out with her friends for a few hours whilst you get it done, that's if it's that important to you to complete this, if it isn't I don't see the problem, and all this crying for Rare to make changes to cater to your life style is just going to end badly, because I hate to say you're casuals but casuals tend to bounce games and not stick to one.....it's not unfair on you, it's unfortunate that you can't make the time, I might be coming across as a bit h*****n you guys who can't get it done....but these commendations are some what of achievements...and they have a requirement, just like all do, and if you can't meet those requirements maybe stop trying to? Are you going to do 500 skull forts? How long until you cry for more frequent forts that you don't have to fight for? These are limited time sensitive events and those who get them get them...and those who don't, don't...and that's exactly the point.....why make relatively prestigious limited kinda exclusive items.....that EVERYONE and their dog Greg can get? Sorry but everyone has options, people knew months in advance when this update was hitting, if you work you could of booked a week off last month and if you're that hard up maybe you should be at work not playing games or on forums moaning about games....don't be spoilt, people are gonna have things in life that you just are not, if this is the most of your concerns I think a readjustment to reality is in order

  • i dont like this System, I have a full time job from 8 am - 7 PM so when i see all right 2 missed 2 of the 3 Skeletons Ships becaus i have no time and i work, so the only time i can fight this ships is on the weekend. or did i lost something

  • The most odd thing to me about this whole event is how this went from an arguably casual game to adding a "hardcore" type element to it. It feels much like raiding back when all the responsibility I had was to show up to work the next day (tired or hungover).

    With a job, wife, kid and whatever other responsibilities get thrown at me, I still manage about 3 hours a night (sacrificing sleep) to play. (21+ hours a week) Given that I'm still unable to complete this event because I cannot change the time. I feel as if any solution to this problem will only slightly improve it for anyone in a similar situation.

    That goes back to my first comment. This game has been largely casual until now. Meg was able to be done at any time you wanted as long as you assembled the team. Thrones, statues, etc all could be done whenever you had time to play..

    This one is more tailored to the person who has a significant amount of flexibility in their schedule. Even a child with no responsibilities would have a bed time and school. So playtime would be maybe 3pm-9pm. With 6 hours of time that may only allow them to do 2 of the battles.

    I feel like the "hardcore" elements to the game need to be CAREFULLY thought out and not exclude the people that cannot play at specific times of the day. Spending the amount of time is not the issues. It's the time of day specifics. It's one thing if a group of people say we are getting on at this time, get on or we will do it without you. But for the game to do it is a bit much.


    Disclaimer: The term "hardcore" was used liberally/loosely.

  • @ducklol1337 I think you are conflating "time-limited" with what the thread here is about, which is "sinc'd up to real life clock," which is different.

    Like you, I am an advocate for time-limited objectives which are not permanently available because they enrich the experience. And like you, I plan to get all of the commendations whether they improve the timing or not.

    However, this does not mean that they cannot and should not improve the access to this event. Earlier someone else put it best when they said, "This would be like WoW making Heroic dungeons only available at 6-10pm GMT on all servers." That would make no sense and this makes no sense.

  • @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Please don't change it. I have a wife, a year old son, a job and a house of which needs bills paying and yet I've managed to work around getting all the so far currently available commendations....it's going to suck for some people, yes you may never get them all, but are you going to get 1000 banana crates handed in? I don't think it's about the schedules, there are 7 days in a week, the hours are fixed so you know when you need to make time, if you have to move house? That's unlucky, if you have kids? Ask your partner to take them out with her friends for a few hours whilst you get it done, that's if it's that important to you to complete this, if it isn't I don't see the problem, and all this crying for Rare to make changes to cater to your life style is just going to end badly, because I hate to say you're casuals but casuals tend to bounce games and not stick to one.....it's not unfair on you, it's unfortunate that you can't make the time, I might be coming across as a bit h*****n you guys who can't get it done....but these commendations are some what of achievements...and they have a requirement, just like all do, and if you can't meet those requirements maybe stop trying to? Are you going to do 500 skull forts? How long until you cry for more frequent forts that you don't have to fight for? These are limited time sensitive events and those who get them get them...and those who don't, don't...and that's exactly the point.....why make relatively prestigious limited kinda exclusive items.....that EVERYONE and their dog Greg can get? Sorry but everyone has options, people knew months in advance when this update was hitting, if you work you could of booked a week off last month and if you're that hard up maybe you should be at work not playing games or on forums moaning about games....don't be spoilt, people are gonna have things in life that you just are not, if this is the most of your concerns I think a readjustment to reality is in order

    Maybe I'm reading your post wrong but it sounds to me like you're saying:

    "I have them, some people won't get them, tough luck to them, I don't care and neither should you"

    That's not really useful feedback, why would Rare introduce content with the intention that it would be inaccessible to people with hectic RL schedules?

