Ship re-pair / re-paint

  • It would be cool if we had the option to repair our ship at the shipwright when we dock at an outpost. Repair the inside and outside of previously patched holes and repaint it back to what it looked like before it left the dock. It would give us something to spend our money on. And the cost could be different based on the size of the ship and how many holes are being repaired etc. Some of you will say a beat up ship tells the tale of your adventure. But some of us like to keep things nice and clean. Sure you can skuttle and get a new ship, but if you have tons of supplies that becomes a hassle. Just and Idea.

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  • @ram2k14 Ahoy matey!

    Nice idea! Btw... fixed your post up for you :)

  • @ram2k14 It's an idea I can get behind.
    After a fleet battle for example the story is not really legible given the sheer number of holes the sides of the ship receives!

  • @ram2k14 I’d personally would just pay the price so my ship isn’t riddled with holes on the outside even after I fix them inside, more than just pay to fix ship inside decks entirely. XD

  • @musicmee thanks.. I didn't know how to do that.. he he...

  • Cool idea!

  • In addition to gold it should cost players time to get their ship repaired as well.

    Meaning it should not be repaired instantly and it needs to sit still next to the Shipwright for 'x'-amount of time before you are able to leave again (or the repair process is aborted once you move).

    Otherwise this repair mechanic could be abused.

  • @thor-von-blitz AHHHH good idea.. and then they become a sitting duck at the outpost. So you run the risk of making the choice to fix your ship... or.. you can pay to have it fixed at a normal speed or double to have it a rush job. hmmmm... I like it.

  • @thor-von-blitz said in Ship re-pair / re-paint:

    In addition to gold it should cost players time to get their ship repaired as well.

    Meaning it should not be repaired instantly and it needs to sit still next to the Shipwright for 'x'-amount of time before you are able to leave again (or the repair process is aborted once you move).

    Otherwise this repair mechanic could be abused.

    I really like they idea that it costs time!

    But i don't understand how it can be abused? Imo ship damage doesn't give any advantage nor disadvantage. It doesn't show if the player is a PVP'er since the holes could be from a Meg, Karen, Ghost ship or a random cannon on an island.
    Only a purple lantern could send a sign of hostil behaviour

  • @ram2k14

    Whilst I like the look at times of my vessel after battle, I must admit I would like the option of a full repair.

    Yes it should cost money, and as @Thor-von-Blitz mentioned... time.

    I just want the "Ship Wright" to do the job he was created for... more work for & job satisfaction for the Ship Wrights of SoT!!!

    They might be NPC's but I reckon secretly they would love it!

  • @thor-von-blitz Not really sure I like the idea of having to wait a certain amount of time. Only reason being is you are paying to have your ship repaired, and now giving others time to come over to the port and sink your ship while you are waiting for repairs..... Repairs you spent gold to obtain. You should at least be allowed to have the repairs done and a chance of escaping any hostilities to enjoy what you just dumped gold into. So taking time for repairs doesn't make sense.

    Not really sure what you mean by the repair mechanic being abused. If the repair is instant, and you are not protected, then not sure how it would be abused. Can you elaborate?

  • @nofears-fun there's always a way to abuse something. People would pro ably camp outposts in alliances and keep spamming repairs.

    I could see some kids or a streamer doing that.

  • @sailorkek If the repairs are instant, then there is no protection on the ship. And you would see the ship while on approach. So not sure how you would be able to camp an outpost if the repairs are instant.

  • @nofears-fun

    I think the "time" factor would add a little to the experience.

    If lets say a "refit/repair" could be completed in a couple minutes.
    The ship wright himself, running around "hammer" in hand rapidly banging at the hull at super speed.

    I think that image of him rushing around would add the humour of the situation.
    As usual in SoT, a pirate would have scanned the horizon before requesting the repair so his/her vessel has time to repair.

    Just a thought of how it works in my mind :)

    Agreed... can't see the abuse bit in it myself.... at the moment.

