[Video] How to Solo the Kraken

  • Hello pirates! Since patch 1.4.0, a lot of solo players have been struggling to defeat the Kraken on their own.

    It took me a long time, but I finally put together a video showing my strategies for defeating the Kraken solo. In the first 10 minutes I discuss the strategies for the fight. The next 14 minutes are three full, unedited clips of me fighting the Kraken. Hope it helps!

    Transcript below.

    Hello world, I am Calypto and today I'm going to show you guys how to solo the Kraken.
    So let's get Crackin'...

    cough Moving on from that terrible pun, patch 1.4.0 - the Shrouded Spoils update, brought a few key changes to the way the Kraken works.
    The most notable change being that the Kraken can now attack a ship of any size.
    This means that solo sloopers are vulnerable to a new threat that they didn't have to worry about before.
    However, the difficulty of the Kraken encounter is scaled to the size of the crew, so you wont have to fight a Kraken quite as difficult as the one you would see on a galleon.
    The other changes to the Kraken include a new slap attack, loot drops, and some changes to the existing mechanics of the fight.
    So how do you actually beat the Kraken solo?
    Here's what you need to know...

    First, gather enough supplies before the fight even begins.
    A big factor in your success is going to be how well prepared you are for the Kraken's attack.
    As soon as you load into the game you should suck the outpost dry of resources.
    As long as you take the time to loot supplies from the outpost, you should be able to leave with at least 70 cannonballs, and 35 planks & bananas.
    Usually you will actually be able to get more than that.
    It is very common to find a voyages to deliver a resource crate.
    Pick up the crate from the MA and use it to help you loot faster.
    Make it a point to loot resources from each island you visit.
    Even a single inventory load of resources goes a long way to making sure you have enough resources to defeat the Kraken.
    Most outposts have a fort very close by and they are very rich in resources.
    I like to sail for a fort immediately after leaving an outpost.
    Try to find a rowboat ASAP.
    They can be invaluable during the fight with the Kraken.
    They are also common at forts which is another reason I like to head there so quickly into my adventure.

    You might be thinking, what if I'm attacked as soon as I leave the outpost?
    Well, 70 cannonballs and 35 planks should actually be enough resources for you to win the fight.
    You might think planks are what you're going to need the most, but it's actually the cannonballs that are the bottleneck resource.
    You should be able to win the fight using less than 10 planks, usually less than 5.
    You also shouldn't need ANY bananas.
    Don't worry, if you don't believe me, I'll show you in a bit.

    Awesome, you have all of the supplies you need to fight the Kraken, but how do you actually kill it?
    Here's what you need to do.
    At the start of every fight with the Kraken, your first priority is to raise the sails.
    You want the ship to stop moving so that your shots on the tentacles are easier.
    You DON'T want to lower your anchor, because you might end up having to turn the ship to get easier shots on different tentacles.
    If the anchor is dropped, this becomes significantly harder, and takes way longer. Just raise the sails.
    Second, you want to detach a rowboat if you have one, so that the rowboat is floating in the water and not attached to the ship.
    I'll explain why in a little bit.
    Then you are free to get your planks, cannonballs, and, bananas.
    Make sure you have a full inventory of all of them.
    Now it's time to fight the Kraken.

    In a way, the Kraken fight is kind of like a sport because it can be broken up into two categories: offense and defense.
    Okay, maybe it's not like a sport, but that statement still stands.
    The offensive portion of the fight is very straight forward.
    You win by killing 2-3 tentacles, if you're on the sloop.
    Each tentacle can survive 6-7 cannonballs shots, approximately.
    The rumor is that shots near the head of the tentacle do more damage.
    This hasn't been verified yet, but I still try to land as many shots their as possible.
    The trick is to be aggressive and target one tentacle at a time.
    Don't worry about missing a shot here or there.
    Pick the easiest target to hit and unleash cannonballs like a madman.
    I don't even use guns during the fight, but if you feel like you need to, grab two out of the weapon box, because the cutlass isn't going to do you any good.
    The tentacle will shake violently and screech before going underwater, if you have killed it.
    You will also hear this jingle...
    If the tentacle goes underwater without doing these three things, it's not dead yet.
    Try to find where it resurfaces.
    If you've shot it before it went under water, it will takes less hits this time around.

    Playing defense against the Kraken comes down to knowing the Kraken's move set.
    The Kraken has three moves, and once you learn them, the fight is quite simple.

    The first attack is the slap attack.
    A tentacle will slap the ship, rocking it, and putting three holes in the hull.
    If the holes are in the bottom deck, this becomes the highest priority.
    Fix the holes immediately and bail out the water.
    If the holes are in the back of the ship under the canopy, you can ignore them for a while.
    Just be sure to bucket out some water every now and again.

