Volcanoes (and other stuff) still not fixed?

  • Hello fellow pirates,

    so after I listened to the dev-update-video I thought I'd give the Devil's Roar another shot. Since there was a lot of repetition in the video about 'let's not implement something if it's still broken' I now wonder if this only adresses updates to come and not stuff which is broken since day 1 (i.e. chickens simply disappearing when you carry them to your ship, skeletons being invisible and so on) or how since DR sloops still getting sniped by volcanoes or how rowboats and the brigantine (sail clipping) simply look really bad and break immersion compared to other wooden-made things in the game.
    I understand and appreciate that the new area is supposed to be more challenging but imaging this:
    You sail with a tiny ship (which actually should automatically reduce the times being hit compared to the galleon since well.. tiny ship) near a volcano. How is it possible, that when you're pretty much beneath the mentioned volcano, your tiny ship gets hit 360° on the lower deck by the volcano? On the side which faces towards it - yeah I get it, doesn't make too much sense, but I get it. But how on earth does melting stone decide mid-flight to just turn around 45° degrees to get another hit on your lower deck? Not even mentioning how unreasonable it appears to me that you get it by ~85% of the 'meteroites' when exactly beneath it, when it appeared (with you being out of range) that 85% of the flying-melting-stone does not land in a 15yrds radius around the volcano (woops I mentioned it).
    What I mean is, that, unless you found a rowboat and got the balls (excuse me) to let your ship just wait around 1.500yrds from the island, ready to be raided by literally anyone who sails by, then there's no way to play around this kind of 'difficulty'. I just find it sad that even if you put in the time to try and work out/recognize eruption-patterns, once you get in range you will simply get sniped. I'm really into challenging games but I don't like that you don't have multiple ways of engaging the challenge design-wise (in a sandbox game).

    This is being adressed by the community since DR was released and I just wonder how it's still not changed. But hey (salt intesifies), atleast we got another dev justifing on YT why they do things and already discusses the possibility of 'new' content, while the stuff which is in the game is still not fixed and still the only things which (from my pov) makes the player not a 100% trader by defintion is the possibility to grief others and kill skeletons. (I mean which pirate lets those gold hoarders just sit in their tents all day and brings them stuff, instead of just stealing from them since they got literally gold on the floor...(also how long is it since release and we still cannot open chests and are still only able to sell them? Which pirate got famous for selling their treasure?))

    Everytime I log into SoT and decide not to 'browse' through 2 dozens of crews to find one which actually wants to play and furthermore decided to check out DR on my own again it just feels like a big 'Hush boy, this is not for you' which I simply can't understand from a development-pov (which doesn't imply that my opinion is irrefutable, but I don't get it).

    At this point I'm not looking forward to new 'content' ('new' cargo/trade missions) but to have the slight hope that you start fix what is broken. I would much rather sail all day in the Shores of Plenty (which are more aesthetically pleasing than DR anyway) with a not boring gameplay loop, real undiscovered islands where no bonfires/oil lamps are burning 24/7 and a size of the islands that the X to mark the spot just cannot be discovered by shoveling once every time.

    So much more to say from how volcanoes are not only fire-spitting mountains in RL (imaging DR consisting of 2-5 gigantic volcanic islands spread between the existing areas which errupt once every few ingame days, but then really errupt) to how the world feels more unrealistic every update because i.e. you decided not to spread the new stuff in-between existing islands but just put it in a corner. Since I doubt any of this will be changed anyway I stop my rant now and wish all of you a nice weekend.

    Just gotta wait for M rated pirate game with the M rated forum which will never come huh



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  • You will at least need to wait for M rated forums in order to use language like that :P Swearing is not allowed on the forums and your post has been edited appropriately

  • I apologize if the wording seemed inappropriate. Honestly thought censoring the swearword myself would be enough and didn't consider cursing about omnipotence to be against the rules. My bad.

    Nonetheless @skullmanbeard you have a point that I indeed was exaggerating. I am aware that what I made was a subjective post with no intention what so ever to create an inrrefutable opinion, which would be contradictory anyway - just calling out what I see (thought that would be easy to percieve as the post consists of a bazillion 'I's). Also for the future I will try to formulate in a positive sense so hopefully what will mainly precieved by others is not the wording but the sense.

    Saying that since I didnt (try to) state that the solo-experience (in DR) is unplayable, more that is no fun (for me) due to a highly unrealistic environment in a game with arguably the best physics and foundation I've seen. Maybe it comes down to subjective perception but I also haven't read a thread from sloopers who are praising the experience, maybe you could link those for reference so I might learn from them.

    What I am trying to say is, after a night of sweating out the collected salt, I once again have to realize that what really would help me is seeing the game for what it is, not what it could be. And if I'm tired of the gameplay, maybe I just simply should have another break (that being said I had immense fun yesterday kiting/out-maneuvering galleons).

    tl;dr Hoping to see bugfixes/working with what you have priotized before content updates. Made that salty post because I was jealous about the potential flux of the multiverse where Rare are millionaires and therefore are able to make the many awesome ideas of the community reality.

    Have a nice Sunday everyone.

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