Kraken Spawn

  • Is there anything that determines how the kraken spawns? I literally just joined the game, started a mission and was like 2 feet away from the outpost when it attacked. I dont really mind, i didnt have anything to lose, but it feels like the spawn for it is completely random and i was just wondering if something i was doing was increasing the likeliness of it spawning or something.

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  • The Kraken is an event like a ship cloud or skull fort, if you do not see either of those clouds in the sky a Kraken is on the Horizon so be prepared because it picks someone who is sailing.

  • @blackpoison04 that is actually false. Though it may feel that it never appears and you think it’s an event thing, it’s not. Kraken can happen any time, anywhere, and with anything.

  • @weststormborn That's incorrect. Karen never spawns near islands, outposts, forts or seaposts. Basically when Megan would turn away from you you're also save from Karen. She also does not spawn beneath rowboats. I guess, just like skelly ships she won't spawn when you're to close to some rocks too.

    While I can't be sure about skelly fleet, active fort and Karen excluding each other, I've fought her a number of times since her revamp and have yet to witness something that contradicts said theory.

  • @crimsonraziel This is wrong, depending of what is supposed to be near. Lately, I left Golden Sands Outpost with a sloop. I had just set sails and adjusted it - you know how fast this is on a sloop, it takes only seconds - when the Kraken attacked me. You also know about a sloops weak acceleration. That said, my ship was weak in supplies, the Kraken did not let up. I was close enough to the outpost to get to the pier with a single charged sword attack to fetch supplies. This is a distance I would call near.

  • @blackpoison04 said in Kraken Spawn:

    The Kraken is an event like a ship cloud or skull fort, if you do not see either of those clouds in the sky a Kraken is on the Horizon so be prepared because it picks someone who is sailing.

    This is true. Kraken can appear ONLY between cloud events.
    assuming there are 5 ships on the server at that time you have 20% chances to get the kraken on you. each ship that is on an island will take this parentage up.
    But I will not call it an "event" . its probably due to the fact rare servers can not handle an active event with the kraken at the same time. Remember when they took it out of the seas due to server issues? that is their "workaround" if I need to guess.

  • @goedecke-michel If you don't like my wording replace "near" by "extremely close" or whatever suits your fancy.

  • @odd-rost nothing at all, as you said, it's a totally random event...

    It can happen you find a Kraken as you start playing or even find none during all your gameplay session.

    And there's nothing you do to trigger it or to pacify it.

    There's a lot of myths about the kraken, like it surely appears if you have something really valuable in your ship, or when you end up a fort event...
    That's just... Myths. Nothing of that is real. Only people beliefs.

  • @weststormborn sagte in Kraken Spawn:

    @blackpoison04 that is actually false. Though it may feel that it never appears and you think it’s an event thing, it’s not. Kraken can happen any time, anywhere, and with anything.

    No, @BLACKPOISON04 is right, the kraken ONLY appears between the events

  • @nunoazuldimeter no it's not random, you won't ever see or get the kraken while a fort or ship raid is active

  • @schwammlgott yes you can have a kraken while those things are active... I had several situations I needed to fight the kraken.

  • Members of our group have been having the same discussion lately and arguments have been made for both points, "Kraken can spawn during cloud events", "Kraken can't spawn with other events due to server resources"

    Lots of people record their gameplay.. Does anyone have a grab of the Kraken present while there is a cloud event active?

  • @slave2thesave I think I don't.
    But if I remember to record that the next time it spawns on me I'll put it here.

    Honestly I had several times I was arriving to an active fort, or just fighting some other crew in the surroundings of one, and had Krakens.

  • Like others have said on the thread, the Kraken will only ever spawn if there is so skull cloud or Skellie cloud.

    I don’t know about any other requirements personally.

  • @nunoazuldimeter sagte in Kraken Spawn:

    @schwammlgott yes you can have a kraken while those things are active... I had several situations I needed to fight the kraken.

    Show me any video or screenshot with the kraken and one of those clouds...if you find at least one I will believe you

  • @crimsonraziel sagte in Kraken Spawn:

    @goedecke-michel If you don't like my wording replace "near" by "extremely close" or whatever suits your fancy.

    Will this make a difference? It was just - a - loaded - sword - jump - away from the docks. Name it, as you want to. 🤓

  • @schwammlgott @Slave2theSAvE I have not seen a Kraken spawn while an event was up but I have seen an event respawn while the Kraken was up.