    The next attack is the suck attack.
    One of the Kraken's tentacles will try to suck you out of the ship.
    You will see what looks like wind coming from behind you and moving toward the tentacle that is trying to suck you up.
    Avoid being sucked up at all costs.
    If you are sucked up, the chances of you sinking are increased dramatically.
    This is really the only way you can lose the fight.
    To avoid being sucked up, get below deck or under the canopy, both areas are safe.
    Do not be on deck near the cannons.
    You can interrupt the suck attack by hitting the tentacle with the cannonballs or gun, but it's not guaranteed.
    The only 100% way to stay safe is to be under the canopy or below deck.

    The last attack is the wrap attack.
    One of the tentacles will wrap around the ship and do damage every so often while it is wrapped.
    Do not hit the tentacle that is wrapped around the ship.
    Do you see this tentacle?
    No touchy.
    Instead, hit the short tentacle that is very close to the ship.
    It will only take one cannonball before it goes underwater.
    99% of the time, after you hit it, it will switch sides, so be ready on the other cannon.
    It takes a few seconds for the tentacle to resurface, so use this time to bail some water, get some cannonballs, and reload your ammo.
    Do not just sit idly by.
    Hitting this tentacle 3-4 times will make the wrapped tentacle let go.
    Usually the tentacle wraps over the canopy of the sloop, in the very back, so you can ignore those holes until you have it unwrapped.

    Now, the question a lot of you are probably asking right now is, what do I do if the tentacle wraps in a way that blocks the stairs?
    It's insta-death, there's no way to defeat it, how do I do it?
    Well, there is a way.
    First of all, your plan of attack shouldn't change.
    You still want to shoot the short and close tentacle 3-4 times to make it unwrap quickly.
    You should be able to do this before you take on too much water, but be ready to bail water quickly.
    Now, if for some reason you absolutely need to get below deck to bail water, here's how you do it.
    Provided that you detached the rowboat at the beginning of the fight like I said early, you simply jump overboard, swim to the back, get on your rowboat, and reattach to the ship.
    You now have access to the lower deck.
    Make sure that when you go back above deck, you do so by getting on your rowboat and detaching again.
    If you need to get to the cannonball barrel, swim to your ladder, climb up it, and you should be able to interact with the top cannonball barrel from the top of the ladder.
    Unfortunately I've never been attack by the Kraken in this way, so these ideas are kind of theoretical, but they should work.

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  • @xCALYPT0x Just curious, but do you know of any way that actually works to bring about more kraken encounters? I did a couple of chicken/pig runs a week or two ago to start working on the PL commendation for animals turned in on time and got the kraken each time.

    Also, are you sure the level of difficulty is based on crew size? I sail with the brig solo all the time. And wonder if because I am in a brig it is more difficult even though it is me solo.

    Edit: And thank you for the video, I am sure it took some time and effort to put together.

  • @nofears-fun Unfortunately I have no idea how to get the Kraken to spawn, other than it seems very common when there is no fort or skeleton fleet currently active. It made filming take a long time lol.

    To your second question, yes, 100% positive.

    @jagnew92 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    Kraken Updates - The difficulty of Kraken encounters has been increased and balanced for different crew sizes, meaning it can now assault any ship, even your Sloop! Watch out for its new slap attack too. The seas just got more perilous...

  • @xcalypt0x Watching your video, seems that the kraken solo would still be easier on a sloop than the brig. So I might have to try that. I will tempt fate a bit and try doing some chicken runs tonight on a sloop. See if I can get the kraken to pay me a visit.

  • @xcalypt0x

    Great guide btw! Thankyou!
    I've noticed ( maybe only me ) the Kraken the past few times certainly for me seems to be spawning fairly regularly around the lower central area of the map ( deeper waters? )

    From the West to around Plunder Outpost I've been caught more often than not on this route. I guess however it is fairly random.

    Example: Yesterday just west of Plunders, I escaped only had 5 cannon balls... it wasn't my fight.
    Only then for a "Skelly Ship" to come sailing past.
    I can run when I have to :)

  • @xcalypt0x I have been blocked off from the lower area and in my opinion the row boat trick should work.

    I however focused on getting it to let go instead (hitting the 'short' tentacle as you described it) and managed to regain access before the water hit the captains area even, so I can confirm even lower deck holes can be ignored if needed (I was stressing out when it happened).

    Pretty good description of the fight btw.

    @NoFears-Fun kraken solo is definitely easier to do on a sloop than a kraken on a brig. I believe a brigantine is the worst ship against the kraken. I am biased though as I love my sloop for solo play over any other ship and not a big fan of the brig in general.

  • @xcalypt0x great guide! Thanks for sharing. So far we have gotten the best of Karen each time she feels like reaching out to squeeze someone.

