Its not worth it to finish tall tales

  • The reward is way to small for all the stuf you need to do. I try not to spoil it but damn its not nearly enough gold at the end for all the stories you need to finish and they build up to.

  • 11
  • That will change in tomorrow's update

  • @bitesizeremo to quote a wise old pirate ' its not about the gold.. ITS ABOUT THE GLORY!' lol basically its just a fun story mode. its not about the money but they do give some and they even sprinkled in some really unique cosmetic rewards.

  • @bitesizeremo
    So you didn't enjoy the story at all? I see the gold as a bonus, not the reason for doing tall tales.

  • @bitesizeremo so I count it all together...all tall tales finishing 5 times...185.000 gold plus over 700.000 cosmetic-value, 885.000...let's make 900.000 out of it, because of loot that can be found

    900.000 ingame value is not worthit...maybe for you...

    Plus the experience of the journey itself...if that's not enough for you I'd say SoT is the wrong game for you, or gaming as a hobby itself

  • @BiteSizeRemo so how much do you want?
    Double? Tripple?
    Tell us what would you think is a fair reward for you.

    I can already speedrun Tale 9 in under 60minutes to get 10k.
    I dont do that, but regarding other players do it for sure it need to be balanced.
    Tale 7 is also doable very, very quick for 3000.
    And you can rinse and repeat it endlessly.

  • @bugaboo-bill sagte in Its not worth it to finish tall tales:

    I can already speedrun Tale 9 in under 60minutes to get 10k.

    Edit: solo from voting to finishing

  • The reward is the adventure. The Gold is a bonus.

  • @schwammlgott sagte in Its not worth it to finish tall tales:

    @bugaboo-bill sagte in Its not worth it to finish tall tales:

    I can already speedrun Tale 9 in under 60minutes to get 10k.

    Edit: solo from voting to finishing


  • @bitesizeremo The feeling of bringing back the Gold Hoarders skull (Did it a long time ago I’m not new) is just amazing. The gold doesn’t matter but the glory does. It is worth it just of the feeling of fight skeleton lords and going through the tricksters lair and fighting skeletons and exploring the shores of gold. Even sailing through the Red Sea for the first time is amazing. It is 100% worth it. Take it from someone who has actual willpower to complete and interesting story full of tricks and traps and fights and mazes and puzzles and paths.

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