Some insights into Design! - Mike shares some of the process.

  • Spotted this tweet earlier and thought I'd share it here as an insight into the process which went on when designing islands in Sea of Thieves.

    Not only the design was very carefully thought out, but the story behind each island.

    For those who'd like to read it here, I've copied and pasted, I know we'd love to hear more of this! There are more images included in the tweet as well.

    Time to get involved with #Blocktober! Here's one the first islands that we designed for #SeaOfThieves that later became the basis for Thieves Haven and Crook's Hollow. Our process started with a high level 'story' about the island, followed by a block out and playtesting.

    We used this first island as a proving ground for what would make an interesting space to explore but also serve as a stage for different kinds of gameplay. Ultimately, we decided that more focused, less sprawling designs were right for the game (2/3)

    Following this, we set our sights on designing the first ten islands that would serve as a guide for future island design. Each of these islands had their own 'story' related to the kinds of player scenarios we wanted to see (3/3)

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  • This Hidden Hideout is really intriguing me now.

  • @personalc0ffee I first saw it last year! Through the month of October, level designers on Twitter use the hashtag to show off prototypes.

  • @personalc0ffee

    Blocktober celebrates the creativity of video game designers and encourages the sharing of "blockmesh" layouts. Apparently, who knew.

    I do know #inktober is a thing however :)

  • Something about this just screams Diddy Kong Racing... it got my heart going when I saw the tweet!

  • @personalc0ffee @Skulliah

    I suppose on Thieves Haven there are a few potential hideouts/caves? Maybe it's just them going by a different name?

  • Cool! :)

  • Nice find. Thanks @KattTruewalker.

  • @katttruewalker
    Every place has a story behind it winks

  • Very interesting...indeed! :-D

  • Cool. #blocktober is a fascinating read

  • nice to see some early concept art arrrrggg

  • @personalc0ffee

    I'm not sure if they used to be the same island specifically.
    Although if you look at the Hidden Hideout, you can obviously see that's the layout for Thieves Haven, before the second level was added.

    The shipwreck and even the water waterfall are in the same relative place.

    I could easily see them copy and pasting a cave system they had developed on the islands and transferring that to what would become Crook's Hollow.

  • So they actually have an in depth algorithm for making islands?
    It shows actually.

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