    So Karen spawned after a fort was defeated, had not yet been killed and the next cloud appeared. I didn't even think that could happen because of performance reasons. Wish I would have thought to record it with shadowplay.

  • @schwammlgott I hope I still have one, as the Kraken lately met me while the Fort Raid was active, as far as I can recall, to my very big surprise.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Kraken Spawn:

    Will this make a difference? It was just - a - loaded - sword - jump - away from the docks. Name it, as you want to. 🤓

    It wasn't me who took an issue with my phrasing.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Kraken Spawn:

    @schwammlgott @Slave2theSAvE I have not seen a Kraken spawn while an event was up but I have seen an event respawn while the Kraken was up.

    So Karen spawned after a fort was defeated, had not yet been killed and the next cloud appeared. I didn't even think that could happen because of performance reasons. Wish I would have thought to record it with shadowplay.

    The performance issue might be more related to selecting the location and generating the event rather than controlling it. There isn't much to the kraken AI, so its likely less resource intensive.

    I have not seen the Kraken spawn while a cloud was already up. All of my encounters are usually right after a cloud disappears due to despawn (of the ship cloud) or because a fort was completed. I'm fairly sure that it will spawn between the event clouds but that the clouds can appear after the Kraken event has already started.

  • There is no real way to tell, but I do know it only spawns in the open seas, not right next to something else. According to some, it appears when a fort or a fleet is not up, but some say it can happen at any time. All you can do is always be expecting it, no matter what.

  • If you were solo slooping then this (feels like to me) increases the chances of a kracken spawning on you.

  • I was hoping that reading this thread that there like be a way to summon a Kraken.

    Not long ago I’d “Leave game” as a solo sloop player, now I want it to appear since I have 8/10 killed for the internal game challenges.

    I’ve been sailing out and sitting without an anchor dropped and sails up and it hasn’t come to visit.

    Maybe it’s a case of “I’m not surfacing near him, he’ll only kill me” kinda deal. 😋

    It has spawned for me on at least two occasions by sailing on my first voyage 20 to 30 seconds from an outpost. Close enough to swim any loot back if I did sink.

  • @zachthebeazt I had the exact same experience, twice over this weekend, Kraken spawning literally as I’d left the outpost, still adjusting my sails on a sloop and it was on me. Next night, same thing with a galleon, one of us swam back to the outpost!

  • @odd-rost it seems there is a bit of uncertainty in how the kraken spawns, but that's not really the important thing. The important thing is being able to defeat it.
    Someone suggested this before in another thread and it's the best advice I've seen (especially if you're solo). Best bet is to just turn around. Sail right out of the black water and anchor with your canons facing it. Then you simply shoot it down without the risk of being smacked/wrapped.
    If you do end up getting wrapped, watch out for the shortest tentacle. That's the one wrapping you. It will switch sides a couple times before it lets go, but that will only take a few cannonballs.

  • @truthfullist56

    The Kraken only spawns when there is no skull fort active. If you do a skull check in the sky before you leave an island, you are good. Most players use this trick, so when the Kraken looks to "randomly" attack a ship, if there's only one option; you'll get attacked every time. My crew and I got attacked 3 times in a 4 hour session.

    Hope this helps.

  • @demonichedgehog I didn't know this, interesting!

  • @katttruewalker

    I heard it from a pirate legend and could not find any confirmation on the internet. But I have used this trick and avoided the Kraken most of my pirate journey. Except when in a rush to JUST GET THE LOOT IN!

  • @demonichedgehog I've heard this before and it seems to be accurate, but I wouldn't say I've really checked every time.

  • @truthfullist56

    Nor I, and that's usually when i have a bunch of loot and the PvE decides to get super aggressive.

    "Oh you have 10 chests on this sloop? Here's 2 skelly ships and meg. Have fun"

  • The kraken spawns at random I do find it easier to find it on a full gallion with treasure on board but that is just me PS: it's easier to find the kraken when you have a noob on board and it helps if their a low level not just a plain noob

  • In my own experience, if I ever see the skull cloud disappear, that is when I usually get a visit from Karen

  • @rainz-comichero @WildBloodOz 4 month old post...necroing is not allowed here

  • @schwammlgott

    hmmm, i didn't even notice that it was old.

  • I've played the game 4 times in recent weeks and every sessions has us attacked by a Kraken within the first 30 minutes. I'd like to introduce the game to friends without this **** happening literally every time.

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