Brig your Enemy

  • What if you kill an enemy player on your ship but, instead of going to the ferry, they go to your brig. They can only be set free by the capturing crew, your ship sinking or their own crew getting down to the brig and holding "X" or "Y" or what ever PC players press to let them out.

    This creates more risk and forces better tactics.

    What do you people think?

    So just to break it down

    Anyone you kill on your ship is captured. They can only get out by being released, or if your boat sinks or they are freed by a their crew.

    You board their ship and are captured. You can't go free until they let you out, or their boat sinks or you are freed by a crew mate.

    If you are on a Sloop and decide to board. (Since a sloop is hard mode) you have great risk, especially alone... no one would normally attempt to board with a voyage down while alone. (Unless you're nuts)

    You can't be captured on your own ship

    Killing players anywhere else will not result in brigging*

    I purposely didn't include a timer because I wanted to force strategy.
    If you have Galleon vs. Galleon you have to think is it worth attempting to board the Galleon to free your crewmate or do you sink the Galleon to free your crewmate?

    If you choose to PVP on a Sloop and tend to board other ships. This creates greater risk for you as well as possible repercussions, as the ship's you decimated face repercussions (lost treasure).

    Currently there are no repercussions for PvP'ers, because the players can just keep coming and coming and coming with no loss to them.

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  • The point of the brig is to stop uncooperative teammates from obstructing the majority decision, not punish the enemy with the inability to do anything. Anyone who gets brigged would just leave the game and either rejoin with their friends or find another game. Dumb idea, sorry.

  • @voodoo-ic0n
    I do like your idea, it would add something to the Brig in general and the Sloop's Brig would finally have a purpose, but (like @SquirtyMcD1rty mentioned) what stops a captured person from disconnecting and rejoining?

    Hence why i would suggest to keep captures under a time limit, similar to the time you have to spend on the ferry, maybe twice or thrice as long as your stay with the Ferryman.
    After the time is up the captured person gets teleported back to his/her ship.

    Being somewhere longer than you necessarily want to be is unpleasent and results in frustration - you want to avoid that as much as possible in a game.

    I believe that a time limited stay would still allow a capture without one of the involved parties being overly frustrated as a result.

    Manually freeing someone before their timer is up could remain unchanged.

  • I support the idea of time limited brig time. I mean it's actually brilliant idea and as someone mentioned already it would give a purpose for sloop's brig (reminder: you cant get anyone to the sloop's brig because there is no way of having majority vote with limit of 2 pirates per sloop).

    While the initial idea of having someone locked down untill ship's sunk or being freed by mates is bad due to unfair ammount of time you'd be forced to spent there doing nothing, the penalty of being killed during reckless boarding party is good cuz it limits the almost no risk high reward tactic of spamming enemy vessel with neverending stream of pirates taking all your resources and dropping down your anchor, especially in situations where they have number advantage (i.e. 4 man galleaon harassing 1 man sloop). Getting thrown into the brig for let's say 3x ferry of the damned time seems like fair gameplay mechanic that rewards better PvP ground combat players and a punishing factor for the careless boarding parties trying to abuse the number advantage instead of skill.

    Tl;dr Big YES for the idea, just tweak it in a way that the brig is time-limited (about 3-4 times longer than regular ferryman death penalty?) + have an mechanic allowing for freeing a mate from the enemy brig (a bit time consuming interaction with the brig's lock?) + remove ability to use any weapons for people who are in the brig (at least those from enemy crew, having someone in a sloop brig who still can use a pistol/eye of reach might actually be worse than having them dead since they could prevent you from repairing the ship or even kill you.)

  • @voodoo-ic0n this is a great idea!

  • @squirtymcd1rty so it's ok to punish an uncooperative ship mate but not another pirate boarding your ship to kill and

  • @saynorami You punish the enemy by killing them...

  • @truthfullist56 true. I just found it funny.

  • @thor-von-blitz yeah I think that that should definitely be a thing!

  • @truthfullist56 said in Brig your Enemy:

    @saynorami You punish the enemy by killing them...

    If the respawn was not that quick that might be the case. In current state it's not and it's actually quite unnoticable in 2v4 scenario.