  • @x-crowheart-x @CotU42 @PirateCraggy Thanks guys :)

  • Great guide, @xCALYPT0x, but I noticed a couple of things you missed, specifically because your video focuses on solo sloops:

    1. if a stairway is blocked, you can still bail water through the wrapped tentacle; and
    2. you can prevent a slap attack by shooting the tentacle first.
  • @xcalypt0x OK, So I did some testing over the past two days and while I would hardly call it conclusive as the testing was limited, here is what I found.

    I played two game sessions Monday night, both solo and on a sloop (I miss my Brig, even if I forgot just how easy a sloop is to sail, and of course one big advantage I never noticed before is the sloops speed against the wind with sails set to stupid, what a difference that is from the Brig). In both sessions I grabbed some animal crates and was going to sail around with live animals. Sadly, the first session went wrong for all the wrong reasons as I was surrounded by three PvP ships fairly quick, before I could even get one chicken. So, I had to leave that server to continue my experiments, took a few minutes away before starting again. I did take note that there was a constant Skull Cloud in the sky for this session. And I did sail through deep waters a couple of times and nothing from the Kraken.
    My second session didn't go much better than the first. Although this time I managed to fill half my crates with chickens. But this time I was chased around the map by another sloop. Wondering if the extra attention would also help in bringing about a kraken encounter, I kept sailing around. Able to out sail my would be attacker, while paying attention to the skull cloud in the sky. At no time did the skull cloud disappear, and after about 30 minutes of being chased around, in and out of deep waters, in and out of large open areas of ocean I did not get a single kraken encounter. I did however have some encounters. I was able to maintain some good distance from my sloop pursuer. But suddenly I got the music for a skelly ship encounter, and sure enough one popped to the surface. Just as soon as he was above water, I got the growl of a meg and sure enough, one shot up from the water right next to my poor sloop. Both attacked fairly quick, forcing me below deck for near constant repairs. And thanks to the skelly ship ramming me, the other sloop caught up enough to get a boarder over to my sloop. Seeing him climb the ladder and knowing I could not deal with him and repairs and that the skelly ship would not be leaving me alone, I simply left the game, but not before taking a second to glance over to see, yup, skelly cloud still there.

    Then last night I set out a couple of times. The first time we got a bunch of chickens and pigs. Maybe kraken like bacon better than KFC. Though with both chicken and pics maybe bacon wrapped chicken would entice the kraken. Sailing around feeding the pigs for about 20-30 minutes, and I got nothing. Skull cloud in the sky the entire time. And nothing.

    And finally, my last game session I decided I was going to do two things. Continue my attempts to get a kraken, while trying to find another crew that would allow me to practice PvP with, while not sinking my ship. So that I could re-spawn and learn. They were decent chaps, but also good pirates as they played along for a bit before sinking my ship. The entire time there was a skull cloud in the sky, of which one of the other crew members said it was glitched. No matter what they did they could not get any skellies to appear. Well, just before I met these particular pirates, I saw another galleon dock at the skull cloud fort. Just after the other crew begain sinking my ship, the skull cloud disappeared. After getting to my new boat, at krakens falls of all places, I set sail right away, not bothering to stock up. As soon as I got a little west of krakens falls, and with NO clouds in the sky, boom, I get the kraken. Not having the resources to truly fight her off, most notably a lack of planks, I left the sail down while trying several of the ideas posted to fight the kraken. I can say, thank you, I was quite successful in fighting off the "wrapped" tentacle with minimal damage to my ship. And I even managed to kill a couple of tentacles getting some treasure to appear. Sadly, the wind finally moved me out of the ink, and while I turned around to try and kill more tentacles from outside the ink, I simply didn't have enough supplies to finish the job. I did get some nice rewards from the tentacles I got, sailing the prizes to the first crew that allowed me some practice PvP.

    So, all that said to say I believe that you are correct and that there is some correlation to the clouds and kraken encounters. I do need to continue testing to try and prove this a bit more, but so far it seems to be fairly accurate.

  • @xcalypt0x Great video mate, I’ll have to try some of the tactics out. I need a few more kraken kills for my SS commendations so this should help.

    Also I love how you added the cough in the written form haha

  • @nofears-fun Yeah there definitely seems to be some correlation with the clouds. It's not 100% because I have seen another crew attacked while a fort was up but ALL of my solo kills were when there was no cloud (at least i'm fairly confident they at least began when there was no cloud).

    @KnifeLife Thanks! :D And I wanted to be as accurate as possible with the transcript lol xD

  • @nofears-fun Oh, also, pull those sails up, wait to get the treasure after, ignore back holes, and have some more cannonballs and you're golden for the next fight ;)

  • @xcalypt0x Yeah, if it wasn't for the fact that I had just lost my stocked boat, and on a new boat I would have. I don't like sailing around without a stocked boat, but I saw an opportunity to test the no cloud theory and took it.