  • @piratecraggy I understand what you are saying, I truly do, and though that would be funny to see, it would also take a couple of minutes. In a brig I can be to any outpost I see on the horizon if the wind is with me in just a few minutes time.

  • @nofears-fun by camping all outpost players are forced to fight I order to sell. The alliance ships camping could just sit their shooting cannons whilst someone keeps paying for repairs.

    Whether it is instant or not it would still act as a 5 crewmate repairing the boat.

  • @thor-von-blitz said in Ship re-pair / re-paint:

    In addition to gold it should cost players time to get their ship repaired as well.

    Meaning it should not be repaired instantly and it needs to sit still next to the Shipwright for 'x'-amount of time before you are able to leave again (or the repair process is aborted once you move).

    Otherwise this repair mechanic could be abused.

    i don't think it could be abused. the mechanic being suggested i believe is purely cosmetic. it would just remove the visible marks left behind after holes have already been patched, not actually repair existing holes, so it wouldn't have any impact on actual gameplay. it would just make the ship look fresh again, so a time delay wouldn't be necessary.

  • @nofears-fun nevermind. Rockinpodunk kind of made sense to me.
    So it wouldn't work as a cure all but instead your effectively adding MDF into the holes. I get it

  • @nofears-fun

    You're not wrong, I see what you mean, it would be risky.
    And if it did cost "time" may be part of the risk of having it repaired... is exactly what you mention.

    A couple of minutes, granted, may be too long, 30 seconds?
    With the same sorta "Mad Ship Wright Repair Speed-Run" mechanic? :)
    Think Nascar/Formula One Pit Crew

    edit: Obviously it doesn't need this visual mechanic at all, but I think a little fun to the experience can go a long way.

  • @sailorkek said in Ship re-pair / re-paint:

    @nofears-fun by camping all outpost players are forced to fight I order to sell. The alliance ships camping could just sit their shooting cannons whilst someone keeps paying for repairs.

    Whether it is instant or not it would still act as a 5 crewmate repairing the boat.

    the suggested mechanic doesn't involve paying to have holes patched, its just about removing existing patches to make the hull look new again. it's just cosmetic, so it wouldn't have any impact on gameplay at all.

  • @rockinpodunk yeah I saw your last post saying that and corrected myself

  • I would add, I have seen similar suggestions before. I have even seen a suggestion that pirates be given a tool to remove planks from enemy ships. Say you board a ship, kill the crew, but there are no current holes. You are not near an island and they have no gun powder kegs. So, you go down and remove some planks. Similar to how they are put in place. But if this mechanic is added, most feedback I have seen and contributed to says that we would need a repair option like suggested here.

  • @nofears-fun said in Ship re-pair / re-paint:

    I would add, I have seen similar suggestions before. I have even seen a suggestion that pirates be given a tool to remove planks from enemy ships. Say you board a ship, kill the crew, but there are no current holes. You are not near an island and they have no gun powder kegs. So, you go down and remove some planks. Similar to how they are put in place. But if this mechanic is added, most feedback I have seen and contributed to says that we would need a repair option like suggested here.

    I've always liked the idea of being able to pry off planks on enemy ships, but you're right, it would punish those players who have been in the session longest and have survived the most encounters, compared to a fresh spawn with no planks to pull off. it is a cool idea though. they would have to make it so you can only remove planks on OTHER players ships, otherwise it would be like christmas morning for someone who wanted to troll their own crew.

  • I'd think that requiring all holes on the boat to be patched first and then allow for the exterior holes and repaint to happen would be a good idea. I think that somehow, some way, an exploit of some sort would come about by allowing the shipwright to repair actual holes. So if it's just about getting it back to shiny new, then you should use your supplies and repair any existing holes first and have the shipwright cosmetically clean up the rest at a flat rate or amount based on the amount of damage repaired.

  • I'd be ok with this.

    I still think being able to switch ship type while on the same server is something this game needs as well.

    but both would be even better!

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