  • @esl-cruiser said in Brig your Enemy:

    @truthfullist56 said in Brig your Enemy:

    @saynorami You punish the enemy by killing them...

    If the respawn was not that quick that might be the case. In current state it's not and it's actually quite unnoticable in 2v4 scenario.

    I can agree with that statement. My comment was regarding another post stating there is no way to punish the enemy right now.

    Crew balance is a different issue though, and I don't feel this would solve any real problems. Fact remains, that crew wouldn't be on your ship if you were more careful. This is really just a suggestion to lessen the need to watch for boarders. Just keep an eye out and you won't have the problem.

  • Not really, for example Brig has huge advantage of speed on most cases over a sloop so having enemy crewmates on your ship is not always matter of being more careful.

  • Brig your enemies,
    See them locked up before you,
    Hear the lamentation of their women.

  • @voodoo-ic0n /leave server, re-join buddy's game = back on your crews ship.

    Good idea, but also I feel like it would lead to way too much trolling and abuse lol

  • @voodoo-ic0n I have posted this idea before and i agree you should be able to have an option to brig your opponents or execute on site ONLY if they are on your ship when you cut them down into a downed state.

    Brigging your opponents would be awesome if you think u about it, if they had given the locked person an option to try and break out while the others aren't looking and escape, then that would make players be on their toes watching their prisoners.

    They could make up a bounty hunter guy that you could sell them to at the outposts to get like a small amount of dabloons or a good sum of gold, or even commendation titles and cosmetic stuff you never know. As soon as they are sold to bounty guy they go back to their ship plain and simple.

    When selling them, they could make a way to tie a rope around the prisoners hands and then could escort said prisoner(s) to the bounty guy. Including a way for the prisoner to break out of the rope or whatever so he/she can then try to escape again, this also allows for any resource stealing to do for the escapist, possibly sabotage the crew that captured him too.

    Anyone who thinks this is a bad idea hasn't given it enough thought about it, bcuz as long as they make a way for the player to escape after being captured, im sure it would be fair, especially if you sink a crew invading you at a skelly fort and captured one their teammates, it would sabotage any further advances making them go away empty handed and missing one of their teammates temporarily. It would be forcing one person to watch him every few secs or so that they cant sabotage you guys at said skelly fort, making one person missing on their team and one watching that guy on your team, that should be fair enough right there. Maybe make it to where it takes like 15 or 20 seconds to pick the lock to break out, have a lock jiggling noise that the crew can slightly hear only when they go near the second deck stairs, again you never know this could actually work, at least I think so.

    Yea dude I think it's a great idea and anyone that disagrees just hasn't thought about it enough for their own satisfaction of actually sabotaging another crews invasions. They could even have a way to break your teammate out when you guys invade again, it would also cause enough chaos to the defending crew to make that one person watching their prisoner distracted enough so the prisoner can escape easily without being noticed.

    I can definitely see where the sloop would have a problem if you are sailing alone and an entire crew comes in and brings you but that would only be the case if they catch you on THEIR ship.

    This idea was built up of both mine and this one other guy on the forums I met when I posted my idea of this although I cant find it anymore to show you bro, my bad.

  • @voodoo-ic0n I actually like this Idea the more I think about it. One thing I think that it would def need would be conditions to capture, such as having your ship within a relatively short distance. That way players would have a chance to free their teamates. If you could capture them with your ship across the map their would be no counterplay. This could be a really cool mechanic though and potentially be a really good way to deal with one of the games biggest problems which is that ships are limitless pirate factories. There should also be some sort of deliberate action you need to take in order to capture an enemy. You shouldn't be able to capture them by killing them with a cannon from 100 yards away for instance.

  • @betsill did you read my comment bud, I think I gots answers for yours here^

  • Captured and you make them walk off the plank and then their screen goes black and they reappear on a random island. Then they can take a mermaid back

  • @sirtreethachief dude that would also be pretty cool to have that option, say you didn't want to keep watching him/her to prevent them from escaping just make em walk the plank lol

  • @voodoo-ic0n i could see this more as a multiple Team Vs Game Mode as opposed to an open world ability to abduct other players which is exactly what will happen. people will try to catch as many other pirates as they can, and the system would get abused by more experienced players trapping new and younger players, effectively killing off the community.. however, with it Being a game mode, like Area Control, or Domination, or DeathMatch would make much more sense..