  • @xcalypt0x

    This is a really comprehensive and well written guide, thanks for taking the time to post it!

    Particularly love the detail - using a crate to collect more resources, the rowboat tactic and not sitting idly around :D

  • @xcalypt0x As for the other crew that fought the kraken with a cloud, I am wondering if that was pre-update/new and improved kraken. That or maybe the cloud showed up after the kraken.

  • @KattTruewalker Thanks! :D I forgot some of the finer details like how I always immediately restock my planks after patching holes and I scoop water after patching because the bucket can hold so much more water than what will be in the ship if you bail immediately but hopefully people pick up on those with the 3 full length fight clips.

    @nofears-fun I think it was the new Kraken because it wasn't too long ago. I'm fairly certain it was after patch 1.4.0. Another interesting thing about it was my crew had just been attacked by the Kraken 20 minutes prior. There was a theory it had a 2 hour cooldown period so now I wonder if the cooldown is per crew.

  • @xcalypt0x My regular crew are hit or miss right now, so I am sailing solo most of the time, with the only exception being when my kids are able to play. So that being said, I have the time so I will just keep experimenting.

  • @xcalypt0x I was actually about to share my own video, although it's not really a guide more a "speed-run" and how to spawn video. (Yes I messed up a fair few cannon shots)

    Saw your post and thought rather than make another I'll share mine here. Nice tip on the row boat. I always wondered if that would work but never tested myself.

    Sea of Thieves - Kraken Spawn / Solo Speed Kill

  • @captain-kyi I will definitely check this out since I have no idea how the spawn system seems to work.

    Since it includes extra concepts that mine does not it is probably worthy of it's own thread but it's up to you :)

  • @xcalypt0x OK, so I have been sailing the Sloop solo all week, and even one session with the amazing @KnifeLife on a sloop. I have gotten 3 kraken encounters. All three were between skelly clouds (whether ship or fort). Once was with Knife and the other two solo. The first one I simply was not stocked to fight it, but still fought and managed to kill a couple of tentacles before sailing out of the ink and it disappearing.

    The one time that Knife and I got it, we were quite successful in taking it down. I actually think we were both surprised at how easily we defeated it.

    Then last night, I was near a fort with a skull cloud, saw the cloud disappear and just sailed to open waters. Sailed down south of Golden Sands but north of Mermaids, and sure enough, got the beautiful kraken sound and ink. And sure enough, using the tactics @xCALYPT0x shows in the video and talks about, I was able to quite easily dispatch her. The loot wasn't that great, but man was it fun and man was it great to take her down. She wrapped my sloop twice and both times I was able to get her to release in short order.

    So, a big thank you to @xCALYPT0x for the instructional and for reminding me the sloop is sometimes better than a brig, and thank you to @KnifeLife for the adventure.

  • @nofears-fun Glad it helped :)

  • OK, so I have now successfully soloed the kraken twice and defeated it with a crew mate once on the mighty sloop (thanks again @KnifeLife). Every time I can say that it was between cloud events. I can say that I have actually gotten the kraken with and without loot equally. In other words, it did not matter what was on my ship. I have also tried sailing near an active for waiting for the skull cloud to disappear, and then head to deep waters and got nothing. And on other occasions I have just happened to notice that a skull cloud isn't in the last known location, set sail, and here she comes.

    Last night I was out sailing with my best mate @QueenPucci, and we were done for the night. Or so I thought. We finished off our athena's, sold out, and we were ready to call it a night. We were playing around in Athena's Fortune, somehow she is able to drop and walk at the bottom of the water there, where I float and swim. Very weird glitch indeed. But then, she logged off. I went back upstairs, deciding to just take a look and see if the skull cloud was still in the sky. And it was gone. So I set sail, and sure enough, a short distance from the outpost, kraken shows up. I picked up my phone to text Queen to get back on the ship, but I had to move fast, and dropped my phone into my chair. So, I simly stuck to what I had learned so far, shoot the closest tentacles as much as possible to kill them, if you see one getting ready to slap, that is your priority. If a tentacle wraps, shoot the closest and shortest tentacle. If a mouth opens on a tentacle and tries to suck you in, shoot the mouth as fast as you can. After a couple of hits, sometimes even after only one hit, it will stop trying to take you from your ship. But after all of that, I actually killed this kraken in record time. Only taking a two holes to my hull. Both on the initial tentacle wrap. I was actually shocked with how quickly the battle ended.

    But all of that said to confirm a couple of things.

    Loot or no loot, just doesn't matter. I have gotten karen with both.
    Sloop, whether solo or with a friend is the easiest ship to kill a kraken in.
    Kraken appears when there is no skull cloud of any type in the sky, though this is no guarantee of an encounter.
    Follow @xCALYPT0x advise here and you will be quite successful. And many of these tips work no matter what ship you are on.

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