Better gold curse they said...more like a curse to the player who equips it.

  • So before the recent update (Before 22nd of May) i had achieved the 100% completion of tall tales, unlocking the gold hoarders curse. On equipping it i actually quite liked it due to the solid gold eye and gold hands, the only downside was it covered my chest tattoo, but i could live with that.

    Now after the update, it looks like my character has had a run in with a golden goose's behind and come out worse than before. My one gold eye has gone, and has been replaced with a complete mess, my body looks like its had chunks ripped out of it, and overall just looks a lot worse.

    Now i remember they said they were going to make this curse look BETTER in one of their developer update videos, but in my eyes this looks horrific, is a complete downgrade and almost wants me to unequip it if it wasnt for its rarity.

    Lets hope Rares support team can do something otherwise the wait begins....



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  • @mr-dragon-raaar Yeah i also have 81/85 accomplishments which is impossible as the last 4 are rewards for everything else. Hopefully this is a bug (Along with the gold curse ;D) and they fix it next week.

  • I think you should be able to choose from a couple of randomized curses. I loved my curse before the update but now i'm taking it off.
    Rare really didn't think this true imo.

  • I know a lot of people hate the new Gold Hoarder curse but as for me, I love the look of it. But then again, I love lots of Gold, represents my greed as well.
    (Still haven't unlocked it, but only need to complete FotMS one more time and SoG four more times to get it, Revenge is finally done!)

  • It's a curse, not a beauty makeover.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar sagte in Better gold curse they said...more like a curse to the player who equips it.:

    To anyone that had completed Shores of Gold before this update is it still showing as 100%?
    I still have the curse (ugly though it is), figurehead and jacket but the commendations for these items are marked as locked.

    Is this the same for everyone and does it mean we have to complete it again (similar to some previous changes to commendations)?

    Ok...I didn't I don't know if I have this that today

  • My original curse looked amazing, I loved it. The one Rare has now giving me is awful and I hate it so much.

  • Same for me.
    My original curse pleased me very much, the generous one is ugly as hell and was unequipped the moment i logged in after the "hotfix".
    I dont know for the Jacket and other stuff, didnt try to equip it again, but i dont care tbh.

    I'm looking good without fancy stuff and only wear some old trousers, my day 1 eyepatch, the sharkbait scar and bonecrusher tattoo.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar I also have this "bug"

  • The sad part is that people wanted a better looking curse because they were, as always, frustrated.

    I prefer the random way. Now everyone looks the same and that's not what SoT cosmetics are about.

    We had something new that gave us the feeling of randomness and veriety in the game. I would love that to apply on much more curses and paintings rather than having the same thing than everybody else.

  • Many think that the new design is garbage and want the random design back but that's not gonna happend as everyone should have the same curse which will make everybody happy....or wait, right?

    Well, i liked my first curse better then this new one which you said (but with otherwords) like (a uglyword)

    My old one! (I loved it)

  • Just make it random each time you equip it. Don't like it? Take it off and put it on again till you do.

  • @phantaxus thanks so much this helps a lot!

  • @captaincool555 Ahoy me matey! Please check the date of the last comment before you add yours because any thread older than one month is deemed a necro and will be locked :)

    Fair winds!

    Dropping anchor :)

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