Get 10% off and the Ebon Flintlock!

  • Ahoy maties!

    Since I haven't seen this mentioned on the forum, I thought I would share it with you all!

    Get it while you can!

    Let's kick off Talk Like A Pirate Day, shall we? Get 10% off your order in the Sea of Thieves store for 24 hours! Make a purchase in this time-frame to receive an Ebon Flintlock code too!

    Simply use the code "grog" at the checkout.

    Also, if you have already ordered something previous to today and it hasn't yet shipped, you will also receive an Ebon Flintlock code retrospectively. Keep an eye on your emails next week!

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  • Saw this on Facebook this to the store I go! I neeeeeed that Pirate Legend shirt anyway...oh and maybe the've restocked the black coffee mugs. :-D

  • @musicmee

    I've bought everything I need!
    Guess I'll go for another cup :)
    Can never have too many cups...

  • Arrrrrghhh!!!! They be out of Pirate Legend shirts for men! It be a blasphemy it be! Ah well...I be pre-ordering a glow in the dark Reaper shirt to salve me poor, wounded soul...and to snag that Ebon Flintlock ;-)

  • darn missed the 10% off, preordered the FS shirt to hopelly wear it on release! hmmm maybe order the PL shirt....

  • @piratecraggy That's my life motto... "You can never have too many cups" ... Its never let me down yet!

  • @musicmee

    Ordered :)
    My coffee will now taste 10% better, think that's how it works.

    as @PersonalC0ffee has noted in a previous post, not microwave friendly, so no reheating.

    alt text

  • @musicmee sagte in Get 10% off and the Ebon Flintlock!:

    @piratecraggy That's my life motto... "You can never have too many cups" ... Its never let me down yet!

    That’s your Cup of Tea not ours ... joking :D

  • @piratecraggy I hope so... if not it's too latte now!

  • Haha good to see you looking out for all of the pirates as always @Musicmee.

    If ye scallywags don’t be snagging this deal, Cap’n’ll see ya to Davy Jones!

  • @musicmee So is this going on now? If I order something off the store right now I should get a code for this?

  • @averageheroz Correct - you will get 10% off now and a code emailed to you in a couple of days.

  • @musicmee Yay Athena's Fortune Pre-ordered :D
    unfortunately they don't have the gold hoarder figure anymore

  • @nunoazuldimeter Ooooooh I can't wait to read that one! Shame about the Gold Hoarder figure though.

  • @nunoazuldimeter you can still find the Gold Hoarder on eek-bay (ebay). Keep watch for a reasonable price though. Think I got one there after a bit of a wait for the right price :-D

  • I have ordered lots of stuff from the store already. Always turns up promptly and well packaged.

    My Sea of Thieves comic arrived yesterday along Moonlight Respite print :D I will post up a pic once framed.

  • I ordered a mug.

    If you want a laugh, read some of the comments on Facebook.

    Seems people have difficulty reading what you have to do to get the pistol.

    Extreme salt.

  • Thanks for the heads up @Musicmee I knew about the sale but I didn't know about the Ebon flintlock.

  • @musicmee yeh. i think ill have it all. first got the Art, most recently the tales and im loving it!
    Pro ordered the athenas and looking forward for the comics as well.

  • You guys have to stop doing that to me now I’ve spend 120£ in total you are going to ruin me XD

    Arrrr sail on ;)

  • @kamashie Nice, matey! What did ya get?

  • Important Note: You have to use the coupon code "grog" at checkout to get the 10% off. Not sure about the Ebon Flintlock. But don't forget to use the code!

  • Got mine from the streaming session that Xbox held on Mixer at the release of the game. Good to see that people who missed it get another chance to get the pistol.

  • @musicmee thanks for the heads-up got my Kraken b-ball tee. And my flintlock!!

  • @the-estler Oooooh a nice purchase indeed! Hope you like it!

  • I hope i do recieve an email. I tried to sign up to become part of the community and still havnt recieved an email despite me having it resent 3 times

  • @laenad "confirmation email"

  • so the Ebon lfint is the Mixer skin. Why wouldn't they offer exclusive codes to things dependent on the prices or money spent... Who's running the marketing department?!?!?
    If I bought a Mug, I want those in the know, to know I got a Mug in game!, maybe an exclusive elephant tusk mug or a horn stein. something exotic that didn't kill real animals.

  • not a fan of this, i want my ebony flintlock to stay exclusive and not be buyable. but it fits the general approach to these matters. the founders reward is still available on ebay.
    but then again, arent we all one on the seas?!
    but then again, isnt the cosmetics the only thing that sets us appart?!

  • @musicmee sagte in Get 10% off and the Ebon Flintlock!:

    @kamashie Nice, matey! What did ya get?

    I’ll post a pic when the stuff arrives but I already have the flame heart figure and two of the classic black and golden mugs.

    I ordered both of the coins and two more mugs

  • If they warn us better next time, I'll buy something for sure.

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