Big whirlpool monster that yeets your ship, and had good reward

  • You ever read the odyssey? well if you haven’t, then basically...
    Charybdis is this giant sea monster that sucks things into its mouth, by funneling them in, so basically a giant whirlpool that ships got stuck in
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    How this could work in game is all sudden your wheel starts to turn real fast, and the boat lurches real fast, and the whirlpool forms, and the teeth around the pool pop up, and you see the throat of Charybdis in the middle of the pool.

    How to beat Charybdis is that you have to shoot cannon balls, and bullets into the throat, or you can drop gunpowder barrels into the water and once they hit the throat, it explodes, and causes Charybdis to roar.

    the whirl pool causes holes to form at times, that you must repair.

    The winds are super fast once your in, and it’s a bumpy ride so when your on the boat, flying debree, such as planks, or parts of other boats eaten by Charybdis’ are flying around, and can possibly hit you and do damage, or can hit you off, and you get sucked into her mouth and die.

    After enough damage is taken, Charybdis’ whirl pool slows down, and she disappears, and as a result of the throat being damaged, she just upchucks a whole lotta loot, and skulls around your boat that you can jump out and grab. A chrybdis Chest worth a lot.
    And a Charybdis boat skin that is blue, and has teeth all around the boat, like Charybdis’ mouth
    Who wouldn’t be thrilled at a fight with a giant whirlpool monster to the death, that has epic music, a whole lotta loot, and just super cool mechanics, like that would be sick.

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  • @brumley02 Nah, not really. As much as I like to have Charybdis in game, I don't really see much excitement in fighting it. Mobile threats have much more to offer. Charybdis is more like a bonus on top of something else. Or putting it in other words, Charybdis would be more like Karen, when people actually want another Meg.

  • I like your creativity, but I think it is time to stop with more AI threats on the sea.

    Let the developers fix the Kraken first. Speaking about the Kraken, I would really like to see that Kraken Figurehead in the game. Keeping fingers crossed for getting it by killing the creature.

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