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Leia sobre as inclusões e os ajustes mais recentes do Sea of Thieves em nossas notas de lançamento periódicas.
4327 krakens
@takuboto 3645
2892 kraken(s)!
3405 krakens
4816 is the number of krakens that have been killed in that time frame.
My guess is... 4023!
3571 possibly
3125 Krakens be turnin to skeletons at the bottom of da seas
3125 Krakens be turnin' to skeletons on da' ocean floor tis'mornin'.
Probably 3500
@takuboto 3487
Im guessing 3670
2435 Krakens!
3008 krakens
1000 krakens
i would say 3467
2849 krakens
2311 because it's Krakens defeated, a lot more popped up
3201 :p kraken in 24h
I think it is 2137.
@takuboto I got 3,723
1,238 krakens died
Probably 2555
I think im to late but what the hell,
This Guess for Gold Competition is now closed for entries. We're now locking the thread so that get to work on going through your posts, and will announce our winner tomorrow!