    You managed to move some things around in your RL, that doesn't mean that everyone can, and it certainly doesn't mean that everyone should have to. Of course not everyone will be able to do every bit of content they add, but that doesn't mean that Rare should design content that is inaccessible to a significant number of their paying customers.

    As Drew stated above this seems to have been an oversight on Rare's part and they are now looking for ways to correct it, which is literally the purpose of this thread.

  • @ducklol1337
    I think you misunderstood what this post is about, the problem is not that the event is time-limited. The problem is that certain aspects require you to do something on a said time, one of those timezones will fall under the work and sleep time for everybody. You can play 80 hours a week and still be unable to do all events. And that is the problem, not that the event is on a weekly/3week time limit.

    I've plenty of time to play, I knew that the DLC was coming and I planned my evenings around it. Yet I still get one shot every week to fully complete the event, despite sinking 30-40 hours into the game the next weeks.

    And yes, you do come off as an entitled p***k.

  • Maybe I am off-base here, but why do we have to have all 3 territories running at the same time? It’s a 3 week event, there are 3 Territories, why not just have 1 territory battle spawning all week, next week is Territory 2, and last week is the 3rd Territory.

    • This would still create the time limited exclusivity people are looking for in these events
    • having one territory spawn for a week allows everyone to focus their efforts and makes it much easier to find alliances
    • it elliminates the fear of performance issues from having multiple battles running simultaneously
    • it elliminates the problem of those of us that can only Game in a tight window because if you miss a battle, one will be restarting soon so you don’t miss out
    • it still provides a full week per territory so most people should be able to find the time to complete in a week

    It may not fit the current storyline perfectly, but sacrificing player enjoyment for the sake of story continuity would be a bad move.

    For context, I am one of the players that has a full time job and 2 young children. I am EST and can really only play around 10pm-2am, and often have to go afk due to a waking child. I love this game and have been playing since beta. IMHO the current setup for this event is bad and very off-putting to dedicated players. It is already excessively hard enough to win/complete a “battle”, as my crew and another galleon tried last night for hours, killed 9 ships, and still didn’t “win battle”. Adding an additional time constraint on top of that seems to just be an attempt at adding interesting complexity without considering the diversity of play styles of the dedicated fan base.

    One of the things that made me fall in love with SoT is its simplicity. It wasn’t overly complex like so many other games. But the constraints on this event seem like a knee-jerk reaction to the simplicity of Meg. People loved the Meg event and you saw people work together much more because it was easy and simple to do so. This is not, and for the first time I am not able to just log in and have fun. Now there is math involved.

  • @prince-recluse It's a decent solution, though you would have to address that there are 3 crews per region still. Maybe randomize them, though that could be pretty frustrating too. I don't think it matters, though as this change is too sweeping mid-event and I don't see them doing this.

    I think the simplest "solution" is to un-sinc the servers so they are all running different game clocks. It may require a little server hopping, but it would work. I realize it would mess up some merchant quests if a server merged, but this is a small outlier (I mean who is doing merchant quests during this event?!) and worth a small possible impact for three weeks to facilitate the event.

  • You managed to move some things around in your RL, that doesn't mean that everyone can, and it certainly doesn't mean that everyone should have to.

    Sorry but if you want them that badly that you have to cry out on the forums, then yes, you should and that's it, find the time, make the time or come to terms with you not being able to get the commendations....

  • @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Sorry but if you want them that badly that you have to cry out on the forums, then yes, you should and that's it, find the time, make the time or come to terms with you not being able to get the commendations....

    But we're able to "cry about it on the forums" because we're at work and not playing. Lol.

  • @katttruewalker The Times of battles should be more variable and different. In Germany, for example, ' ' The Wilds ' ' are at night or at noon where you don't play so often. It would be better if the date of the battles alternate every day, for example, not ' ' The Ancients ' ' at 8 o'clock, but then times ' ' The shores of Plenty ' '! This will change every day.

  • @ducklol1337 said in [Mega Thread] Real world timings of Cursed Sails Battles:

    Maybe they'd have to work less and able to play more if they got on with their jobs instead of being on their phones huh

    Maybe, though I should re-iterate, though I empathize with your position and plan to get everything even in its current state, I am of the opinion that Rare should correct what appears to be an oversight in this event and de-sync the event from real time.

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