  • @squirtymcd1rty yes anyone who gets Brigged can log or disconnect and reconnect to friends but in that, there's still lost time. The point of the brake system is to punish the other team by taking a player out of the equation regardless of the amount of time or any workarounds it is a strategy enhancer when on the defensive.

  • @veden-wolfheart how can you troll?

    You can't force them into your brig... it can only happen if they get on your ship... strategically most people would try to sink the ship to free their crewmates rather than risk getting caught and thrown in the brig. Ultimately yes you could catch a whole crew, and they would have to log and find another server unless you free them. But that's what they get!

  • @thor-von-blitz yes, there are work arounds (loging and reloging in). But this helps to create strategy. Giving you extra time because you forced them to be a man down.

    It is a form a punishment but SoT is about risk and reward. They risk coming aboard, so they lose a guy but there are several ways to get them out also.

    The nay sayers tend to be the Pvpers who board ships and they don't like the idea of getting held up and being unsuccessful, especially the trolls. This gives the PvErs an in your face moment.

  • @flintlock-avery it wouldn't actually be abducting because they would have to get on your ship in order for them to get brigged. It wouldn't count if they were shot from your ship. Only if they were physically on your ship.

  • @voodoo-ic0n lol the more I read this the more I think it'll be funny and cause hilarious chaos in the game just imagine "AAGH, THERE COMING BACK! THEIR CLOSE!" guys on the island of a skull fort "OH S*** I DIED BY GP SKELLY!" other guy is still fighting skellys, guy downstairs watching person "OH SNAP! I'M COMING TO HELP" then prisoner starts pick locking the cell door and is almost done then his kidnappers hears it barely but too late and then rush down there only to be blasted/sliced by strategic movements and then escapes and rejoins crew.

    Commendation unlocked : "Escapist" or something like that lol.

  • I find this idea interesting. I like the concept.

    But I feel like it would throw the balance way off. I believe RARE has said they want there to be an equal balance between ship combat and individual combat.

    I personally love ship combat way more than individual combat. But there are times were boarding, dropping the enemies anchor, and killing or even just disrupting players attempting to repair and give your ship time to maneuver in and drill a few additional holes to get the win. There's already the risk that if I die, I have to load the Ferry of the Dang'd, wait for the door to open, run through, and wait for the second loading screen to get back to the action. Leaving my crew a man down for that duration. If that crew is paying attention it could be the moment I set foot on the deck because I am most certainly outnumbered. And that's if I even make it aboard, I also run the risk that their ship could take some evasive action and I miss their ladder and have to swim for a mermaid, leaving my crew a man down in the meantime.

    With the additional risk of being locked up, I would never board. Ever. And I feel like a lot of people would feel the same. Even for the most arrogant that believe they could kill the whole crew, they're fighting a battle where the enemy can keep coming but one wrong moves means you don't get to play the game any more until rescued. That's a huge risk that outweighs a lot of possible rewards from boarding.

    What I would think it would deter would be spawn camping, which would be nice. I've joined a couple open galleon crews that just seemed to be hunting parked sloops to deliberately outnumber and stand on their ship. There'd probably be less of that. Maybe... because a galleon crew would still be 3v2 if one dies and can just let the fourth out of the brig while the sloop crew respawns.

    Let's say you kill a dude on your ship. He doesn't load the ferry. He just goes straight to the brig. And then there's a timer that is only double the average time to go to and come back from the ferry. And then it releases him back to his ship. That might work.

    You'd also have to change how the brig works entirely. People wouldn't be able to shoot or slash in or out. Or use buckets (a full bucket of water saved for the most opportune time can sink a ship).

    Plus then you'd probably see times ships would brig their own people just to kill the people in the brig all over again...

  • I think thats a great idea because it then serves more of a purpose then just getting rid of teammates that cause problems but also so people figure out different was to kill people like said. And so more people who are going to be in sloops where no matter what happens no one will be in the brig and it renders useless but in the end I think it would be a great idea.

  • What if your a solo pirate how do u get out

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