boat skin dont light up like the suite

  • why the sign on the new boat skin don't have a flosforencent light like the athena suits

    pourquoi les voile, la coque et le fanion n'allume pas comme le suit legendaire athena ????

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  • Wouldn't that take away the advantage of going dark? Unless you want to be on a bright moving target.

  • @enf0rcer i mean his character is already glowing with the Athena’s fortune stuff so why not... I think it’s a great idea that fits with the glowing Athena’s fortune skull you see in the beginning credits and it should also glow on the sails and hull.

  • It should have looked like in this reddit post:

    alt text

  • @sanni Thats one shiny boat. It's not a bad look. Would made it worth the 1.5 mil it's worth to buy. I would have like them to add some VFX like mist or transparent parts or something.

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